Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I hope that's the case, but with their track record, I'm not holding out much hope. I think we'll be lucky to see very much, if any Louise in upcoming episodes. Which sucks, but I just don't trust TPTB.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

If I had the means I'd create another spin-off. One with only Sara and Sofia in the lead. I'd add a pretty guest star every now and then... :devil:

I'm looking forward to what other projects the ladies come up with after CSI, but I'll always go back to watching old eps in which the world was still okay. Sara checking Sofia out, Sofia being tough and cocky, the ladies sending each other looks... Oh, I'll really miss them.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Oh, why don't we stick them into The L Word? ;)

I'd want to hope for a decent last scene, too, something to start fic from, but by now I'm familiar enough with the writing of CSI that I'm certain we're not gonna get it. They do tend to leave Sofia out of the team sometimes, so there might be no more Sassy.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

L Worl sounds like a plan, I'd say they fit in there perfectly ;)

Totally random:

I've been googling for "Sofia & Sara" and I found this:


Adorable, isn't it?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Hey all i'm kinda new. bad time to join in i suppose with them with such little screen time for sofia and lots of cannon lately...

I just wanted to chime in that I'm casting my vote for Sara and Sofia on the L Word. Sofia in her checked vest actually looked like something Bette would wear.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Haha, aww, how corny, but so sweet. :D

Hey laurie_kate, welcome aboard the Sassy train. :)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Welcome, laurie_kate. Don't you worry, there is no such thing as a bad time for joining Sassy love. The less scenes they have the more important it is to have a place where there are people who understand what it's like to be on Sassy withdrawl.

Sofia is indeed very stylish, perfect fit for The L Word. And if we shane Sara up a little more she will be sooo hot. Not that I mind her current style, it's sexy in a very cute way.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

I am thinking too that we're pretty much done with onscreen Sassy... and what does that leave us with? Freedom of imagination about what they're doing offscreen (together *coughs*). :D
Sara and Sofia on The L Word is such a good idea! But every thought of them being together somewhere is great. *mind wanders off*
I've never done fanfiction before, because I don't think I'd be very good at it, but this could actually be a really good reason to give it a shot.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Thanks :)

Gotta do something to remind people that there's is still sassy chemistry in the air, even though Sofia has been missing from the last 3 eps.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT

Maybe Sara really wore her out when they had a "you're alive" reunion.

Remember, just because one person isn't onscreen, doesn't mean they're not playing around offscreen ;)