Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Who's a good Sassy smut writer in this fandom? I don't think I've ever actually read any...but I might be wrong and it's just slipped my mind.

Sassy on a rollercoaster could be fun too.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Hmm...I had a link here answering that question, but then I wasn't sure if we're supposed to keep the discussion PG-rated. *looks around for mod*
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Me too, but if you want a few links I can provide it via a private email?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Your wish is my command. ;)

Damn, it's hard to ship a couple if one half is never on. Guess we'll have to reminisce about the times when the writers still remembered Sofia and *gasp* actually gave her scenes with Sara.

Or, well, read and write fic. ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Which half are you talking about? Haven't seen much of either of the ladies lately. Might have to do with the fact that I close my eyes whenever I hear Grissoms voice approach, might have missed Sara :p

I'm not reading many fics these days but with the way things are that seems to be the only way to get a Sofia fix nowadays. Guess I'll have to spend more time in fanfic world again. Reminds me of the unfinished stories in my own fanfic folder...
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I felt this would be the best place to ask, especially seeing as there are some great fanart folk in here who ship them... would it be terribly cheeky of me to request a banner to do with our two favourite ladies?

Either a moving one to do with Secrets and Flies, when Sara checked her out, or an image with text (don't mind what) to do with the phonebooth scene from Warewolves? I'd worship you forever. Seriously. :p

But, on a little more 'on topic' note... which name do you guys prefer then for the ship? Salsa, or Sassy? I'm a firm fan of Sassy, it has to be said. Though everytime I hear 'Salsa'. I end up needing to go watch the clips of Louise doing her salsa dancing. Makes me a very happy fangirl.

I bet Sofia's a good dancer... the way she moves those hips. I bet Sara wouldn't be too into dancing (I don't know why, but I don't really see her as finding it easy to let go like that) - but she'd no doubt enjoy watching Sofia! :devil:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Oh yes. I'm so with you on the Sofia dancing. I bet she knows exactly how to move (not just on the dancefloor :devil:)

I can't see Sara dancing with her either but I've had this image in my head one time of the two of them going out (as just friends) and Sofia flirting and dancing with another lady, making Sara all kinds of jealous ;)

Oh, and for me it's Sassy all the way. I've never been into the name of SalSa and I've only heard it being mentioned in this thread, never anywhere else. Most other places (LJ and yahoo) say Sassy, I think. We should have it changed here, too. Salsa reminds me of the Louise dancing videos every time, and while I think she looked hot moving her hips like that I can't seem to get over the fact that she's dancing with a guy...
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I go with sassy, too, although I actually like SalSa.

And Mia, love your banner :). Also, write that sassy fic about them going out dancing, me likes the idea very much :D.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Kylie said:
Either a moving one to do with Secrets and Flies, when Sara checked her out, or an image with text (don't mind what) to do with the phonebooth scene from Warewolves? I'd worship you forever. Seriously. :p

I found this one on my computer. It's not mine. I got it from somewhere around LJ, unfortunately I don't remember who made it :( If anyone recognizes it, let us know.


It's too big to be a sig banner, but it's pretty.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

It is pretty!

And MiaCharlize, I have to point out your banner, which is beautiful :D

Kylie, if you'd like to see a video of Louise dancing with her husband and son, PM me. It's a great vid and Louise is just a stunning dancer. Same goes for anyone else who'd like it :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Thanks - I've got that vid already though. Aboslutely love it!

And got that moving banner too, hehe! I used to use it as a banner on another forum... ah well. Non moving ones would be cool, too. Just want to spread the Sassy love! Even if I only really go into this thread, and the Louise thread...
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Yes, it was basically always Sassy ;). I read about the JF news. I do so hope that in spite of that (no hot and spicy scenes anymore with SC :( ) the Sassy will live on, like it did with Xena/ Gab, but there they had 6 seasons to feed on and to let them be inspired about it. I respect JF decision, but without her it won't be interesting anymore. I do like her, although I wasn't always very happy with what the writers did to her. How do you ship a couple that doesn't is on screen anymore?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

In this particular case I'd say it might even become easier to ship them after the show. No distracting canon storylines to get in the way of fanfics...

I'm still a little sad to see Jorja leave though. I know this is not the place to discuss the issue so I'll keep it short and will just say that I'll miss the banter of which we haven't seen enough in the past 2 and a half seasons.

Hope they'll get at least one decent scnene together before the departure of Sara.