SMACked: Taken from Times-up

Thanks again for the lovely reviews everyone. You make me smile.:)

I'll have the new Chapter up shortly.

I can't believe it. This story has been up for one week. And I've had over 600 readers already. happy.

Thanks everyone:)
hehe, I love how sweet Mac is :)

No seriously, you know i've read most of your fics and this is one of my faves, ok I think ive said it about some of the otehrs but I really really really am enjoying this :D:D:D
NattySuess, you have been reading. *Hugs all my readers*:)

Mac awoke to the sound of the alarm. Not wanting to wake Stella just yet, he headed to the kitchen and started the coffee. Once it was perked, he filled two cups and walked back into the bedroom.

"Sweetheart, sweetheart. Wake up love. Time for work."

Slowly waking up, Stella smelled the fresh brewed coffee.

"Eww...what's that smell? Oh god, I'm going to be sick Mac."

Running into the washroom, Mac could hear here vomiting. Walking in, he grabbed a cold cloth, and placed it on her head

"Are you okay love?"

"I think so. God I feel so ill. Please Mac, take the coffee away. I don't think I can tolerate it today."

"Okay love. I'll do that. I'll get you some juice."

"No. It's okay Mac. I don't think my stomach could accept anything right now."

Heading back to the bed, Stella plopped back down.

"Sweetheart. You were fine last night. You enjoyed the Pasta and salad. Could it be you ate to much of it?"

"I don't think so Mac. I just need to sleep."

Laying flat on her back, Mac began caressing her tummy, while holding her close.

"Why don't you stay home today love. Just to be safe."

"Are you sure Mac? What if we get a case."

"Danny, Sheldon, Lindsey and I can handle it. You just rest."

Mac truely was concerned. He had never seen Stella so sick. Passionately kissing her, she fell into his touch, his taste, his love. Not wanting him to go, she wrapped her legs around his, and held them there.

"What are you up to Stel? I have to go to work."

"Not until you love me." She whispered seductively.

"You...are....insatiable. But who am I to refuse your beauty."

Lifting her out of her silken gown, he dropped it to the floor. And just as he was ready to caress her perfumed skin she ran from the bed.

"Blaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaaaah. I change my mind Mac. Just go to work. I love you."

"I love you too Stella. I'll stop by at lunch to check on you."

"Okay. Blaaaagh."

Leaving out the door, Mac couldn't stop thinking her being so sick, and alone. Parking his car, he walked into his office.

"Morning Mac. Where's Stella?"

"She's sick Lindsey. Could you do me a favour."

"Sure. What is it Mac."

"Can you go by the house and check on her for me in a couple hours. I have to meet the Chief before lunch."

"Sure. I'll do that Mac. Are you sure she's okay?"

"Yeah. She's fine. Most likely the flu."

"I'll pick her up some nice soup before I check on her. Don't worry Mac, she'll be fine."

Leaving Mac's office, Lindsey headed in to see Adam about the evidence from her case.

Meanwhile.....A new breed of killers hit NY.

They got off the bus.

"Damn, look at this place Ronald, we can find lots of young girls here to play with."

"Did I not tell you to behave yourself? Shut your bloody mouth."

"I'm sorry Ronald. It's just...It's been to long. I need something. The pain in my stomach is killing me."

He knew his brother was ill. Almost as ill as he was. But he was able to control himself better. The need to kill didn't crave, like his brothers did.

"I promise you Johnny. Once we get settled, we'll do a kill okay. Just be patient.

"Okay Ronald. I promise. I'll try."

"That's all I ask of you Johnny. Now let's go."

Heading out of the station, they searched for a place to stay.


Back at home, Stella was feeling a whole lot better. After taking a shower, she grabbed some juice and sat down.

*Knock, knock.*

"Just a minute. Oh, hi Lindsey, what's up?"

"Mac said you were sick. So I brought you some soup."

"Aww, that's sweet. He sent you to check on me, didn't he?"

Laughing Lindsey said....

"Yeah. He did. He was very concerned about you."

"I'm fine now. Though I'm glad you are here. Now I have a lift into work."

"Are you sure Stella. You still look a little pale."

"I'm fine Lindsey. Let's go."

