Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yeah I agree with breaking it up...although-man alive how am I meant to choose between them???*starts thinking already*

Yeah I have to agree that 'Lost Son' I yell at the tv...EVERYTIME!!!!and yeah I totally agree about the music...I always find music really hard hitting and that eppy they made perfect choices in my opinion. yea speed_cochrane I heard that commentary where they said they filmed it talking too...always wondered if there was a copy of the 'alternative' flowing around??would like to have seen it....could imagine a gag reel from that too tho...

Alexx emotional washes Rory's body, sniffing to show tears...then stands over the body

Alexx: Oh Timmy...why didn't you just clean your gun...Oh Timmy a moments silence and then

Rory springs up *laughing* Sorry hun but you washed me it really tickled and man that waters cold!!!

:lol: would be funny
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i like how you have the quotes split up. looks fine to me.
great pics calleighspeed that smile. and the 2nd pic is just one of my all time favorites.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Great pictures everybody! Keep 'em coming. Oh and Happy Birthday to SpeedDemon and anyone else I may have missed.

Sorry to be jumping in so late, but I haven't posted in awhile (or so it feels like) and I'm a bit stir crazy. Anyhoo, my point is that I really enjoyed the music choices from Lost Son. I have "Where is my Boy" on my iPod and for awhile I couldn't listen to it just because of the association. It would just make me so incredibly sad.

And though it sucks that Rory is no longer on the show, I must say bravo to him for such an excellent performance in LS. I mean he even fakes death beautifully.

Rory is such an incredible actor. It's such a shame he doesn't get the credit he deserves.

Oh and Megan, the quote looks perfectly fine to me.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i agree completely. hes way underrated as an actor. hes been incredible in everything i've seen him in yet he still doesn't get the credit hes so deserving of.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Sad, but true. Rory is so under appreciated. But we appreciate him, don't we? And to prove it, here's the poll :)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

so many great speedisms to choose from, i almost don't what to pick ha.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

hey ladies,

thanks for the info about the songs!
I recognized amazing grace but doesn't it turn into another song, or is it just a melancholic melody?

know what I do everytime I watch "Lost Son"?
before speed an horatio step into that damn jewellery store, H talks to Speed about getting a car, having a family .... and Speed says he's got enough time for that ...
I can't help but whisper: no you don't ... :(

why couldn't that damn killer have troubles with his gun? :mad:

a great weekend to all of you!!!! :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

before speed an horatio step into that damn jewellery store, H talks to Speed about getting a car, having a family .... and Speed says he's got enough time for that ...
I can't help but whisper: no you don't ...
Yeah, I get mad at him for saying that. I mean, really, tv characters should know that if they say something like that, something really bad is going to happen :rolleyes:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

lelaina said
thanks for the info about the songs!
I recognized amazing grace but doesn't it turn into another song, or is it just a melancholic melody?

Most often during an episode, the editors will add a composition made by musicians for the show. It's like on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, John M. Keane wrote a lot of the instrumentals for CSI, but it wasn't music you could actually go and find. I think the same may have happened for CSI:Miami during 'Lost Son'. They had a real song, and then they added their own music onto it to create a different feel for the ending scene.

I hope that makes some sense. :lol:

^ I was also annoyed at the hints during Lost Son. We had Horatio saying that someday he may need something with doors (Although I had never really connected that with Speed eventually having a family. Good observation!) and then there was Calleigh who said "I may kill Speedle." That kind of thing just boils my blood. :rolleyes:

By the way, I had to pick the two parts of the 'Spring Break' Speedism. I'm sorry, but those are the best freckin' lines in the entire series. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yeah, that was a good scene. Speed was awsome. It really was a hard choice this time around. Speed should've had more scenes like that. I love it when he gets... annoyed :D

(Although I had never really connected that with Speed eventually having a family. Good observation!)
That's what I always thought. I'm not sure what else H would have meant by it.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I always thought he was referring to how Speed was getting older and he'd have to trade in his bike for something more conservative. :lol: -- Not sure why I didn't pick up on the family thing. Maybe I was too mad to care. :p
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Because of 'Lost Son' and other such shows where they do things like that- make a huge deal of what a character is going to do, maybe they get maried or settle down- and then you just thing- "Grim Reaper!" I can almost pick out who's gonna die from the episode. And when I watch 'Lost Son' now I always feel like yelling "Horatio! Send him to the ER! They can revive him like they did Eric!"

Or maybe H just could have jumped in front of Speed and done something superheroic. The bullets probably would have bounced off anyway! :lol:

*sigh* All this Speed death talk is makiing me sad. *goes off to fanfics for comfort*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i never got the connection about the doors meaning he would one day have a family, i thought like Geni did just that he was getting older and might not want to be a 50 year old man on a motorcycle ha

lost son always makes me sad, i loathe all those little hints they put in the episode as to who was the one getting killed. and i know i've said this but it just irks me i hate how since lost son and and calleigh calls him speedle. she never called him that the 1st two season, ever.

awww sad rory *goes to bake him cookies*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

*helps fo_poozle to bake Rory some cookies* can they be heart shaped? oooh....or ones with M&M's in them? :lol:

Anyways...... I'm getting Emprie Records on DVD :D From Ebay. But I'm also getting CSI:MIAMI S2 and Bones S1 so I'm very happy :p
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