Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D, When We Have Speed'

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Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

*peeks in* hey guys sorry for not posting so long

that makes sense thumpy actually that is exactly what i was thinking ... sometimes people who know that they are attractive start to show off and become conceited ... rory isn't like that and that's one of the things i love about him ...

well i'm definitely pro-chest-hair *stares at fo_poozle's icon ... drools*
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I love your new icon Ashley. What´s the name of the font you used ?

Oh yeah. i´m definitely pro chest-hair :D
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I've decided since the Carmine thread had a poll for this, we might as well have one! :lol: Plus, it might be fun. :p It's about time we had a poll in here. And when it says 'men', I really mean Rory. I just forgot to add his name. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I think the fact that he doesn't seem to be aware of just how attractive he is, is actually what makes him that much more hotter to me. Does that make sense? I mean, I don't care how gorgeous a guy is, if he comes off as full of himself, he becomes unattractive to me.
I know exactly what you mean, Thumpy. I agree. If a guy knows he's hot, and exploits that fact, he becomes less hot. It's better that they don't know.

Oh, and as for the chest hair, I vote NO!!! :lol: It just... I don't know... I just really don't like it.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Hmmmm I'll give ya 3 guesses to what my answer was. lol. Seriously I'd go into detail about why I don't like the chest hair but that should strictly be a msn conversation or I'd get hit by that meter thing people have warned be about.

But what I can see here is that I think its just gross looking. Like I guess a little isn't all that bad but when its like every friggin inch of your chest....ew. I mean why bother wearing a shirt just walk around with your chest hair. *sighs* Now that i've ranted a little.....great idea Geni.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

:lol: Katie you crack me up, you really do. It probably doesn't help that Rory's not wearing a shirt in a lot of the projects that he's done. Well, I can make a list too. I love lists.

He was shirtless in:

Lost Son ...Ish.
A Scanner Darkly
The Prime Gig
Black and White
The Last Don
And I think we saw some chest in Sunset Strip.

I'm not sure about Dogtown, The Low Life, or Southlander seeing as I've never seen those movies. If anyone else has, fill us in. ...And I've just realized this is a very sad topic. :lol: Ah well, it's good to know if you want to either steer clear of those movies, or rent them. (Not that it should matter, it's Rory either way. ;))

And I'll agree with what Megan, and Jenn said about actors who think they're all that and attractive. I think Rory's like the rest of us. He might think he's ugly, (I don't know though, because I've never asked him) therefore it makes him more attractive. :p
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I love this poll

Of course the first YES vote is mine :D

When did we see him shirtless in The last Don ? I can´t remember that :confused:

Edit: Of course. The BATHTUBE scene with the stupid hat. :lol: How could i forget
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

When he was in the tub smoking a cigar. ;) I'll have to find a picture of that....

And on a sidenote, I voted yes as well. :p
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Now that i remember i have a picture of course

Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I think Rory's like the rest of us. He might think he's ugly, (I don't know though, because I've never asked him) therefore it makes him more attractive.
:lol: Note to self: Next time I see Rory walking down the street, ask him how he feels about his looks :lol:

So, big news (well, for me anyway). I was at work, and we got a shipment of discount dvds to sell (why we're selling dvds at a grocery store, I have no idea), and I was sorting through them, and putting them on the display table thingy in the back room, when I came across one called Fathers and Sons and I thought to myself, hey, didn't Rory do a movie with that name? and I looked at the case, and sure enough, there was his name. And the dvd only cost Three Dollars!!! Unfortunately, they aren't in our system yet, so I can't buy it! But I hid it in the back of the pile so no one else will find it :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

:lol: You honestly think anyone else is going to walk in, yell "OMG FATHERS AND SONS!" and take it from your hands? :lol:

...Well I would. But we don't live in the same province.

Chez said
Edit: Of course. The BATHTUBE scene with the stupid hat. How could i forget :lol:

See what happens when we post at the same time? :lol: Gah, I hate that. Anyway, I'm glad you remembered the scene because that picture is HEAVENLY...And not because he has a cross around his neck. :devil: ...Sorry the catholic in me is seeping out. Ahem. *runs away*
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

... Hey, it could happen. Of course, the display won't even be out on the main floor until tomorrow... :rolleyes: I can't be the only Rory obsessed person in the entire city. Well... actually, I wouldn't be surprised if I am. How sad.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

*hugs* I'm sure you're not. :) But man do I ever want to go to your store now. I don't think any store in my city has even HEARD of Fathers & Sons. :(
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Well hey, you're welcome to visit :lol:
I think I'm going to make my friends watch some Rory movies when they come visit for Christmas. I will make them love him. Then I won't be the only Rory fan... until they go back home... But I know my one friend is going to love Sunset Strip. I can't wait to show it to her.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

SincerelyInDenial said:
Welcome Annie!

i thought i would leave some pics of the godly one....

Quick question though - are you pro chest hair or anti chest hair on Rory? :D I figured I'd get that out there, hehe. And I agree with everyone, you will definitely fit in quite nicely.

Ashley , thanks for the wonderful pictures as well.

Ooooh def pro chest hair! i do like a bit of hair on a man! and even better if they have just a hint of stubble....

dragonflydreamer..sorry i don't know your name, and about the crazy...i think i will be okay, i go on stereophonics forum and it gets very crazy in there too in a certain thread. generally its because i have started it off :lol: but yeah i think i will be okay. i alaways have Rory to protect me if things get too bad! :lol:
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