After locking the door, they headed to the lab.

When they arrived at the station, Mac was still with the Chief.

"Stel....what are you doing here? Mac said you were sick."

"I was Danny. But I'm fine now. I must have just ate to much last night."

"Okay. As long as you're feeling alright. Mac's still with the Chief."

"I know. Lindsey told me. So any new cases?"

"Nah. Nothing yet. But the day is young."

Laughing as they headed up the stairs, Mac walked in.

"Stella...Why are you out of bed love. You should be at home resting."

"I'm fine now Mac. You must have been right. I just ate to much last night."

Mac looked at her oddly. She still looked aweful pale, and tired.

"I really wish you would have stayed at home Stella. You still look ill love."

"I'm fine Mac. Stop worrying."

Giving her a fevered stare, he said....

"Never Stella. Never will I stop worrying about you."

Smiling at his words, Lindsey interrupted them.

"Grab your kits guys. Don just called. They found a female victim behind the alley on 52nd street."

"Just when I thought the day wouldn't get interesting," said Danny.

When they arrived at the crime scene, they were met by Flack.

"What have you got Don?"

"Female victim. Catherine O'Donall. She was found by the young lady to your right. She's pretty shaken up. Say's she was walking through the alley, when she seen the victims hand sticking out of the trash bin."

"Okay. Lindsey check on our witness please."

"Sure Mac."

"Sheldon. Time of death please."

"No more then three hours ago Mac. Rigor is just setting in."
"Was she sexually assulted?"

"Afraid so Mac. She's been sexually tortured too. I won't know what was used on her till I get her back to Sid."

"Okay. Danny take Stella and search the area. See if you can find anyone who may have seen something. I'll stay here with Lindsey and collect the evidence. Sheldon, get our victim to the lab. Ask Sid to collect a rape kit, and to check the body carefully for any trace."

"Okay Mac."

"Lindsey, how's our witness doing?"

"She's pretty messed up Mac. The EMT's are going to take her to the Hospital. They think she may suffering from shock."

After collecting DNA from the bin, and the surrounding area, they headed back to the lab. Looking at his watch, Mac noticed it was already six.

"Sheldon...did Sid find anything unusual on our female victim?"

"Nothing yet Mac. He said to apologize. He's pretty backed up right now. So I collected the rape kit, and scanned her body. But nothing unusual was found. Lindsey's working on the samples from the rape kit now."

"Okay, thanks. Where's Stella?"

"Danny took her home about an hour ago. She said she wasn't feeling to well again."

"Hmm...okay. I'm going to head home. Call me if you find anything."

"I will Mac. Tell Stella to feel better."

Heading to his car, Mac stopped off at the Pharmacy and picked up some nausea caplets for Stella, along with some ginger ale.

When he got home, he found her sound asleep on the couch. Pouring some ginger ale into a glass, he walked over and woke her up.

"Stella...sweetheart. Wake up."

"Mmm...oh Mac, you're home. Any luck with the case?"

"Not yet love. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Kind of hungry. But besides that, I'm fine."

"Okay, I'm going to make you something lite. Drink some ginger ale for now."

Stella smiled. She had to admit, she loved how comforting Mac was being with her. Getting up off the couch, she walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist, while her hands slid down his thighs.

"What are you up to there love?"

"I'm up to making love to my future husband if he's interested."

"Sweetheart? You are playing a very dangerous game."

"Mmm...I like danger Mac. Especially your type of danger."

Mac had never seen so frisky. Not more then a few hours ago she was ill. But now she was acting like she never was. Feeling the sensual pull that Stella was causing Mac picked her up, and carried her into their room.

"That's it love. I warned you."

Giggling with excitement, Mac tossed her onto the bed, and covered her body with his.

"Now Miss Bonasara, I'm going to love you all night long. I'm going to take you into my soul, and burn you with endless passion."

