I always try and introduce my 'out there' celeb crushes graduly, Its my poor work collegues that get the full brunt of it haha
They always think I go for weird choices, I'm like just coz I don't swoon @ Brad Pitt or George Clooney or Jude Law, I mean how boring every liking the same folk, varitey is the spice of life,
They already think I'm bloody weird with the amount of CSI I watch:Vegas Miami and NY LOL, I've marked my diary @ work on the 30thJan/3rd Feb for new LV and NY haha I don't think their quite ready for all My Roryness yet, I've told only one of them so far, they others will learn along the way haha.
Ooooooooo British folk, incase ya didn't know 'Wannabe' is on LivingTV tonight @ 9pm