Speed/ Calleigh #3 - Love Undercover

YAY! Join the crowd Lynn! I'm a multishipper too......but I don't ship Calleigh with Ryan because well, I just don't like Ryan. *shrugs*
yay more Talleigh shippers!!!

I don't ship Calleigh with Ryan either. I dont ship Calleigh with anyone except Timmy because, well it was meant to be. duh.
Katie got me into the Talleigh spirit even before I registered for TalkCSI. :lol:

But YAY! More shippers. Welcome to our humble abode in Shipper Central, iheartnickcath. :) I agree, A&E just has a way of sucking people into different ships. Ah well, they'e showing the Talleigh goodness so I'm not complaining.

I still think one of the main reasons why I love Talleigh is because Speed and Calleigh seem to be equals. The ranks just fly out the window when they're in the same room. :devil:
Katie got me into the Talleigh spirit even before I registered for TalkCSI.
*evil grin, rubs hands together* All part of my evil plan my minion *clears throat* I mean my friend. lol.

Ah yes god bless A&E. I should be saying god bless CBS. But i'm not to happy with them at the moment. lol.

And ahh yes there ranks do seem to fly out the window now don't they. I can just see it now.

Speed: I'm a level 3
Calleigh: *smiles* So am I
Speed: *nods*
Calleigh: *Looks away*
Speed: You wanna...make out
Calleigh: OK!

Alright, so yeah that would never happen. At least not the way I put it. But what can I say I like to get straight to the point, and not beat around the bush for 2 seasons and an episode and then wait til its to late and you can't do anythnig about it! *sighs* Sorry I think I needed to vent a little.
Well considering no one ever said they changed rank, it's safe to assume they're still the same ranks. If the writers change the bio, or they say they've been promoted, I think we can assume they have been. :p That's what I've always thought anyway. But who knows. *shrugs*

Besides, who needs rank when we have the awesomness that is Talleigh? I loved Katie's version of their conversation. Now if that was in the show, I'd watch and be glued to the sceen. Other than that, I'd scream and probably cry in fits of happy. :p
*ducks head in shame* No wait, I take that back. I'm proud of me and recurting new talleigh lovers. The more the merrier.

I'm glad you take the blame. :p

YAY! Join the crowd Lynn! I'm a multishipper too......but I don't ship Calleigh with Ryan because well, I just don't like Ryan. *shrugs*

*snuggles Ryan* its okay, she didn't means it. .. Shocking, I don't ship her with Eric.

Welcome to our humble abode in Shipper Central, iheartnickcath.

Do I get cookies?

I agree, A&E just has a way of sucking people into different ships. Ah well, they'e showing the Talleigh goodness so I'm not complaining.

Which is why, I'm being sucked into this ship. :p
YAY! Join the crowd Lynn! I'm a multishipper too......but I don't ship Calleigh with Ryan because well, I just don't like Ryan. *shrugs*

*snuggles Ryan* its okay, she didn't means it. .. Shocking, I don't ship her with Eric.
I used to like Ryan, but then he said something about Speed and that ticked me off and from then on I didn't like him. But I did like Nailed, which centered around him. I guess the action sucked me in.
I don't like Ryan because he is trying to make a move on Speed's woman. ;)

Here is my complex and highly stupid train of thought. Ryan is a threat to Talleigh. Delko isn't. He seems to me to be more of a protector of Calleigh for Speed. I am the same way for Vegas. I ship Snickers. I see Warrick as a protector of Sara, so I have no problem with Checkmate. lol There is my very odd logic. lol
Anyways....here's a piccie because I feel like sharing. And my photobucket isn't being a pain in my butt right now!


Awww! I always loved how she smiled at him right there!
Sorry 1CSIMfan. I didn't really think about it before I said it.

Open mouth. Insert foot. lol

I love that picture sppedmonkey. It shows the true Talleigh-ness that we all know and love. ;)