Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

of course they can, as long as we make snickerdoodles too. cuz theres no way he can be deprived of the doodle goodness ;)

how awesome empire records=best movie ever your going to love it.
miami, is a given got to love that, as for bones i've never seen that but i hear it awesome too.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

awwwwww yeah those hints were soooooo frustrating but now watching they make me real emotional-I mean I have to have a box of tissues during the whole eppy now-forget the jewerally store....and the 'Speedle' calling thing grrrrrrrr :grr: but we won't go back there

awwww Speedism they are 2 of my fav eppys ever-I tried to vote again for different ones-but it find me out!!!

I sooooooooo need to get rory films-found 2nd half of season 2 for £16.97-half price...but damn real life I still couldn't even afford that....:( any spare cookies going??
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I see you've all gone full circle now ladies and returned once again to the controversial topic of 'Lost Son' :lol:

It like every 5 or so pages the topic pops up again lol

I'm not getting myself involved in LS convos anymore as I've erased it from my memory :p :p

Happy Belated Birthday SpeedDemon!!! :D :D Hope you had a lovely day!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I was really annoyed at the so-called "dropped hints" that it was going to be Tim who was about to be killed off. I did make the family connection though with the four doors comment when I first heard it. Though the other connection was very good too. I didn't think of that...not sure why.

Considering that most of the world has heard of iPods and iTunes, I was wondering if iTunes has RAYD (or would eventually get it)? I wouldn't mind purchasing it and d/l'ing it to my iPod. I've lost hope of Lionsgate ever releasing it in the US any time soon.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Annoying isn't it? with all the different regioin DVD players, why can't one shoe fit all? :rolleyes:

60% of Rorys Films are only Region 1 so I'm f**ked :rolleyes: :lol:

Although I have to say the USA Itunes is alot more advanced that the UK version. Not a peep of tv shows/fims being eligable for download over here :rolleyes: The furthest it goes are Podcasts and Music Videos :rolleyes:

When I've had time to kill I've had a toot around the USA Itunes and there is soooooooooo much more than our crappy version :rolleyes: by the time we can download films and what not America will probable be on voice activated Ipods and allsorts haha

Anyhow don't mind me I'm a little too over excited today, I'm going watchin The Killers tonight, :D :D :D <3 for Brandon!!!! :D :D :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

^ I do know that RAYD is available on the internet to purchase, so it might have found it's way to Itunes by now. :) I really enjoyed the movie though, so it's worth the money. (But I generally like to keep an open mind about Independant Films anyway, as some people might find that it's not their cup of tea)

SincerelyInDenial said
I did make the family connection though with the four doors comment when I first heard it. Though the other connection was very good too. I didn't think of that...not sure why.

I guess different interpretations can be formed depending on how one understands the scene. :) (Not to say of course that someone didn't understand the scene over another person, because that's not the case) I think it's really neat how some of us thought of that scene in a different light. I didn't like that subtle hint, but I did like the idea of Horatio thinking that Speed might one day have a family.

June_85 said
I see you've all gone full circle now ladies and returned once again to the controversial topic of 'Lost Son' :lol:

:lol: I guess we can't help it. Oh and congrats on seeing The Killers tonight. ;)

^ Ouch, it sucks that a lot of the Rory movies aren't Region 2. I hate that the DVD companies don't aknowledge any other countries than the US and Canada for a lot of the DVDs. Europe and Asia have such a huge following for a lot of the US-made products.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yeah its definately frustrating although I guess I can't moan too much, we are hardly like Outta Mongolia over here in Ole Blighty :lol: we have more than our fair share of...well of everything, just usually a lil bit behind North America.

OMG have you seen Britney Spears hair? *sorry for going *OT* then *I just glanced my eyes at the telly that very second and saw a bald britney :shocked: OMG I've taken aback there a little bit, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me :lol: :confused:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Bald? Well with all the time she spends with Paris, maybe they shaved it off...sorry for being off-topic everyone.

Anyways, as you've noticed, CSIM is the #1 show in the world, and it's not because of the US, it's because of the world. It's not even close to the #1 show in the US, it's like #5. So why the hell, looking at something like that, wouldn't they release it in Europe and Asia, becase like Geni said, they have a huge following for American stuff. :D So I agree with you all on that one.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Its not the Number 1 show here either, it's not even top 20 LOL, well maybe it might scrap in 20 on odd weeks, First runs get around 3 million viewers. The highest rating tv shows are the UK based serial dramas and they get 12/13 million viewers.

American shows never get high ratings over here, they don't do too bad, they get enough to remain on air over here but they do nothing special. The Friends Finale got 10 million viewers (UK population is 58 Million) so 10 million is alot and that was top 3 the week it was aired, but that was a one off.

I think the highest rated US show over here atm is CSI:LV and House when its on
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

*pops into the itunes store to see if RAYD s available*
now that you've got that in my mind i have to check and see if its available ha. i've completely given up on it being released here too, and i really wanted to see it.

we do discuss lost son quite a bit in here, but thats just because were frustrated over teh whole thing. they need to just give us back our speedle and all things will be good.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Only snowbirds would be dumb enough to park way out here


Then, I'm going to arrest your cheap, tequila-pushing ass and have you spend the night in lockup with all the drunk-and-disorderlies, and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys

classic Speed.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

ok so i figured something out today and thought I'd share. Did anyone ever notice that when they show Rory's name in the credits that it evloves from a math equation and I finally figured it out: (3h)+(7h)=6

I watch too much CSI:Miami
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

ha i never noticed that before. great job on figuring out the math problem no way in hell i ever would have been able to :lol:

classic speed is rightcalleighspeedle that whole scene in spring break is speed at his greatest. some of the best dialogue on the whole series of you ask me.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Agreed! Spring Break was one of his better episodes :D Best dialogue, for sure.
Since the poll ends soon, we may as well get started on the next one. Freaks and Tweaks and Body Count. The end of season one!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Freaks and Tweaks!!

Okay this one isn't really a Speedism but I love it:

"Standard Canadian Maple" :lol: You don' thave to add that if you don't want to. Anyway, onward with the Speedisms!

"At least something's in our favour" (Or was it 'one thing'..Not sure, might have to check)
"It's a priority"

And then there's Body Count!

"You might want to mention that the next time you're up for a promotion."
"I got here on time."
"Busy with the left hand?"

:lol: Gosh I love Speed. And I had noticed that equasion evolution in the opening credits, but I had forgotten it. Thanks for telling us what it was SpeedleCSIMiami! :)
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