Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D, When We Have Speed'

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Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Oh My God! I swear I have those exact same headphones as he's wearing in that pic! *creepy music* Wow, I was channeling Speed when I bough those babies.
That is a b-e-a-utiful pic. :D

Does anyone know what he's working on now? *is too lazy to imdb it herself* You know, I'd love to see him in some cute chick-flick. That would be awsome, and just prove what a versatile actor he is. :)
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Wel, I don't know about cute chick flicks, but he's in a couple of new movies, one which I'm not even sure will come out here (it probably will, but doesn't look like it anytime soon) but the other one, A Scanner Darkly comes out next Thursday (all around Aus :D) and I don't care what my friends say, I'm dragging them along...or going alone, I don't really care because I have been waiting so damn long for it to come out...
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

WOOO! But isn't A Scanner Darkly meant to be really complicated and twisted? I read Keanu Reeves described it as "A Mindf***". :lol: Eloquent and good-looking. The Prestige messed with my head enough... :lol:

But I will see it... Cartoon Rory...

*Does a double take* Heyyyy... why is our thread now only #8? Now we cant brag about the fact that Speed has the most love!
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Well, the plot is pretty straight forward, but what actually happens in the movie however is pretty...Twisted. :lol: Ah, I enjoyed the movie.

Rory's also just finished working on 'Right At Your Door' which should be coming out in the US in January, and already premiered in the UK. And now he's working on a miniseries called 'The Company', where he plays a Russian spy in the United States. The miniseries is six episodes long, and was adapted from a book. It should be premiering sometime in 2008. :)

...Our thread is only number 8? That doesn't seem right. Weren't we number 13 or something?

ETA: Yep, the start of the thread says number 13. I have no idea why it says number 8 now, but as soon as I check with ThumpyG42, I'll see if we can get it changed back. :p
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I had a dream last night. It was fairly normal (well, for a dream, anyway) and Speed had a cameo in it. It was definetly Speed, not Rory. Anyway, I'll just tell you the important part.
I was out somewhere, like a club or something, I'm not sure, and Speed came up to me and asked if I had ten dollars I could lend him. He said, 'it's really important'. I told him I was all out of money, then he said, "That's okay, I understand'. and then he was gone... :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

haha cool dream. i want to have a rory/speed dream.

and i have yet to see right at your door, i'm eagerly awaiting to see that. but they haven't released it here, well not that i know of. and the company is probably going to be really great it just sucks that we have to wait until 2008 to see it :(
oh and side note i was at the mall yesterday and i was looking for movies and they had 'love and a .45' i always look for that when i go shopping and one store fiunally had it. unfortunately it cost me 26 bucks but rory is worth it.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Oh, I cannot wait to see "Right At Your Door." It's got a MySpace page but it doesn't state anything about a US Release date, unfortunately.

Speaking of Rory on dvd, I just got my season 2 set, so I am very excited. Congrats Ashley on finding Love & a .45. I really need to pick up Hart's War to see Rory and the kitty. :D

Also, I was going through some channels and A&E is going to be airing a Miami marathon on Friday starting at 8:00 A.M. EST. I'm not sure which episodes will be airing but there is definitely Rory potential. They are also airing four back to back episodes tonight, starting at 7 P.M. EST.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

well congrats to you on getting season 2! its defintely the best season they have had in my opinion.
harts war is amazing me and my friend scilla watched it last night, i think i'm slowly converting her to a rory fan. i had no idea that raight at your door had a myspace page, now i have to check that out ha.
well this is nice
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Rory's also just finished working on 'Right At Your Door' which should be coming out in the US in January

OMG I am SO excited for Right At Your Door. I can't wait for this! But does anyone know if it's an indie film? I only know of one indie theater around here and if it is, I'm going there. lol. If not, I'll go to my favorite one. I can't wait to see Rory's face up on the big screen! :D
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

i'm pretty sure its an indie movie, i'm sp excited to see that too. and hopefully it won't confuse me like a scanner darkly did. i have to watch that one again just to get what the hell its all about.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I finally got to watch Black and White today. And oh my god, it was so amazing! Seriously, I loved it :D Rory was amazing in it. I'm so glad that I bought it, and Sunset Strip. Both defenetly good investments.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

While Right At Your Door is an indie film, I believe it was picked up by LionsGate Films at the Sundance Film Festival. Oh man, Rory on the big screen?! Perhaps making a trip to the concession stand is a no-no, as I will most likely choke...and so help the person who decides to talk during the film, haha.

That's such an uber sexy Ashley; thanks for sharing. Doesn't he know that he cannot hide behind shades? :D

Congrats on finally seeing B&W DragonflyDreamer. Rory did a wonderful job in it.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

lol...I am not a chick flick person at all, so I'd have to say that I'd like to see Rory in something like a dark comedy type film. ;)

Azza4Speed said:
*Does a double take* Heyyyy... why is our thread now only #8? Now we cant brag about the fact that Speed has the most love!

The only thing I can think of is that someone replied to an old post back before we changed the thread title? Or it was one of those board quirks that happen from time to time, maybe.

Anyway, I added it back in so we should be back to #13. :D

Also, I got my 'Rolling Stone' magazine in the mail today and they have a list of the Top 25 dvds of the year and 'A Scanner Darkly' is listed at #15. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

YAY! A Scanner Darkly #15? I'll take it. :D

SincerelyInDenial said
Oh, I cannot wait to see "Right At Your Door." It's got a MySpace page but it doesn't state anything about a US Release date, unfortunately.

While Right At Your Door is an indie film, I believe it was picked up by LionsGate Films at the Sundance Film Festival.

Yup, it was picked up by LionsGate, so it should be premiering in the US and Canada as a box office movie, and not just an Independant Film. I believe it has already been shown in the UK, and our very own calleighspeedle was able to see it. :) (The UK release date into theatres was September 8th, 2006 I believe...) I've also checked amazon.co.uk, which states the DVD release date in the UK will be January 15th, 2007. All dates are as always, subject to change.

There doesn't seem to be a US/Canada release date set, but I had read that it was to be released in American theatres at the latest, in January of 2007. Don't take my word for it, as I'm not sure. I'll have to check into some things. Well, that is if I remember. :p

And YAY our thread is back to 13! Hee.
Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

speed_cochrane said:
YAY! A Scanner Darkly #15? I'll take it. :D

:D Yup! I thought that was pretty good too. I mean think how many dvds are released during any given year, and for ASD to be ranked 15th...that's not too shabby at all.
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