Speed/ Calleigh #3 - Love Undercover

Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

I was gonna post some pics of Tim and Calleigh but they're on my laptop. I'll have to do it later.
Aw, well whether its not or later we'll always enjoy a good Talleigh piccie. Teehee.

And actually Alexxx did kinda trail the scalpel down his chest but hey we didn't actually see her cut cut into him. So I agree with you to on the whole Tetrodotoxin thing, I think if the writers are looking for a good way to do it that'd be it.

And besides the fact that we all know Talleigh belong together I think its resonable that Calleigh would know that Speed's alive. I mean 'not cleaning your gun' is a good fall out for a fake death. And plus he's done it before. And Calleigh's the ballistics expert so they needed her fake the report.

And if not that then we all know Timmy boy couldn't just leave without telling her. I mean...seriously.

And here's a piccie of our favorite couple

Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Yay! Katie is the supplyer of all pics until us lazy Talleigh fans (*points to self*) manage to spread the love with more pictures. :p

I've always thought as well, that Alexx never actually cut into him. I've actually always thought that Horatio could be in on it as well. (Besides all the nightmares and crap he got in season 3. :rolleyes:)

But I think Calleigh faked the report, as Katie said, because she knows he's alive. And then when they get back together, they'll profess their love for each other and ride off into the sunset in a giant Hummer. :lol: ...Too much?

I still think their relationship was very special. They were equals, they got a long well, and well, they're in love. :D
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Wow! The Talleigh thread has popped back up! Hooray!

Whoever said that Alexx was in on Speed's fake death, I totally agree. Now I know how they did it. I knew he wasn't dead but now I know how they got him to be 'dead'. lol.

and katie, the way i think they would've gotten together on the show is he was being all nasty to her at work and she followed him out of CSI and towards the Ducati. They begin arguing and Calleigh, being Calleigh, just gets fed up and grabs Tim by the shirt, kissing him with all that she has.

lol... and throw in some rain and you got a pretty sexy Talleigh scene going on. but of course, Donahue doesn't like us so that would never have happened. But... hmm, perhaps a Talleigh fic may finally be coming on.

Katie, did ya do this just because of our conversation the other day with me having writer's block? lol. ;)
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Katie, did ya do this just because of our conversation the other day with me having writer's block?
Catie, what shall I do now that you have mastered my evil plan? Muahahahaha.

lol. But awww I could so see that happening. And the rain would be an added bonus. But then you think of Donahue and then that dream just gets taken away from you.

But I would so love it if you did a ficcie about that. The fanfiction forum here and ff.net is definatley lacking in Talleigh fic goodness.

How about a piccie?


Aw don't they just look like they got in trouble by the principal. When are they going to learn PDA is bad. lol.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

i would definitely write a Talleigh fic... perhaps if Emily hadn't gone to another awesome show and carried on another illict affair with another very sexy guy *cough West Wing and Sam Seaborn cough* and got me obsessed with that ship, i would be able to write a Talleigh fic. i dont like when i have to decide between so many things. lol.

aww poor Cal and Timmy. I'm sure they didn't mean to do it. hehehehe.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Haha. Well there's always a cross over ficcie. I know you did one of this I believe with Miami and the West Wing but you could always do the whole affair storyline. lol.

I'm sure they didn't mean to do it.
Ah, yes a likely story.

Horatio: You two are in big trouble
Calleigh: Horatio, we didn't mean to do it
Speed: Yeah, H, we didn't mean to
Calleigh: *turns to speed* Well we kinda did
Speed: *smirks* Yeah we did didn't we?
Horatio *Clears throat*
Speed/Calleigh: *mummbles* Sorry

....And I have an over active imagination. But I have come to terms with it.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

speedmonkey2 said:
Haha. Well there's always a cross over ficcie. I know you did one of this I believe with Miami and the West Wing but you could always do the whole affair storyline. lol.

I'm sure they didn't mean to do it.
Ah, yes a likely story.

Horatio: You two are in big trouble
Calleigh: Horatio, we didn't mean to do it
Speed: Yeah, H, we didn't mean to
Calleigh: *turns to speed* Well we kinda did
Speed: *smirks* Yeah we did didn't we?
Horatio *Clears throat*
Speed/Calleigh: *mummbles* Sorry

....And I have an over active imagination. But I have come to terms with it.

lol i never even finished that thing. lost inspiration. and that would be a very interesting X-over. Calleigh having an affair with Sam or Ainsley having an affair with Speed. or both! lol but that would just be very very very wrong.

i love that caption! totally sounds like Talleigh!
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Just thought I'd let you know that Speed/Calleigh is the featured ship this week. Enjoy!!!!

Here's a pic of our lovely couple, on of my favorites:

Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Yay! Featured ship! :D It's about time. :p Ah look, it's Death Grip. One of the great Talleigh episodes. Thanks for posting the picture 1CSIMFan!

And now for a few quotes to honour the episode...

Speed: Well that's different.
Calleigh: Someone's been doing yoga.

Don't they just look so cute together on that road looking at evidence? :)
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Calleigh: No man you do the scrap, I'll do the tape
Speed: Fair enough

Awww what a cute scene and such a cute picture. And its awesome to see that its the featured ship of the week, these two cuties deserve it! *passes cookies, brownies, soda, and cake*

Here's my little contribution:


Ah the infamous 'Where is my necklace' pic.
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

*whispers* It's at Speed's house. :lol:

I love though how in that scene she almost bumped into him. :D ...They're so close, aren't they? Wasn't that also the scene where Horatio was telling them about the kind of tree that was at the crime scene, and Speed said they make coats out of it and then he said he had allergies? The look that Calleigh gave him was funny. :lol:
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

*whispers* It's at Speed's house.
Well was there any other option? lol.

Hmm...I believe that was the same scene. I might have to go back to watch that eppy. Teehee. And yes awww I love it how she looks up and him and he's all like "Allergies" all shyish like and stuff. So cute.

Anywhosie here's another piccie from me:



Awww he held the door open for her, how cute!
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

Oh my goodness. I come back to see this as the featured ship. Woohoo. I love me my Talleigh. :)
Re: Speed/ Calliegh #3 - Love Undercover

saraholic said:
Oh my goodness. I come back to see this as the featured ship. Woohoo. I love me my Talleigh. :)

Oh my goshness! *huggles* Its been forever! I'm glad to see that you've come back to visit us crazies in the Talleigh thread!
Visit??? I am rechecking myself into this rehab for my Talleigh addiction. ;)

And I couldn't resist the sweet calling of Talleigh. ;)

Edited to update Calliegh to Calleigh in the thread title.