Hearing nothing but silence fill the room. They did make love. So deep, and so passionately. That they fell into sleep.
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Ahahaa.. Finally. You updated it here. :lol: Obviously, she's pregnant with Mac's Child.. *Squeeess!* Their never endless love. Sweet and passionate. :drool: I wonder why Stella *blaaa blaaaa blaaa* :lol:
I keep reading this twice here and at FF :lol: But I havent commented over there..Im a little lazy to sign in *slap me* :lol:

Mac is so cute when he's worrying, cant wait to see what happens next :D
Teaser Alert:p:p

A short time later, they sat down to the dinner Mac had made. He had a feeling Stella would like his bbq chicken, with veggies and baked potato, and salad. As she put a piece of the tender chicken into her mouth she.....

"Mmmm....oh Mac, this is great. But it needs more sauce."

Mac looked at her.

"Umm...Stella. It's fully seasoned."

"I know that Mac, but I need more spice. More kick." She laughed.

As he watched her add more sauce, he became puzzled.

"Sweetheart. You are going to have heartburn if you add anymore to that piece of chicken. I don't want you being sick again later."

Smiling at him with her sweet smile, she cleaned her plate. Never had Mac seen her eat that quickly.

"Would you like somemore Stella?"

" thanks, I'm stuffed. So what's for dessert?"

He couldn't believe she wanted dessert already. They had just finished supper.

"I thought we could out for dessert. I'm thinking that little bakery that has the outside seating."

"Sounds great. I'll get our coats."

Mac just couldn't figure her out tonight. She was hyper, insatiable in the bedroom, and overly hungry. Not that he was complaining. For he loved her antics in and out of the bedroom.

But it was like she was glowing. So much energy, after being sick this morning. It just didn't make sense. It was like she was never ill at all.

"You coming Hon. I don't want to miss out on our dessert," she laughed.

As they walked out onto the street, they wrapped their arms around each other.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it Mac. You know what we should do?"

"No. What love?"

"We should find a place to hide, and make love in the chilled NY air."

"Sweetheart. Where are these ideas coming from?" He smirked.

"Mmm....I don't know. I just feel like making love outside. It's a beautiful night. We could hide behind some trees or something."

"Stella Bonasara, you are very naughty tonight."

"Come on Mac. Haven't you ever wanted to make love in the open. To have the thrill of getting caught or seen by people walking by?"

"Not really Stella. We are Detectives. How would it look if we got caught? Could you imagine the talk at the lab. Especially with Flack and Messer. We'd never live it down."

Stella didnt care. She was kind of shocked herself. She knew this wasn't like her, but she was just feeling so wild and carefree tonight.

"I don't care Mac. Let's go."

Dragging him towards the trees, Mac tried to persuade her to change her mind.

"Come on sweetheart. I thought you wanted dessert?"

"Oh...don't worry Mac. I'll have my dessert very soon." she giggled.

Mac had to admit, the thrill of getting caught was great. But it was the thought of getting caught with their pants down that bothered him.

He knew damn well Sinclair would be through the roof when he found out his lead Detective was playing naughty games that belonged in the bedroom.

" much as the thrill of this is effecting my senses, I have to say no love. We need to think of the Department. especially the Media if they caught wind of it."

*Sighing*...."Yeah. I guess you're right Mac. But you owe me."

"I promise love, as soon as we get home, you can have me for your second dessert." He winked.

Walking back towards the crowded street of NY. Mac breathed a sigh of relief.

When they arrived at the little bakery. Stella ordered a slice of the NY Chocolate Cheesecake. While Mac opt for the NY Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream. As they ate, Stella kept sneaking her fork onto his pie.

"Mmm...oh, that is heavenly. Here...try my Cheesecake."

Taking a bite, Mac had to admit it was heavenly. But not as heavenly as his fiance's beautiful smile.

"Mac....stop looking at me like that."

"Like what love."

"Like you want to make love to me. Right here on this table."

"Umm...Stel. I think it's time we head home."

Stella couldn't agree more. For she had seen that fevered look several times on Mac's face. It was the look that said....

"I'm going to eat you whole."

Walking back towards their home. Stella could feel her body already responding to his sensual glare.
please Linda, my heart stopped with this story. Give us more! It's so sweet and funny! :D I can totally imagine Stella hungry and insatiable (having that man i would be that too :D

OMG The idea of Mac's pants down!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

I want Stella's dessert too!

