Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D, When We Have Speed'

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Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

:eek: SpeedDemon, quite a way to make an impression in here! :D I really love the third picture, and the last picture Hee. And I must say, it's great to have another Speed fan around here because we seem to be a rare breed of Miami fan. :lol:

*hugs* I get the feeling you'll fit in nicely. :)
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

hi! and welcome SpeedDemon!
love the pics especially the last 2. our boy is so pretty!
i hope you'll stick around and chat with us speed freaks.

Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

WELCOME SpeedDeamon! Love the pictures! That is always a good way to make a first impression. I'm so excited, I love new Speed fans, because there aren't very many of us who still post here. Although I usually do lurk. I was excited about you when Geni (Speed_Cochrane) told me that there was a new Speed fan.

So anyway, my name is Wyoming but you can call me Jess or you know, if you want to flatter me you can always call me Mrs. Cochrane lol just kidding. I'm very glad you're here and I hope you'll find that this is exacly where you fit in! :D
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Hi Annie!!!
I'm a bit of a lurker too, I always check this thread but rarely ever post anything
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

awww thanks everyone, i get the feeling i am gonna like it here, and yes i am a huge speed fan! can't get enough of this man! ... i will have more pics soon for you all, once i get them all up on my photobucket...it may take a while...theres lots! :lol: but ah its so worth it.

Jess, I can't call you Mrs Cochrane...that positions already been taken up by me! :D okay i know im dreaming there! :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

this thread is the place to be. if i may be bold, i would say this is the best thread in the miami forums. of course i might be a little biased considering the fact its a rory centric thread. anyways, how bout some more pics?
hes got the cutest lil nose
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Hi Annie! Welcome, and thanks for the pics :eek: They're awsome!
And I think everyone in this thread would love to be called Mrs. Cochrane :lol:
Just a warning, we can be a bit crazy in here, but don't let that scare you away! From the sounds of things, you'll fit in just fine ;)
Oh, and by the way, I'm Megan :)
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Speed Demon those pics are great and a big welcome from me I hope you enjoy chatting with us Speed freaks. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Welcome Annie!

i thought i would leave some pics of the godly one....

Hehe, you're right on the money with that. Thanks for all the lovely pictures. My penname is rather long, so you can just call me Kas.

Quick question though - are you pro chest hair or anti chest hair on Rory? :D I figured I'd get that out there, hehe. And I agree with everyone, you will definitely fit in quite nicely.

Ashley , thanks for the wonderful pictures as well.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

:eek: :eek: Well if you haven't influenced her, you've influenced me! :eek:

...But I was already pro-chest hair. :lol: :p

Great pics, they sure liven things up around here. I really love that first one though. Look how much ...Um...Stubble he has. :devil:
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

i do enjoy his chest hair and his stubble his stubble is very yummy. i could just lick his face. i wouldn't unless he was into that sort of thing but thast a conversation for another time...and i'd rather not scare you all ha
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Welcome again, SpeedDemon...and what an entrance you made! ;) Loved the pics, thanks so much for sharing them, the last one was especially tasty.

SincerelyInDenial said:
Quick question though - are you pro chest hair or anti chest hair on Rory? I figured I'd get that out there, hehe. And I agree with everyone, you will definitely fit in quite nicely.

:lol: I love it that one of the first things we want to know about any new members is their stance on Rory's chest hair.

I'm pro chest hair, btw. ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I swear there's a picture party going on in here... so I'm gonna join in (and also because I never post any, ack):

So sexy, it hurts

Does he know how hot he is? I mean I know there are people who know that they're hot and exploit it, but I'm not sure if he knows that he's hot enough to induce heart attacks.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

SincerelyInDenial said:
Does he know how hot he is? I mean I know there are people who know that they're hot and exploit it, but I'm not sure if he knows that he's hot enough to induce heart attacks.

Yummy pic! :D

I think the fact that he doesn't seem to be aware of just how attractive he is, is actually what makes him that much more hotter to me. Does that make sense? I mean, I don't care how gorgeous a guy is, if he comes off as full of himself, he becomes unattractive to me.
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