Speed/ Calleigh #3 - Love Undercover

Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

speedmonkey2 said:
Teehee! I've seen Blood Moon...ohhhh about.....almost as many times as I've watched That Stupid Episode THAT NEVER HAPPEND! Anyway...Catie don't worry about it. I come up with Talleigh ideas and I get into the middle of a fic and I'm like "Where was I going with this again?"

Geni, he really said that to her? I am soooo putting in Deadline right now!

it sucks! it sucks, it sucks, it sucks, it sucks! i come up with something and i wind up deleting the whole thing!

maybe i should watch deadline too. maybe it'll inspire me. hopefully.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Teehee. I love it when they tease eachother. Like in Dead Zone

Calleigh: I hear your bidding on the cross of San Diego
(something like that lol)

She could have came right out and said I found out about it. VS. Speed going on about how he can't get in.

But yes, Geni. He sure did get her back in Invasion!

Speed: Calleigh, I've done this before
Calleigh: Oh, I know. Its just that I read in a magazine article that particles can get blown into the stitches and you can't see them unless you pull it apart
Speed: Now, what do I do?
Calleigh: Alright I get your point *leaves*

And he smirks! He smirks! Come on Donahue you can't fool me!

And Catie I hope you get some inspiration. I love your fics. I read one of yours a couple days ago. I believe it was called "Email my heart"....or something to that effect.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

lol katie it was Santiago not San Diego. hehehehe. that made me giggle. i love both those scenes! i'm flattered that you like my crappy writing and yes that was Email my Heart---one of my favorites. i've read that quite a few times. one of my best Talleigh works.

just once i would like Miami to show a little more Talleigh... either Speed as a ghost, that'd be pretty funny but Rory wouldn't come back for that. or a flashback of some sort just to acknowledge us fans. i miss those little moments.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

San Diego Santiago....Tomato Tomatoe lol.

But yes, I do to miss those little Talleigh moments. The little simple looks. Just the little....flirty things. I mean you know "What they'll add on or cover up but they won't mess with the chassies?" "Your scaring me" Teehee. I liked that scene to.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

*bumpity bump bump, bumpity bump bump*

Where have all my Talleigh partners in crime gone? Its been like forever since anyones posted in here.

So, I'll ask y'all a question. Since were all know that Speed and Calleigh should have been together on the show. If Donahue were to grant us this how do you think they would have gotten together? The whole group goes out after work, Speed and Calleigh stay after for a few drinks, one things leads to another? One of them gets hurt on the job and the other one goes to the hospital with them and it goes from there? What do you think?

I think the whole one of them getting hurt on the job thing would have worked. I think this because when ever something happend to Speed Calleigh was always very caring to him. For instance in Dispo Day she practically lied to Horatio's face in saying that she wasn't "Finished with the report" when we all know she knew he didn't clean his gun.

And I dunno I can just see something happening to Calleigh and Speed acting all heroic or OH maybe if Donahue wanted to get on our good sides FOREVER maybe Speed could have taken a bullet for Calleigh. I think that would have been a major. 'Awww' Factor. Anyways I'd love to see what you guys think.

And I would post a piccie right now. But I kinda deleted all of mine and I have to go get new episodes caps. lol.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

My first ship. :D It's making me want to dig up my animated Talleigh banner. :rolleyes:

I agree that Speed and Calleigh should have been together on the show. I watched "Wannabe" Friday night and at the end when Horatio was talking to Speedle, I would have loved for Tim to bump into Calleigh while he was leaving. Calleigh sensing that he was upset with the way things turned out with Wally, would ask him out for a drink and maybe things would go from there.

But then again, when she covered for him in "Dispo Day" maybe they were already together or she wanted them to be together. As soon as she picked up Tim's gun, she knew what the deal was.

Tim taking a bullet to protect Calleigh, that would be "awwwww" worthy.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Oh my god, 1CSIMfan I love the way that you think. I could sooo see that happening in Wannabe. And Hmm...I sense a Talleigh fic coming on. That is of course if you don't mind me snagging your idea?

And awww animated Talleigh banner? I have one of those and some none ones as well. Maybe I should put that back into my signature as well.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Of course I don't mind you snagging my idea Katie. Anything to get more Talleigh fics. ;)

I haven't used my animated Talleigh banner in quite a while. I'll post it.