Debbie :D
ROFL can I have Stella's dessert all over Mac? :drool:

:guffaw:yes, we can. But then we have to quote Stella

"I'm going to eat you whole."

I know i can eat him whole:drool::drool::drool::drool:

Did i mention how much i'm crazy for this story?:drool::drool::drool:

Debbie :D
Hehee.. Thats not a teaser to me anymore.. :lol: I overcome it!!! :devil: Kidding. But i love it!!! That was brilliant! Does people acts like that when they're pregnant? *Wonders* GOSH! I can't wait for your next chapter!!! her body already responding to his sensual glare. << sounds interesting! :lol: anyway, I'm sure that if they do that in public, I'm sure their *Families* will interogate them. :lol:
Fair warning with the 20th Chapter. I do not replace keyboards. So please keep all drinks and food away from your keyboard. Though you may need some ice.:devil:

Does people acts like that when they're pregnant
I did with both my kids. I was very insaitable. Doctor said it was all hormonal.:lol::lol:

The following morning, Mac awoke Stella for work.

"Sweetheart. Sweetheart, wake up. Come on Stel, wake up."

"Mmm...Oh God!!!!!!

Running to the bathroom, she threw up again. Only this time she couldn't stop the nausea from taking over. Grabbing a cloth, Mac applied it to her head.

"That's it love. You're going to the Hospital. This is the second morning you've been sick."

" Hospital. Please Mac. It will pass. It did yesterday."

"Listen love. I'm concerned. I don't like you being so ill all the time. It's not healthy for your body to lose so much fluid. We are going and that's final."

Heading out the washroom, Mac dressed quickly, then helped Stella. As he tried to put her into her shirt, threw up again. Only this time on the carpet.

"I'm sorry Mac. I'm so sorry. I'll clean it."

"I don't care about the damn carpet Stella. I care about you. Now finish dressing."

Once Stella was dressed she went to take a nausea capsle.

"What are you doing Stella? No. You're not taking anything till you see the doctor."

"Please Mac. I'll never make it in the car if I don't."

"Then we'll take a bag with us. But no pills Stella. Not until we find out what is making you so sick."

Walking her to the car, he helped her in.

"Here love. I'll buckle you up."

"Thanks. I'm sorry Mac. I don't mean to cause so much trouble."
caressing her face, he whispered.....

"Don't ever say you are causing me trouble again stella. You're not. I'm very concerned, and worried right now. Not troubled. Notice the difference love."

Getting into the drivers side, Mac took the quickest route to the ER.
When they arrived, Mac called for a nurse.

"Excuse me sir. Could you please calm down. Tell me the problem."

"I'm Det. Mac Tayor. This is my Fiancee, Det.Bonasara. She's been ill the past two mornings. Severly ill. She needs to be checked by a doctor immediately."

"Okay. If you could have seat here Mrs. Bonasara. I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Questions??? What the hell for. She needs a doctor. Not questions."

Stella had never seen Mac lose it like that. He was beyond concerned.

"Calm down Mac. It's okay."

"Can you tell me when the problem started?"

"Sure. Yesterday morning. I woke up, and felt a rush of nausea followed by vomiting. It stopped mid day. After that I was fine. Then this morning it was worse. I couldn't stop at all."

The nurse was smiling. She had an idea exactly what was wrong with Stella.

"Can you tell me. Have your breasts been tender lately? Have you happened to skip your monthly."

"Come to think of it. Yeah. I didn't have one last month. Why? Is that important?"

"It is. I'll tell you what. Have a seat over there, and I'll be right back."

"Have a seat over there? Are you insane. She's ill. She needs to be seen now."

"Relax Det. Taylor. I'll be right back with the OBGYN."


Mac was confused. Stella wasn't though as it finally hit her.

"Oh my God!!!!"

"What love? Are you going to be sick again? Nurse. Nurse!!!!"

"Calm down Mac. I know what's wrong."

"You do? What is it love?"

Before Stella could answer the OBGYN showed up.

"Good morning. I'm Dr.Long. You must be Stella."

"I am."

"If you would both come with me."

Walking into a room. Stella sat down as a nurse took a tube of blood from her.

"What's that for?"

"Mac....please calm down. I think we are pregnant." She giggled.

