SMACked: Taken from Times-up

Aw.. Can't wait to know what will happen^^. *Wonders who will win the bet* I love this chapter. :drool::drool: Thank you Linda.. :)
When Mac finished showering and changing. He walked out of the bathroom and seen Stella with a huge smile on her face, fully dressed, with her curls dripping wet.

"You Det.Bonasara cheated."

"What!!! No I didn't," she laughed.

"Oh no."

Walking over Mac squeezed her curls, and watched as the drops of water fell on his rug.

"Your hair is soaking wet Stel. I know for a fact you do not come into work with wet hair."
"Ummm....Listen Taylor, it's not my fault you don't have a blow dryer," she smiled widely.

"Nice save Stel. Let's get you home and changed. We'll grab coffee on the way."

"Okay. Hey Mac!!!"

"Yeah Stel."

"You are going to look so cute in your little apron."

Raising his eyebrows, Mac grabbed her hand and headed out the door.

When Flack and Danny arrived at the address, they knocked on the door. Getting no response, Danny peeked through the window.

"Christ sakes Flack. Look at this."

As Flack peeked in the window he seen their suspect dead on the ground. Busting down the door they ran inside.

"He's dead Flack"

"Okay. I'll call Sheldon. You call Mac."

When Danny called Mac, he and Stella had just arrived at her apartment.


"Mac, we're at the location for the suspect. There was no one at home, so I peeked into the window, it appears our only suspect is dead."

"Okay Danny. We'll be right there."


"We'll? Who's with you Mac?"

"Stella. I just caught her on her way in. We should be there in five."

Hanging up the phone before Danny could question him further. He looked over at Stella.

"You need to make your change quickly Stella. We need to get over the suspects home."

"Okay Mac. I'll be right back."

Once Stella was inside, she changed her clothes, grabbed her overnight bag and shoved some clothes in it. Locking her door again, she ran back down the stairs.

"Okay Mac, let's go."


"Yeah Mac?"

"Where's your kit?"

"Oh damn. Hold on."

Running back into the building she grabbed her kit, locked her door, and headed back out.

"Okay. Now I'm ready."


Sheldon was a hell of time starting his vehicle.

"Come on. Not now. Damn it."

Picking up his phone he called Mac.


"Mac, it's Sheldon. I'm running behind. My vehicle has stalled."

"Okay. I'll send Stella to pick you up once we get to the crime scene."

"Thanks Mac."

"What's the matter now Mac?"

"It seems this day is turning into a disaster. Sheldon's vehicle won't start. Once you drop me off, can you pick him up sweetheart?"


Once Stella and Mac arrived. She dropped him off and pulled right back out.

"Where's Stella going?"

"She has to grab Sheldon. His vehicle stalled on him. So what have we got?"

"One Steven Delucio. Looks like poisoning."

As Mac checked the victim, he noticed the bluish tinge on his tongue and lips.

"Did you find anything?"

"No sign of forced entry. But we found his date book, and his computer was still on. From what I can see, it looks like he was interrupted."

"Okay. Get the date book, and tower back to the lab. Have Adam check for any information that may be on it."

"I will Mac."

When Stella arrived at Sheldon's he threw his kit in the back of Mac's car, as he noticed Stella's overnight bag.

"Stella. Are you going somewhere?"

"No, why?"

"Isn't that overnight bag in Mac's backseat?"

"Oh....ummm..yeah. I was out last night. I haven't had a chance to drop it off at home."

Sheldon was puzzled. For were they not all at the crime scene last night till 2am this morning. Keeping his thoughts to himself, he let the subject drop.

As Danny headed out, he seen Stella and Sheldon pulling in.

"Chirst Stel. What the hell happened to your hair? Your curls are wet and flat."

"My blow dryer broke this morning."

Walking away from Danny with a smile on her face, she entered the house.

"What is up with her and Mac?"

"I don't know Danny. But you better get that evidence back to the lab."

Placing the evidence in the car. Danny knew something was going on. But he just couldn't put his finger on it.
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LMAO! Apron.. :drool::drool: Sooner or later, the teams will find out. :lol: both of them being suspicious. :guffaw:Can't wait for your next chapter.. :lol:
With the evidence collected, and the body picked up the haulers, the team headed back.