There are so many great Speed/Calleigh moments. I miss them. :( Season 2 was my favorite.

I loved when they worked together on the Melanie Hines case. I loved when they were watching the video and Calleigh made the yoga remark.

I so miss them working together.

Here's the banner I have.

Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

"Just not enough time" Awwww. Such a sad thing to see so early in the morning. *sniff*

Ah, yes Blood moon and Death Grip to very good episodes.

I still can't pick a favorite Talleigh scene. I'll go to say Invasion and then I'm like put oh no there was the whole "Well i'd be scared if you did" in extreme and then i'll be like oh but there was the whole "And i'm just, i'm just begging you clean your gun" in dispo day. But oh no wait a sec there was the whole scene in Lost Son. *sighs* So many choices and it doesn't help that I have the most indecisive mind ever.

Of course I don't mind you snagging my idea Katie.
Aw yay! I shall get started on that as soon as I get home from school!

I so miss them working together.

Me to. I've said it once I'll say it again Calleigh isn't the same since Speed "died" (*cough* I still believe he's a live so..in your face Donahue). I mean Calleigh's personality has changed a great deal. She's not as chipper as she used to be. She smiles sure but its not like she used to. She doesn't really crack as many jokes. The whole team has changed since he died but we all know Calleigh's changed because she was having a secret relationship with Speedy boy.

And we all know how she didn't show emotion after Lost Son about it. That's because she knows Timmy's alive. Think about in Whacked when she was talking to Eric.

Calleigh: You need to move past it, Eric

Hmm...The reason why you can do that is because you know he's alive. Muahahaha. Ok so I like to think outside of the box every know and then. Can you blame a girl?
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

I think the whole Cal and Speed thing was meant to be. I always remeber that little thing with her Dad when her and her dad are talkuing and Speed of all people just happens to wonder past and look up, it makes me think "Hm...somethign was going on there." like he knows how she feels about the situation or knows what ehr dad being there means.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

I still can't pick a favorite Talleigh scene. I'll go to say Invasion and then I'm like put oh no there was the whole "Well i'd be scared if you did" in extreme and then i'll be like oh but there was the whole "And i'm just, i'm just begging you clean your gun" in dispo day. But oh no wait a sec there was the whole scene in Lost Son. *sighs* So many choices and it doesn't help that I have the most indecisive mind ever.

Oh my...now I'm gonna have to re-watch my season 1 & 2 DVD's. I love all of those. What about the scene where Tim's checking out the ski mask and Calleigh starts telling him what he needs to do? Only Calleigh could get away with that.

Me to. I've said it once I'll say it again Calleigh isn't the same since Speed "died" (*cough* I still believe he's a live so..in your face Donahue).

I still believe he's alive too. IMO, he's working undercover just like Ray was when they faked his death. Personally, I think Speedle started keeping his gun clean after Calleigh's little talk with him in Dispo Day but in order to make his "death" look real, he had to have a dirty gun.

I too agree that Calleigh and the team haven't been the same since Tim left. IMO, he held the show together, but that's just me.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Couldn't agree with you more, Aphina! Its like he wanted to walk by to make sure that she was ok.

And need I bring up the fact that he knows Calleigh had a tattoo? Hmmm hnmmm explain that one Mr. Speedle. I don't buy it for a second that Calleigh just so happend to 'tell him'. BUt I loved it when Speed was telling Horatio about it. He wouldn't stop talking, Horatio kept trying to say something and he was like "Not that she would let someone know where it is" Awww was Speedy boy a little dissapointed? Ahem. Anyways, I thought that scene was cute.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

I always remeber that little thing with her Dad when her and her dad are talkuing and Speed of all people just happens to wonder past and look up, it makes me think "Hm...somethign was going on there."

I noticed that too. :D Even when S/C wasn't one of my five billion Cal pairings, that struck me as significant. Like, for Speed to know just what it meant when her dad came around, he'd almost have to have been with her at one point (I don't know, maybe he insisted on going with her one night when she had to pick up her dad from a bar...and then they ended up staying up all night together talking, I don't know) when something bad happened, because I doubt she would have randomly gone up to him and started ranting about it. I don't know; it's been awhile since I've seen the episode (and I don't even remember which one it is, lol), but when he looks at her, I thought he seemed more than a little concerned there. Protective, maybe.

