so. how's your love life?

I have a crush i guess. maybe. i don't know. lol

i use to like this one guy and other people said he liked me but i don't know if that was true. hah

you guys are all funny!
*Searches for my own *ss on the map*

Wait, there's a map that shows a person's *ss? I'm WAY behind time. :eek:

My dad acts all rough and tough whenever I mention the words "Boy" or "Guy". :p (I haven't mentioned the word "Man" to him yet... he'd just lock me in the house for the rest of my natural life! :eek:)

I think dad's are protective of their kids. Their daughters especially. Their greatest fear is that we'll get hurt, be it physically, emotionally or mentally.

But they have to know that we'll ALWAYS be our daddy's little girl. :)
Or a compass and both hands?

Guys like that are everywhere.

When I was in fifth grade, my friend told me that a cute guy in our class liked me, and I didn't beleive her, and then on Valentines day he came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and asked me to be his valentine. Then he gave me a ring!!! It had a little cubic zirconia in it, and he told me it cost him 3 months allowance, so I kissed him. We were cute. But I switched schools at the end of the year, and haven't seen him since. I saw a photo though, and he's still as gorgeous as ever.
I told this one guy I liked him one time in fifth grade (yes, fifth grade) and he just laughed. I felt horrible afterwards...but I think he DID like me, he talked to me everyday, he never made fun of me, and when we did our math (we were in a seperate math group) he always wanted me to sit with him in the 'backpack' room (lol, incase you're wondering, it was a big room where we threw our backpacks, lol). We sat on the couch together and did our math...sounds romantic, huh? :lol:

So I finally told him I liked him and he laughed... :(

Hehehe...I'm a momma's dad gets mad very easily and when he does...*shudder* but I love him :D He's always lookin' out for me :D
So I finally told him I liked him and he laughed... :(
My turn to go crack knuckles now! :mad:

All you guys have such funny and interesting stories to share! :lol:

madgeorge that sounds really sweet! Oh and the fact that he still looks hot is a bonus! :D

The guy I liked when I was 12, I met him again when I was 19 (I'm 21 now :p) and he looks awful! He's no longer the sweet, kind soul I remembered him to be! :( He plays in a band now. And he's the lead singer. But he looks anything like one and has a major PMS. :p

I wonder if when a guy teases you, it means he likes you? :confused: Any guys here who would like to explain this odd nature of shooting rubber bands and punching a girl (not so) playfully in the shoulder? :p
My dad is really big and really scary. I'm very afraid of getting him mad, because he used to be a professional boxer, and can pack a punch. My mom grew up as the mayor's daughter, and she's super-strict, so my home life isn't alwys fun.

My dad hates boys.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend once.

Gary "Oh man look at her!"
Me "Yeah, she's ok...if you go for that"
Gary "What kinda women do you like?"
Me "redheads"
Gary "Really?"
Me "yeah, and willowy, bookish girls like ********"
Gary "thats' a shame."
Me "Eh? Why?"
Gary "because you're the type of guy that scares the shit out of them"
me "Oh..."
Gary "Some chicks like that Hugh Grant thing you do."
Me "Hugh Grant?"
Gary "American chicks in particular love your accent, you also do that 'gosh, really? errrm, well' thing"
Me "really?"
Gary "Yeah, you sound really like him"
Me "No, I mean- really? women dig that?"
My dad is really big and really scary. I'm very afraid of getting him mad, because he used to be a professional boxer, and can pack a punch. My mom grew up as the mayor's daughter, and she's super-strict, so my home life isn't alwys fun.

My dad hates boys.

When my dad gets mad, he REALLY gets mad. He grew up with...strange parents. They adopted a kid and worshipped their daughter. My dad did all the outside work. When we ask if we can see a picture of my dad as a kid, they say no. The truth is they don't have any. His parents are my least favorite grandparents. They insult my family verbally in front of all of us, but I can't say anything back (damn). They don't even know us. Whenever we see them they talk about some stupid house they're fixing up to sell. Then they notice us and ask us how school's going (jeez...). They don't even know what my favorite color is, they're so clueless. We're just something for them to brag about: "Yeah, I have THREE grandchildren from my oldest son!" :mad:

My dad is really mean sometimes...he got it from his dad.
quoth_the_raven that sounds pretty sad! :(

efnissien guys just have THE most interesting conversations don't they? :lol: :lol: Oh, I DIG Hugh Grant!! :D I don't know about the other ladies but I DIG him! :D
quoth_the_raven that sounds pretty sad! :(

efnissien guys just have THE most interesting conversations don't they? :lol: :lol: Oh, I DIG Hugh Grant!! :D I don't know about the other ladies but I DIG him! :D

Don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE my dad to pieces :D But...his parents...that's another story...god, I feel terrible for saying that...

My grandpa always made jokes about my bf in sixth grade, he said, "So have you broken up with him yet?" little things like that, because he always told me he wasn't good enough ;) and then when he broke up with me, my grandpa said this, "What? He did? Want me to go to your school and teach him a lesson?" :lol: This grandpa isn't the mean grandpa, he's my favorite grandpa :D
Ah, grandparents are such sweethearts aren't they? ;)

It's interesting how they scold/spank our parents when they were little but now, they get all fired up and mad if our parents scold us! :lol:

I wish to get married by 27. :)

*sees all the guys running away* :lol:

I just need to find out if he's THE ONE. I wonder if he is?
Love life...please!

It is almost like leap year....only happens every 4 years! Well where I live doesn't help much and not to mention I don't like going to bars.

So basically non-existant!
My dad grew up in Rwanda. you want a scary childhood? That's it. He grew up in a really war-torn place, with an abusive father, who ended up commiting suicide. He was sent to boarding school, and went through hell there.
I'm glad that mine has been a little better, but still, when he gets angry... I lock my door.
My dad grew up in Rwanda. you want a scary childhood? That's it. He grew up in a really war-torn place, with an abusive father, who ended up commiting suicide. He was sent to boarding school, and went through hell there.
I'm glad that mine has been a little better, but still, when he gets angry... I lock my door.

I'm sorry to hear that... :(

My dad yells so loud when he gets angry, it scares me to death. I think when I was little I even hid from him...

His parents put stocking stuffers in this year. You know what I got? A Winnie the Pooh hairbrush. And last year, I got Barbie lip gloss! :mad: They know NOTHING ABOUT ME! NOTHING!!! I could disappear and they probably wouldn't even care...the most they'd care about was that their little subject for bragging rights wouldn't be so strong! :mad:

But it seems like guys like me...but then they find something they don't and break up with me...*sigh*