"I'll take Sheldon with me Mac. You can give Stella a ride back."

"Okay. We'll see you both there."

Pulling out Stella said....

"I think we may have problem Mac," she laughed.

"What problem sweetheart?"

"I think the team may be catching on that something strange is going on."

"Why would you think that Stel?"

"Well....Sheldon seen my overnight bag in your backseat. When he asked me why it was there, I said I didn't have time to drop it off this morning at home."

"Why would that make them suspicious?"

"Mac...we were at the crime scene last night till two in the morning. So why would I have been out at that hour with my overnight bag."

"I think you are worrying a little to much love. Our team may be smart. But we haven't given them anything to suspect that we are dating. Just relax Stella. Think about tonight, and that nice erotic massage with your name on it."

Carressing her cheek, she smiled.

In Don's car....

"Hey Don.

"Yeah Sheldon?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well...this isn't for sure. But I think Mac and Stella may be seeing each other."

Flack laughed.

"You're kidding right? Drop it Sheldon. It would never happen."

"I don't know Don. When Stella picked me up this morning, I noticed her overnight bag in Mac's vehicle. When I asked her why it was there, she said she didn't have time last night to drop it off at home. Funny thing is. We were all at that crime scene last night till two in the morning. Why would Stella go out somewhere at that time of the night?"

Looking over at Sheldon, he said....

" intersting as your theory is. Forget it Sheldon. I just can't see it happening."

Continuing to the station, Flack started wondering himself.

At the lab....

"Hey Adam. Mac asked me to drop off this evidence for you to process. He needs you to check through any files you find on the hard drive. He'd also like you to go through this date book, and see if you can place addresses with these names."

"Okay Danny thanks. Just leave them there. I'll get to them shortly. I just have to finish processing the evidence from the Derlek case."

Walking back out Danny seen Mac in his office. While Stella, Flack, and Sheldon were walking down the hall. Then he heard Flack say....

"Hey Stella, what did you do last night after the crime scene?"

"I went back to my date. Gary was nice enough to wait for me. What did you, Danny and Sheldon do last night?"

"Nothing. By the time we all headed back, it was to late to do anything."

"Aww...sorry to hear that. I'll see you guys later. I have to check on Adam."

Whispering to Sheldon, Flack said...

"I told you you were way off Sheldon."

Shrugging his shoulders, Sheldon walked down to see Sid.
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O.M.G! You can't see me.. :lol: This is really hilarious. Can't wait for their erotic massage with her name on it :drool::drool:.

Short chapter:

The next time Stella looked at the clock it was six in the evening.

"Where did the day go? I need to get to Mac's."

She knew Mac had left early. *Or as he put it, he had dinner to make for his lady*. Smiling Stella headed down into the lockers.

"Hey Stel. What are you up to tonight. Don and I are heading to get a drink, would you like to come?"

"No thanks Danny. I have my evening already planned."

"Oh yeah. With who? Your mystery guy?"

"He's not a mystery Danny. Just to you." Smiling she walked out.

Mac's place

After Mac had the steaks on the BBQ, he tossed the salad, chilled the wine, and headed into the shower.

Running the spray on hot, he got in and allowed the flow to take away the stress of the case. As he reached for his soap he couldn't find it. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt the caress across his back.


Leaning in, she whispered....

"Yes Mac? How was your day?"

"It was great love. How was the rest of yours?"

"The same."

Not wanting to talk anymore, Mac turned and leaned her against the wall. Rainging little kisses across her neck, while his hands explored her gorgeous form. Needing more of his touch, Stella leaned closer as she felt his strength wrap around her tight.

Turning off the taps, Mac picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Carefully laying her on the sheets, he climbed upon her, and began whispereing sweet words, that drove her to distraction.

Wanting more of her sighs and purrs, he entered her soul with passion and strength, leaving her spinning in a whirl wind of desire. Not being able to withstand the passion for long he yelled out.....

"Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeella......" came the scream of passion from Mac, as his soul met hers deep within. Laying quietly in each others arms, neither of them wanted to move, neither of them wanted to breathe, for what they felt was beyond the relm of reality, beyond this earth. What they realized they both had felt, was eternal love.
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LOL! So hilarious.. Their *Eternal Love* sounds so nice. Thank you, Linda, for this BRILLIANT chapter. :drool:. Can't wait for next chapter. Like i said, What happened to their dinner? :lol: I know it will come later.. Can't wait to see what happen after their dinner.. Will someone interupt their date again? :(:)

As they laid in each others arms, Stella smelled something burning.

"Mac....Mac, what's that smell?"

"Crap!!! The steaks."

Jumping from the bed, he went to run out of the room.


Turning around he said....

"What is it Stel. The steaks are burning."

"I just thought you might want to put some clothes on before you run outside," she laughed hysterically.

Looking down at himself, he sighed, and threw on his sweats.

As he opened the back door, Stella followed in his robe. Realizing he was to late he said....

"How do you like your steaks again Stel? Well done?"

Still laughing she said....

"Yeah Mac. Well done is fine."

Taking the well done steaks into the kitchen, Stella grabbed the salad and dressing from the fridge.

"I'm really sorry Stel. I forgot all about them."

"No Mac. You didn't forget them. I made you forget them by distracting you at the wrong time."

Walking over Mac wrapped her in his arms.

"You didn't distract me Stella. We distracted each other. I can honestly tell you I'm not sorry we did."

Looking up at his handsome eyes she whispered....

"Either am I Mac. I would not change minute of the passion we just shared."

Pulling her closer, wrapping her tighter, their lips met in heated passion once more. Sensually breaking the kiss, he whispered....

"We still have salad, wine and dessert. Along with the most pleasurable massage you will ever recieve. So where would you like to start sweetheart?"

Stella was starving. But she also wanted her massage. Though deep down she knew once she got it, they would not be leaving each others arms for the rest of the night.

"How about dinner?"

"Auugh...rejected for a burnt meal," he grinned.

"Funny Mac."

Sitting at the table, they conversed about the days events, and Danny.

"Did Danny mention anything more about last night?"

"No. Though he asked me out for drinks with him and Don."

"What did you say?"

"I told him I already had plans for the evening. Then he said.."with who? Your mystery guy? So I told him that you weren't a mystery to me, just to him."

"Good for you Stel. Though you do know, eventually they will figure it out, right?"

"I know that Mac. I'm just enjoying teasing Danny for a while. He's so funny and sweet when he's flustered."

Smiling Mac began clearing the table. While Stella cut the dessert, and started the coffee.

"You know sweetheart. I like having you pattering around my home. It feels right."

"I have to agree with you on that Mac. It's like we've been doing this for years."

"Yeah Stel, it is."

After dessert, they washed and dried the dishes. When they were done Mac reached over, grabbed Stella and carried her into the living room. Sitting her on the couch, he grabbed a thick blanket from the closet and placed it on his carpet.

*Whispering*..."Come here sweetheart. Time for your body to feel my sensual massage."

After their massage, Mac sensual loved Stella, and as they were both on the edge she whispered....

"I love you Mac."

Knowing the words came from her soul, he wrapped her tightly, and flipped her under him.

"What did you say love?"

"I love you. I love you Mac. So much I ache."

He thought that was what she had said, but he needed to be sure. For he never thought he would find love again., Never did he think he would find another woman to share his life with, to help make his world complete. But he had. He had her words of love three times now.

"Say it again Stella. Please. Say it again."

"I love you Mac. I love you so much I ache."

"I love you too Stella. I never thought I could love again. I never thought anyone would ever come into my life, would even offer to share my life forever. That is until you Stella. You have given me more then I could have ever imagined. I promise you Stella that from each day forward I will give you the words we both need to hear. Do you understand Stella? I want to keep you. I want to protect you. But most of all I want to love you forever."

"What are you asking me Mac?"

" All I'm asking you for, is to share my life with you, together as lovers, and best friends. The rest will work itself out Stella. We will build our lives together slowly as lovers. Then when we are both ready, we'll take the next step"

Stella was in tears. She knew she wanted family. She knew she wanted to be loved and cherished in her life. But most of all in her heart, she knew she loved Mac Taylor more then she could have thought was humanly possible.

"Yes Mac. Yes I will share your life with you. For as long as you'll have me."

"Then be ready for a long life together, because now I have you Stella, I'll never let you go."
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