And need I bring up the fact that he knows Calleigh had a tattoo? Hmmm hnmmm explain that one Mr. Speedle. I don't buy it for a second that Calleigh just so happend to 'tell him'.

That always caught my attention. I love how Speed always seemed to know the little things like that about her that no one else knew. I just would've liked to know how he knew.

They just look so good onscreen together, don't they? :D It kills me that by the time I realized that, we were at the end of season four, lol.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Well firstly, long live Talleigh! :D

Secondly, 1CSIMFan, I love that banner! Thanks for posting it. :)

Aphina said
always remeber that little thing with her Dad when her and her dad are talkuing and Speed of all people just happens to wonder past and look up, it makes me think "Hm...somethign was going on there.

I couldn't agree more. It makes one wonder, when the writers had Speed walk past as Calleigh was talking with her father. The point being what exactly? They could have easily left it out, but they had Tim walk by and say "Hey Cal." I think that storyline could have been revisited a little differently in 'The Best Defense' when her dad comes back. Instead of Horatio voicing his concern over her, they could have had Tim voicing his concern toward Calleigh. Thus, the bonding continues.

1CSIMFan said
What about the scene where Tim's checking out the ski mask and Calleigh starts telling him what he needs to do? Only Calleigh could get away with that.

Very true. And perhaps that was the reason they made that little scene, to show a working relationship between the two CSIs, and it could also make one think there was something more, very subtly. The very strong indication that shows Speed having any kind of emotional attachment to Calleigh, was when he smirked. This indicates they were somewhat close in the first place, because Speed rarely smirks. (With the exception of many scenes between Speed and Alexx, which is more of a mother/son relationship.)

IMO, he's working undercover just like Ray was when they faked his death. Personally, I think Speedle started keeping his gun clean after Calleigh's little talk with him in Dispo Day but in order to make his "death" look real, he had to have a dirty gun.

I'll agree with you on that one as well. I've been thinking ever since the episode 'Curse of the Coffin', when the suspect was dosed with Tetrodotoxin, which produces death-like symptoms, then the person wakes hours later, that perhaps it would be a simple way of explaining Speed's 'death'. That way the fans don't suddenly hear this idea and think "Well how does that work?"

And I think the reason we haven't really seen Calleigh grieve is because she's in on it. (I also think the reason why Alexx was so sceptical of Ryan when he said the dead body came back to life in 'Curse of the Coffin' was because Alexx knew that's the way they faked Speed's death. :p) And since Calleigh's in on it, we haven't seen her go to therapy or even find a new boyfriend. :p (Well Peter Elliot doesn't count because he gets in the way of all the Talleigh and it was never implied that they were together)

speedmonkey2 said
And need I bring up the fact that he knows Calleigh had a tattoo? Hmmm hnmmm explain that one Mr. Speedle. I don't buy it for a second that Calleigh just so happend to 'tell him'.

It's simple. He slept over at her place and they had a romp in the sack. :lol: He just didn't see where it was because it was too dark in the room. :devil:
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

This thread bring back such great Talleigh moments. :D

I'll agree with you on that one as well. I've been thinking ever since the episode 'Curse of the Coffin', when the suspect was dosed with Tetrodotoxin, which produces death-like symptoms, then the person wakes hours later, that perhaps it would be a simple way of explaining Speed's 'death'. That way the fans don't suddenly hear this idea and think "Well how does that work?"

OMG, :eek: I thought the exact same thing. It makes perfect sense.

And I think the reason we haven't really seen Calleigh grieve is because she's in on it. (I also think the reason why Alexx was so sceptical of Ryan when he said the dead body came back to life in 'Curse of the Coffin' was because Alexx knew that's the way they faked Speed's death.
I've always thought that Alexx was in on it. When she was performing Speedle's autopsy, she never actually cut into him. She just touched the knife to his chest and then stopped. At that point, Horatio turned away. She couldn't cut into him because he wasn't dead.

I was gonna post some pics of Tim and Calleigh but they're on my laptop. :mad: I'll have to do it later.