Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

MiaCharlize said:
Hmm, interesting. I'd say since Louise seems to have much less screen time this season and Jorja won't be on the show at all that leaves us with a lot of time to ship them off screen :devil:

What other choice to we have?

I do hope you mean the shipping of Sofia/Sara and not the actors. ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Umm...yes I do... not that it would be anyone's concern if I imagined Jorja and Louise together :p

Drumchik said:
*giggle* "Bond"

*slaps hand* BAD ANNE!

LOL, exactly.

Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

*blush* I should really not be allowed to post sometimes. *giggle*

BTW - who else was disappointed not to see Sofia in a Go-kart. Goddamn, I want Sofia in a Gokart!
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Bet Sara would have ridden in it with her. ;)

She would have looked hot in a go-kart. Real hot. And she would have kicked everyone's ass.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Maybe Sara is taking Sofia there once her arm has healed, Sara seemed a little disappointed about not being able to engage in the action. I can really see them go-karting (is that a word?) on a date or something... Fanfic anyone? ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Ooh, nice idea for a fic there. ;)

I can totally picture both of them enjoying themselves at the cart track. They might also be rather competitive. ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Sofia, definitely :lol:

It'd be a very close call, but I always get the feeling she's that bit more competative, and pushes herself to be the best. Always figured she was like that, what with having a cop mom.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I agree. While I think that Sara is more competitive on the inside Sofia seems bolder on the outside.
I could even see Sara letting Sofia win, that way Fia would feel superior and Sara could always smile at her smugly, thinking to herself "I know I'm better but there's no need for you to know"

On the other hand, Sara might just be as competative in a race and they'd challenge each other again and again until the place closes.

That'd be so much fun to watch.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I agree that Sofia would win. But Sara would definitely demand another chance. Then they'd probably end up using the carts as bumper cars. :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I could see them arguing about it and then having makeup sex. *Pause* That's inappropriate again, isn't it?

*slaps hand* BAD ANNE
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Nono, not at all. ;)

That's a very fic worthy idea, actually. If only my smut was up to the standard Sassy deserves!