so. how's your love life?

Oh, sorry to hear that madgeeorge. :(

I know I'll find out if he's THE ONE somehow, but what will happen? Will my heart swim laps in my chest? Will I float up to space and can never come down? Life and its mysteries. :p
Oh, sorry to hear that madgeeorge. :(

I know I'll find out if he's THE ONE somehow, but what will happen? Will my heart swim laps in my chest? Will I float up to space and can never come down? Life and its mysteries. :p

Haha, I don't know how to describe it. You'll have to figure it out for yourself :D
Cash gifts are the best thing then aren't they, raven?

Some guys hate girls who are more intelligent than them. Some. Not all. One told me that the way I speak intellectually scares him. I pinched him. Hard. :mad:
Cash gifts are the best thing then aren't they, raven?

Some guys hate girls who are more intelligent than them. Some. Not all. One told me that the way I speak intellectually scares him. I pinched him. Hard. :mad:


I used to read all the time at recess (because I have nothing else to do and I enjoy the time by myself to think) and I used 'big' words (as everyone called them...). I think I scared a few people :confused:
LoL. I used to use "Big Words" all the time that my friends keep shooting me these annoyed looks. :p So now I just talk like an average kid. :)

I love hearing about the love life (or lack off) of other people! It's sooo get-your-popcorns-ready interesting! Gosh. I need to get out more! :p

I'm happy for you beautiful_loser! :)
I know what you mean...damn, I wonder if I'll ever meet someone who later breaks up with me for my friend...wait, that shouldn't be a problem because I have no friends. Yay! :D
Yes, but of course, SidLer! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you guys! Of course you're my friends!

But my family thinks I need more friends in the real world... :(
I had the biggest crush ever on my best guy friend, for like, 2 years, and I finally got up the courage to tell him about 2 months ago. I sat him down and before I could say it he blurts out "do you think Christine would go for me?" Christine is one of my best friends. I was about to tell him I loved him, and he wanted advice on asking out my best friend. I think my heart roke in that moment. I'm still not over him.
Let's see...

Well, more than one of my female friends seem to have a crush on me or SOMETHING of that sort (it's so cute when one of them tried to ask me to the Sadie Hawkins. She never got the words out but I knew what she was trying to do)! I don't like them back though - all the chicks I've liked recently live far away, or I happen to not see them again. Ever. Like the girl I met at the church retreat. Go figure. None of the girls at my school interest me in a relationship-type way.

The guys on the other hand...a lot of 'em interest me. Of course since I don't (know if I) have gaydar, I can't tell if any of the hotties I like like guys too. Haha.

I do seem to have an uncanny ability to catch the eye of guys I like...many times during the course of a day. That's gotta mean something.

Oh and just in case anyone's confused. I'm a guy. Who is bi. And that rhymed. (So did that, kind of!)

So right now I'm single. I'm not DYING to get into a relationship, but I certainly wouldn't mind one :lol:
I had the biggest crush ever on my best guy friend, for like, 2 years, and I finally got up the courage to tell him about 2 months ago. I sat him down and before I could say it he blurts out "do you think Christine would go for me?" Christine is one of my best friends. I was about to tell him I loved him, and he wanted advice on asking out my best friend. I think my heart roke in that moment. I'm still not over him.

You know what? That kind of happened to me one time. This girl in my class liked this guy that I liked, so we were kind of budding heads...but anyways, she called me one day on the phone excited and said, "Guess what? I told Austin I liked him!" My stomach dropped, I forgot to breathe.
Haha. :lol: raven my parents once told me to stop having so many friends. They want to keep up with my personal life and found out that they can't! :p

*looks through her old diaries*

I have crushes aplenty over the last couple of years. :D I'm sooo fickle minded! But I will ALWAYS remember my first crush. :) Sigh...