Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D, When We Have Speed'

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Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

fo_poozle said:
hes a skinny man, NOT fat like my friends like to say

And even if he was (and he's so not), I just say there is more of him to love! :D

Oh and can I get in on this whole chaining ourselves to him brigade? I know how to knit, so in case anyone gets cold during a shift... there's a blanket to cuddle next to Rory with. ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

of course you can! the more the merrier i say. i tried to learn how to knit once..it didn't go over so well :lol:
i agree, a little chubbiness is cute! and great for cuddles.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

SpeedDemon, and Ashley, thanks for those wonderful pictures. :)

Firstly, all my friends say Rory's fat too, and I can't understand why. It must be because they see the chubby cheeks and slight beer belly under all that dress shirt, but you know what? No one's perfect and Rory is no exception to that rule. It's what makes him more appealing. You know, the fact that he's human. :p My friends don't seem to understand that no one has to be Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. (Although I'm not very partial to both of them anyway. :rolleyes:)

I have a question for y'all. If this was around the 2003/04 mark, and you had the opportunity to go visit the Miami set, and be a guest star in which Speed/Rory had to interrogate you, what would happen as soon as you sat down and the cameras started rolling?

I'll give my answer a little later when everyone has had the chance to either get completely confused with this question, or answer it. ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

God, I miss Speed SO MUCH. The show isn't the same without him.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

that is so true. i prefer to watch the reruns or my dvds from S1&2 than the current Eps. it will be really nice to see him back on the show. *sighs*
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I have a question for y'all. If this was around the 2003/04 mark, and you had the opportunity to go visit the Miami set, and be a guest star in which Speed/Rory had to interrogate you, what would happen as soon as you sat down and the cameras started rolling?

Wow Geni, that's a great question! And I'm not quite sure how to answer it. I think I'd be too busy staring at him to do much else! :lol: but seriously, let me think about it a bit, then I'll come back and give a better answer.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I guess I'll give my answer now, just because I've been thinking about it all day. :lol:

Alright, well I'd probably sit down and when the cameras start rolling, I'd start laughing. I'm not sure why but I've always been a tad giggly in front of cameras. Of course the added presence of Rory would probably make me cry. :lol: Good thing the scene would probably require that I cry for some reason.

Knowing me, during the scene I'd yell "CAN I HAVE A HUG!" And then Rory would be staring at me like I've lost my mind. :p And even though the director would tell me to cut it out, I'd screw up the lines intentionally just to make that man crack a smirk. :devil:

Plus bloopers are always fun.

Anyway, I gave a little idea of what would happen if I was in there. Fan girl galore. I probably wouldn't be able to keep a straight face in there while Rory stood there. *sigh*
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I've always been a very calm person. I'm really not the type to go all 'fangirl'... but then, I've never met Rory in person. So, while I'd like to think I'd be able to keep my cool and act normal around him, there's no garuntee. Also, I've always loved acting, and have spent a bit of time of stage. Acting on camera would be much different, I think, but I'd still like to think I could be professional about it. But... again, no guaruntees. I mean, this is Rory we're talking about, so at first (at the very least) I'd be very nervous around him. Once I'd worked up my courage, though, I'd probably ask him for a hug too :lol:
But seriously, if I found out that I was going to act in a scene with him, I think I'd FREAK!!
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I'm bad enough arroud men I fancy and thats without A) them being Rory and B) being infront of a camera.......
I would like to lie and say I would be very cool and calm but the truth is I would probably faint/ cry/ laugh uncontrollably. Or most likely all three at once
Oh, and ask for a hug of course!
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

thats a great question. i'd probably get all shy. i tend to be very shy and quiet when i first meet people. and to be honoest i'd probably just stare at himfor a minute and ask for a hug too :p but to be honest who knows what would happen since its rory cochrane and he'd be right in front of me and that would be completely awesome.

and thanks for sharing the pics! there awesome!
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Well, first off let me start by saying that I used to be one of those teenagers who would stand in front of MTV on TRL. I've met a few celebrities and have acted like a) a total fool, b)very calm and composed and c)tried to be composed and eloquent and then have made a fool of myself by falling down/doing some other klutzy thing (which did happen when I met one of the guys from 2ge+her).

Anyway, if this scenario ever did happen, I end up probably doing choice C. I'd act profressional but something would happen that would ruin it and I'd be so embarressed, I'd cry. At the very least, in between takes, I'd end up blurting out something that I wouldn't normally say aloud or would probably only share here on this thread. And of course, it would probably go along the lines of "...there's this poll about whether us fans are pro-chest hair or anti-chest hair."

And then of course, I'd wish for an earthquake, that way the ground can open up and swallow me whole.

Oh yeah, I would totally ask for a hug too.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Hmmm...what an excellent question there, Geni. Knowing me and how I'll be all nervous one second and then my adrenaline will get pumping and I'll get all excited.

Speed/Rory: So you want to tell me then why you were at his apartment?
Me: I already told you
Speed/Rory: Yeah, you did. But you lied *leans arms against table*
Rory: *looks at prouducer*
Prouder: Alright, lets do it again

Seriously I do that all the time. I just randomly shout things. And I think right after that Rory would have ran and hide in his trailer. Even I would be afraid of what I would do next. lol.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

casn i just say how jealous i am that you met 2gether i LOVED them when i was like 14, ahh the late 90's <3

and your scenario made me chuckle super hard speedmonkey. the producers would be mental if they ever hired me. and actress i am not. but hugs are good. and i didn't mention this before but i'd probably ask him what cologne he wears, hopeing he smells good. and wears deoderant unlike his friend matty maconaheyhey.
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