Speed/ Calleigh #3 - Love Undercover

*signs paperwork* Alright saraholic, the Talleigh Twelve Step Program is just down the hall, and Talleigh's Anonymous is the second door to your left. ;)

Katie, those are some fantastic Talleighful pictures you've posted! I absolutely love the one where he's holding the door open for her. I think if it was anyone else, he would have slammed the door in their face. :lol: Well, he's not THAT mean but he loves Calleigh so it's great that he opens the door for her and no one else. He can't refuse a southern woman. :devil:

And don't they just look so cute in the first picture? *GASP* And he let her look through his microscope.... :lol: Okay that sounded a tad dirty, but it's true.
Hahaha, Yes Geni. Yes it did sound dirty. I loved the scene though

Calleigh: Now, I went and saw Young Frankenstein there last summer and they laid a berlap tarp down so the chairs wouldn't sink into the sand.

I loved Speed's face. It was like a mixture of confusion and hurt. Awww Calleigh didn't take him with her. *sniff*
He did have that face on. I have to say that is my fave episode.

Woman (whose name I can't remember): Can I have another soda?

Speed: Sorry. We're fresh out.

*door closes*

Calleigh: You just lied to her.

That smirk on her face was soooo sexy and it shows the true Talleighness of the situation. ;)

*walks down the hall to Talleigh Twelve Step Program*

Why are there nonstop Talleigh episodes in here? Ya'll are supposed to help me quit.

*glues eyes to the screen and sighs in happiness*

I'm HOME!!!!!!!
hahaha Saraholic I love you lol

Anywho I have a fanfic for y'all! Of course it's Talleigh, when isn't it? lol I know Katie already read it, but I'm real proud of this one. Hope you guys will read and review :D

The Rose
Awww long live Blood Moon!

Speed: *whispers* I'll met you outside
Calleigh: Excuse us *walks outside*
Speed: I don't ilke her
Calleigh: What does that have to do with anything?
Speed: IT doesn't
Calleigh: Alright, well, lets go see if we can dig anything up on her. Ms. Hines stay put we'll be back.
Melanie: Can I get another soda?
Speed: Sorry were fresh out *him and Calleigh start walking*
Calleigh: We do so have soda. You just lied
Speed: Well she's being lying to us all day.

*sighs* I love that scene. *Crawls back into Talleigh hole*

And yes, Jess that was a great fic.
Oh. My. God. A Talleigh thread... it's like the mothership has called home! *sighs*

I'm not quite sure when I decided to sail on the Talleigh ship but all I know is that I miss the duo so much. They had had such a natural comfortable chemistry with each other. Like everyone else here, I think Tim's alive and in hiding. I'd give my right arm to see a future episode where Calleigh seems to be having a secret convo. with someone and Eric walks in and discovers that she's talking to Tim.

I don't have an ultimate Talleigh scene, but one of my fave scenes, is listed as my siggy. *points below*

PS. If anyone is looking for Talleigh therapy via fanfic, I'm an author on ff.net and am known under the same name here. I focus mostly on the Talleigh love. :)
Welcome SincerelyInDenial. :) Glad to see another Talleigh shipper join us.

On a sad note, We are no longer the featured ship. :( But I'm sure Mac/Calleigh shippers will enjoy themselves. :)
I'm totally going to shipper hell. I'm multishipping this woman, with everyone now. Lord help me. Damn A&E for showing earlier seasons!
Welcome iheartnickandcath and SincerelyInDenial.

Sincerely, you write some awesome Talleigh ficcies!

And oh man I was just watching A&E and I literally just turned on the channel when Speed started talking about Calleigh's tattoo.

Speed: Yeah I was talking to the guy who did Calleighs.
Horatio: Calleighs?
Speed: *looks up* Yeah. *looks at screen* Not that she'd let anyone see it.

Hmm...Speedy boy 'Not that she'd let anyone see it' as in you or anyone else but you? Hmm..so many questions. But aww I just love that scene!
Aw, thank you, speedmonkey2! Your kind words are much appreciated.

I was just watching "Forced Entry" myself! I love how Horatio was so curious about her tattoo and Speed just kept going on and on.

Oh Speedle; he's so adorable when he is defensive. He probably not only knows what the tattoo is, but was there with her when she got it. Hehehe. :devil:

ETA: Oh and Speed re-wearing the same clothes because he was with Pam? *snorts* As if! :)
I blame speedmonkey2 and Wyoming for adding this ship too.. and A&E. They need to quit showing things, so I'll quit shipping things.
I blame speedmonkey2
*ducks head in shame* No wait, I take that back. I'm proud of me and recurting new talleigh lovers. The more the merrier.

And awww yes I agree Speed was so with her when she got it. lol.