Silence. Nothing but silence filled the little room.

"Mac!!! Mac, are you okay? You've gone pale. Maybe you should sit down."

Plopping into a chair, Mac just stared in awe.

"Did you say.....are we....are you sure?"

"Well....not yet. But in a minute or so we will be," she laughed again. Here comes the doctor."

"Okay. I have some good news for you. Is this your husband by the way?"

"Soon. We're not married yet. Though we plan on it in a year or so."

"You may want to make it sooner then a year. You're pregnant Stella. I'd say your about seven weeks along now. Do you have a OBGYN?"

", she giggled. Pregnant....are you sure."

"Absolutely. If you like. I can take you on as my patient."

"Oh yes. Please. That'd be great. Oh my God Mac. We're pregnant."

Looking over at Mac. She noticed he was still in shock.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"He will be Stella. It usually takes a bit to sink in. You just sit here till he comes around. It won't be long. I'll make your appointment with me for two weeks from now. That way we can better acquainted."

"Okay. Thanks again."

"You are most welcome. Oh...he's coming around." She laughed walking out the door.
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This chapter is brilliant!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, Mac is shocked by the news? LOL! Or too excited till speechless? :lol: Thank you for answering my question Linda.. I'm really in love with your stories!!! You take it slow for them to realise.. Most people just in one *sigh*! Your stories makes me :drool::drool:. Can't wait for your next chapter. :lol: *Wonders what Mac is thinking*
Aww...thanks for such lovely reviews:)

As Stella looked over at Mac, she noticed he was still awefully pale.

"Oh Mac. Are you going to be okay?"

Lifting his head, Stella seen a lone tear in his eye.

"Maaaac....oh Mac. Are you not happy about us being pregnant so soon?"

Still not saying a word, he got up, walked towards her, and collapsed on his knees. Resting his head on her tummy. He kissed it over and over. Not saying a word, just allowing his tears of happiness to flow.

Stella carefully stroked his hair, as she began to cry.

"You are happy, aren't you Mac?"

Looking up at her with tears still streaming from his eyes, he choked out.....

"I'm more then happy love. You have given me everything I could have dreamed of. A home, your friendship, your trust, your love. But most of all our child. I've dreamed of this Stella. Each night since the day you said you were in love with me, and I with you, I prayed that this would happen."

Mac's words were making her heart swell. She could barely breathe with the love Mac was given her. So much in her life, she wanted a family. So much, she wanted to be loved beyond the relm of this life. And she finally had been.


"Yes Mac?"

"Will you marry me. Say you'll marry now instead of a year from now. Please love. Don't deny our child my name. Our name, that we will share for the rest of our lives."

So many tears were flowing from her eyes. So much love that was bursting within he heart and soul.

"Yes Mac. Yes I'll marry you. Right here, right now if you wish."

Standing up Mac wrapped her in his arms. Then picking her up, he carried her from the room. Not caring who was watching, ignoring the stares, the aww's and oh so sweet. As they walked by the nurses, doctors and people in the waiting room.

"I'm going to take you home love. I'm going to wait on you hand and foot. I'm going to pamper you so much that our child will know from the womb that he or she is loved."

Unlocking the car door, he placed Stella delicately in the seat. Then strapping the belt around her he kissed her, and closed the door. Opening the drivers side, he got in and started the car.

When they arrived at home. Mac undid her belt, picked her up and carried her into the house. Taking the stairs two by two, he carefully laid her on their bed.

"Do you need anything love? Anything I can get you?"

"Just you Mac. All I need is you."

Laying down beside her, Mac wrapped her carefully in his arms like a spoon. Then placing his hands on their child, he whispered.....

"Sleep now love. I promise I'll be here when you and our child wake."

When he was sure Stella was asleep. He crawled from the bed and called Don.


"Flack. It's Mac. I'm not going to be in today unless it's an emergency."

"Are you okay Mac?"

"I'm fine Don. Let the team know please. Tell them we will inform them tomorrow on what's happening here."

"Sure Mac. I can do that."

"Thanks Don."

Hanging up the phone. Mac headed back to their bed, climbed back in, wrapped his soon to be wife in his arms again. As he watched her and their child sleep.
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