Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, the top eight Speedisms (four from each season). You can vote for two. When the poll ends, I will put up the top Three for voting.
I'm sure no one ever reads my posts :lol: How many times have I posted about The Company being on the BBC :p

No date has been schedule for when it will be aired, but the BBC will definately be showing it. My guess it will be in the winter schedule.

Oh, and I much prefer Rorys lookin' all serious and moody - much more sexier I think :D
thanks for the bigger pics!
i can not wait to see this movie its going to be so good.
also thanks for the baby speedle pics, aww look at how young he was!
i agree with everyone i like when hes got the 'serious' look on his face. the smile is quite lovely too but the poutish look is ust so yummy.
i voted Then, I'm going to arrest your cheap, tequilla-pushing ass, and have you spend the night in lockup with all the drunk-and-disorderlies, and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys. (Spring Break) and You got Tourrettes or something?

oh and *pst* DragonflyDreamer. the turrets one is from Hard Time not Dead Zone. just so you know!
:lol: I know. But by the time I realized it, it was too late to change it. Can't edit polls. But thanks for pointing it out anyway.
I voted for "Well 'stole' is - is very negative. I - I had borrowed it, and I re - I replaced it. I put it back." & "I love hotel rooms. Body fulids everywhere."
I voted for Then, I'm going to arrest your cheap, tequilla-pushing ass, and have you spend the night in lockup with all the drunk-and-disorderlies, and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys. (Spring Break) and Sorry, next time I'll ask the victim to die in one spot (Wannabe).

It was such a tough decision, but I went for the more sarcastic ones rather than the outright hilarious ones. :D I just think the one he said in 'Wannabe' was very 'Speedle' of him, so it was a real favorite for me.

And the 'Spring Break' one was a great quote to showcase an irritated Speedle. :devil: He just says what we're all thinking and I think it's an excellent quality to have in a character. I might have gone too much in-depth of it but these are the Semi-Finals so they deserve it.

*Edit: Random thought time. :D

I was sitting in my sister's room today and we were discussing the latest Speed spoilers. It's kind of funny, this time three years ago we were in the same spot talking about Speed's supposed death. :lol: I kind of felt like I'd stepped into an alternate universe, talking about his 'return'. *huggles this thread* Thank goodness it hasn't died off.
Hi guys! *waves* I'm a newly converted Speed lover and I was hoping I could join in on the party!

I've been watching seasons 1 and 2 of Miami again recently, and I love the dry comic relief that Speed provides. Seasons 3,4,and 5 are really missing out on it.

I haven't spoiled myself for season six, but from all the activity in spoiler boxes in here recently, something must be going on! Can'r wait to find out!
Welcome, CaRWash_Cutie Come in have some Speedle shaped fruit snacks and just sit back & enjoy Speed & all his Speedisms! :lol: Just a heads up there is going to be alot of spoiler boxes! :)
welcome to the world of Speed fans, CaRWash_Cutie! hope you have fun here.

i voted for "well 'stole' is-is very negative" and "You got tourettes or something?" you gotta love it!
I voted for his chewing out of the guy on the beach in "Spring Break" and "Next time I'll ask him to die in one spot." So hard to choose from so many great lines!
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