Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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*errrr not impressed that when I went to submit this post the board went into routine maintanence, good job I copied it lol*

I was hoping my Right At Your Door DVD to arrive Saturday morning :-( as it was posted on the 11th Jan, but I hadn't got it, but It should be waiting for me when I get home!!!

I think I'm gonna hold off watching it yet though till Weds night.
I have my Pratical Driving Test on Weds and if I pass I'll treat myself to a nice Rory Film fest on Wednesday evening

I am totally obessed with reading Speedle fics, I musta read about 100 or so now. Although I cannot obide reading Slash fics it just DOES NOT do it for me AT ALL.

Also glad I'm not the only one who see's the Ricky Ponting thing hehe, I would watch the cricket in Australia on Sky SPorts but stayin up though the night does not appeal to me haha
happy belated b'day speedmonkey :)

and i have just bought right at your door! :) can't wait to watch it later. hope your all okay and i loved the story fo poozle! :)

I've just finished watching RAYD, I knew I couldn't wait until Wednesday. It was there sitting on my bed when I walked home from work and it was just calling out to me lol.

It was an alright film, I've seen better, but I've seen alot worst. TBH I didn't watch the thing for the storyline *cough* I'd give it a 6/7 out of 10.

Despite being very unruly looking in the film, Mr Cochrane still looks rather dishy. I was getting very jealous at the begining when he climed on top of Lexi in bed and attempted to undress her for a bit of lovin' but she pushed him away *daft cow* Slight bit of chest porn aswell for Mr Cochrane

There is alot of effing and jeffing in the film, Brad can't go a sentence bout sayin Effing this effing that you mother effer LOL. Although in that situation I'd be pretty much the same

I wasn't upset at the end or anything coz I knew it was coming coz I read all the spoilers on IMDb.com haha
ooooo making me want to watch it-but I'm meant to be raising money for a trip to Mongolia, so unless my friends are feeling in creditably generous...see Mr Cochrane's chest will have to wait!!

ooooo all the best for driving test June_85
You don't see that much of his chest, just when he's stood fully clothed in the bath pooring some sort of bleech on him he pulls his top up, its a decent eyeful though.

I wouldn't put Mongolia in my top 5 holiday destinations lol, are you goin for an education trip?

Thank you for your best wishes re: Driving Test, the words Brick and Shitting come to mind lol
Oooohh. Not fair. I want to see RAYD. I don't want to wait :(

Also, I'll probably put up the next Speedism poll tomorrow. I'm not feeling organized enough to do it right now :p
ooooooo looking forward to the next poll!!!!

Mongolia-Christian mission trip-they really want teachers and teaching so were going, but need about another £800 by Feb!!!:( ekkkkk!!!!!!!!But hopefully I will be able to say come April-I've actually been to outer Mongolia!impressive eh??

Eyeful is decent enough.....actually seeing anything with Rory is a total pleasure! ;)

which number test is it??by test number 6 the nerves start to subside-thats the time I past!!you'll be fine
Aw, thanks Geni for offering to make me a banner :D and hey, your banners aren't rubbish ;) I'd love it if someone made one for me, then I wouldn't feel so out of place in here, lol. Extra brownies are available if the banner contains Speed pics from the scene in Mia/NYC Nonstop where he's wearing that deliciously hot black shirt whilst processing the crime scene :devil: :)

I went to see RAYD last summer when it came out at the cinema. I thought it was ok, but I found the plot dragged too much in the middle because nothing really seemed to happen, apart from Rory in the house swearing around a lot. I think if Rory hadn't been in it, I wouldn't have gone to see it.

Glad you got to see it June, and good luck with the driving test :) *hugs Megan because she has to wait* :(

ETA: Great birthday story fo_poozle :D made me giggle when I read it this morning :lol:
:lol: Ashley, your story cracked me up! :lol:
Oh my gosh, Im so excited!!! I just saw the first advert for RAYD on DVD, and its at Woolwerths, which is a mondo cheap shop, and gah!!!! Must. Get. Money!!!

*sigh* well, now thats outta the way, I shall just say, did I hear browinies??? Hmmm, Im just gonna, er, fix this thing, er, over here *runs off to make wibbs a banner so she gets brownies!* :lol:

ETA: Edited because Im a doofus and can't remeber peoples names! *Sorry wibbs! :(
CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
*runs off to make Geni a banner so she gets brownies!* :lol:


Lol, don't you mean wibbs, Jemma? :lol:

Yeah, Woolies is a good place for getting dvds cheap. You could also try supermarkets like Tesco and Sainsbury's, as they're often cheap too :)
Wow, nice pics callighspeedle and man oh man, tahts quite some beard! :lol: But he still looks yum, so I don't care! :D Im such a simple creature!

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