Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Welcome to the Speedle thread CaRWash_Cutie you certainly have alot of will power if you can avoid looking at the spoiler boxes for Season 6 in this thread especially :p I think you could be the only one who's ventured in here and hasn't looked :lol:

If you enjoyed Speed in the early days of CSIM we have a lot of S1 and S2 goodness in here :D :D

Jeysus, think about it! In 2 months time we'll have Season 6 to discuss in here and we can have more Speedisms and polls and new dress shirts to swoon over OMG is it only just sinking in that TIM FECKIN SPEEDLE is Feckin' BACK If he does come back alive though and gets killed off a second time I'll be absolutely fuimin :mad: :mad: :mad:
welcome CaRWash_Cutie! i hop you enjoy it in here, and to-shay to you for being able to resist the spoilers, i definitely couldn't it ha.

i'm with you, June_85 if they kill him again thats going to suck. so bad. but if they do what can we say. atleast we finally get to see him on miami again. lets just hope that if they do go that route they kill him in a way cooler way, none of that lame-ass-shot-cuz-of-a-dirty-gun sort of way.
I just got the S1 DVDs last night and was re-watching "Cross-Jurisdictions" for like the 20th time... :lol: Anyway, good God, Speed looks like he's about 12 in that pilot epi... soooooo cute and all, but looks so young!!! Can't wait for S6 now...***counting down the minutes*** So Excited!!! :D
i just watched Hart's War. OMG!! great movie!!! and even though Rory had a somewhat small part and didn't have many lines it was still awesome!!! and i loved him with that little cat!! so cute! :D
June_85 said:
I'm sure no one ever reads my posts :lol: How many times have I posted about The Company being on the BBC :p

No date has been schedule for when it will be aired, but the BBC will definately be showing it. My guess it will be in the winter schedule.

Oh, and I much prefer Rorys lookin' all serious and moody - much more sexier I think :D

AW June I'm sorry! :( I must have not seen it! But, in my defence, I'm suffering form, er, Speed-deprivation? But, yay, BBC gets The Company!!!! *dances*

Oh, and I voted for:
Then, I'm going to arrest your cheap, tequilla-pushing ass, and have you spend the night in lockup with all the drunk-and-disorderlies, and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys. (Spring Break)
Well 'stole' is - is very negative. I - I had borrowed it, and I re - I replaced it. I put it back. (Lost Son)
:lol: Best lines ever! :lol:

Yay!!! More Speed! I can't wait for the dress shirts and dry wit!!! Although, if they bring him back just to kill him in a cooler way, then someone's getting their @$$ whooped! :angry: Buuuut, if they bring back for good reasons, then i love them! :lol: But, what I can't get is, what would entice Rory back? He has a successful movie career going on, so what could the Miami excecs. offer him to get him back? And how the hell are they gonna do it? :confused: Ok, so we didn't technically see the autopsy, but we saw him take his last breath for pity's sake. And if it's not a flashback, what does taht leave? Hallucinations/Dream/Ghost, right? In which case, if the take Option A-Hallucinations, then one of the team memebers has to sorta go mad so that it can work, which means they'de be taken off duty for a while. Option B-Dream, I just can't see that working, myself. And Option C-Ghost, we'll, i don't fancy Dead Speed wandering the halls wearing talcolm powder and a sheet, really. *sigh* I can see this heading for a sucky end...
Edited by Mod because Spoiler Code wasn't working

Ok, more pics! This time, from 2x22 'Rap Sheet'!

Oh yes almost one week here in America until The Company premiers. It'll be interesting seeing Rory talk in Russian. Not sure if anyone else has posted this but Rory was interviewed about the show. Here's the link to it
i watched Harts War also. well technically its still on so i'm still watching it ha. but yeah its great. i don't get how this movie didn't get the recognition it deserves.
and thanks for the pics CSIVegasMiamiNY! hes so cute, in that little lab coat :p
thanks for the interview that_girl1 , and p.s i love your avatar!
interesting interview....i can't wait to see the mini-series!!! *dances* oh! thanks for the pics CSIVegasMiamiNY!!
Haha in the third pic he looks like a pimp! :lol: He looks so cute and so innocent in these pics. He has a different look.
*waves* Hey everyone! It's been forever, but thought I'd check in...

With all these Spoiler boxes, it looks like something's going on, and that's kinda... exciting! :)

He's coming BACK?!? At last? really? Wow... That's gonna be awesome, I'll have to make that day down in my calendar!
Thanks for the interview! Aw, he looks like a pimp! :lol: I can't wait for The Company in the UK, but I bet we have to wait aggggges! *grumbles*

He looks weird with no c**p in his hair! It's so...weird! :lol:
^^ Yes!! That’s how he looks like a baby Speedle! But I like the unshaven, curly haired, button-up shirt Speed better! :D
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