SMACked: Taken from Times-up

Aw..I'm kidding.. :lol: I'm a very patient person. :). I know you will post it here sooner or later. I love the way you write your story. I can't wait for more from you seriously. *Lindaaaaaaaaaa, what will happen in their date?" << no respond :lol:
As Mac began watching the tapes. Stella walked in.

"Mac!! You find anything?"

"Not yet Stel. I think I'm going to have them sent to the lab. There are to many to watch here. I'm really sorry our date was interrupted."

"That's okay Mac. It's only what...11:30. We still have the rest of the evening. If it gets to late when we get back. I'll just take you up on your offer from a while ago, and sleep in your spare room."

Mac smiled.

"You are to sweet Stella. And yes. You may use the spare room."

"Good. It's settled then. Let's get this stuff back to the lab."

Once they had all the evidence and samples in the teams capable hands, they headed out.

"Hey....where are you two going? Yelled Danny. The evening's young, why don't you guys come to the bar with us and have a drink."

"No thanks Danny. You guys go ahead. Have fun. I'm just going to drop off Stella at home and call it a night. But call me if you find anything."

"I will Mac. Night Stel."

"Night Danny."

"What's up with those two?"

"I don't know Don. So!!! Are we all going to get that drink or not?"

"Yeah. Just let me grab Sheldon."

On the drive back to Mac's Stella leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You tired Stella?"

"No. Are you?"

Pulling over to the side of the road. Mac stopped for a minute.

"What are we stopping for?"

Moving his belt aside, he turned to face Stella's beautiful face. Then raising his hand, he caressed her cheek, bent his head, and kissed her softly on the lips.

Breaking the kiss he looked at her and said....

"I'm sorry Stel. I've been wanting to kiss you all evening."

Not giving her time to respond, he fastened his belt again and began driving. All the while still holding and caressing her hand with his thumb.

Back at the lab....

"Hey Adam. We are heading out for a drink, want to come?"

"Are you serious Danny? I have all these tapes to go through for Mac. You guys go ahead."

Danny felt bad. Turning to leave the lab, he whispered to Flack and Sheldon. Then turning back around he and Sheldon put on their lab coats.

"What are you two doing?"

"Well Adam. Don's going to pick up Pizza, and we are going to help you with the tapes."

Adam looked shocked.

"Don't look so shocked Adam. We're a team. It's what we do for each other."

Picking a few of the tapes, they got down to figuring out who poisoned the co owner of Club Pacha.
Aw.. Finally!!! Thank you Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :lol: Their kiss.. I can picture that now:drool:. Aa.. Why didn't Stella respond to his kiss? no time? :lol: Hee.. I'm glad that Danny and Don help Adam. Adam is so cute... Loves their Teamwork.:guffaw:Hope they find the killer soon. Love your story so much Linda.. :)
Thank you. I'm really enjoying it myself. *Laughs*:lol: Your reviews are great to read:)

When Mac pulled up to his home, he looked over at Stella and found her still staring at him.

Smiling he said....

"What's the matter Stella? You look shocked."

"I'm fine Mac," she whispered.

Still smiling he opened her door and helped her out of the car. Taking her by the hand, they entered his apartment.

"Listen Stel. You hear that? The music is still playing."

Mac had never seen her so confused. But he had to admit he liked it.

Helping her off with her coat, she sat down while he headed to the kitchen and got out their dessert. Placing it on plates, he walked back in.


"Yeah Stel?"

"Could you...I mean...could you kiss me again?"

Not answering her, he took her in his arms, while looking in her eyes.

"Of course I can Stella." He whispered.

Leaning in, just a breath away, he whispered....

"Are you ready this time sweetheart?"

Trying to find her voice, but only being able to moan out a sound. Their lips joined. Softly at first, as they explored each others textures and taste. Then taking her deeper into the kiss, their tongues wrapped around each others in endless passion. So much tenderness, so much sweetness, that Stella couldn't breathe.

Breaking the kiss with tenderness, Stella laid her head on his shoulder as silence filled the room. Leaving only the sound of soft music playing in the background.

"Are you still alive Stella?"

Leaning her head off his shoulder he noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying love?"

"Because your kiss left me breathless Mac. You made me feel something I've never felt, ever, in my life."

"I know Stel. I know because I felt it too."

Wiping her tears with his thumb, she smiled.

"Should we finish our dessert?"

"Yeah. I'd like that Mac."

After they finished their dessert, Stella helped with the dishes.

"I'll wash, and you dry?"

"Sounds fair enough Stella."

Once they had everything done, Mac turned off the stereo and grabbed the movie he had rented.

"So what are we watching Mac?"

"Pride and Prejudice."

Sitting down beside her on the couch, he started the movie. Laying back, he carefully leaned her back against him, so her head was resting on his chest, and her legs between his on the couch.

"Are you comfortable sweetheart?"

"Mmhmm...very. I love this movie Mac. How did you know?"

Bending down towards her ear he whispered...

"Now if I told you all my secrets, then you would have no surprises."

Feeling the shiver down her back, Stella closed her eyes and reminded herself to breathe. As the movie began.
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OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! Linda...*Jumps up and down singing songs with Linda's name* I love this chapterrrrrrrrrrrrrr! OH GOSH!

"Could you...I mean...could you kiss me again?" << When i read that i was like crying and AH!! Blushing myself. Finally she get the chance to reply his kiss. :lol: I've been repeating that sentence.. I love that sentence!! :lol:

"Now if I told you all my secrets, then you would have no surprises."
^ This sentence sounds nice..:drool: ^ Ah..His secret.. I know it would be something really good. Thank you Linda.. :) Can't wait to know what will happen when their movie finished.. :lol:
Thanks for the reviews you guys, you really know how to make me continue to make this story very romantic, tender and beautiful, with a little drama.

Just to make you all aware. This story will also be posted on FF.Net. The version down here will be the same but with PG-13 scenes. Up at FF.Net it will be rated M. I will leave a little note in each chapter that is going to have "M". That way you will all know that the mature version is up.

You may also leave your reviews down here. But please have respect for the younger members of the board by keeping your comments under the PG-13 rating.

Thanks again for your reviews.:)
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Thanks for the reviews you guys, you really know how to make me continue to make this story very romantic, tender and beautiful, with a little drama.

Just to make you all aware. This story will also be posted on FF.Net. The version down here will be the same but with PG-13 scenes. Up at FF.Net it will be rated M. I will leave a little note in each chapter that is going to have "M". That way you will all know that the mature version is up.

You may also leave your reviews down here. But please have respect for the younger members of the board by keeping your comments under the PG-13 rating.

Thanks again for your reviews.:)
You're welcome Linda.. We make you continue to make that story very romantic, tender and beautiful, with a little drama but you make our day brighter.. Aw? I'm going to read it again in! :lol: I know.. I will.. :) Thank you Linda. :) Can't wait for your next chapter. Nothing with more than PG-13 rating will come out from my keyboard. LOL! :lol:

During the movie Mac began caressing Stella's arm with little fingertip caresses. As he did this he smiled. For he could feel her skin begin with goosebumps, and everyone once and a while she'd give a little sigh.

Feeling Mac's touch was becoming to much for Stella. She could feel her body begin to heat. With each new sensitive touch Mac gave her, she could feel it all the way to her soul. Taking her fingertips she sensually made little circles around Mac's chest.



"I can feel your heart racing in chest. I can feel your beats keeping time with mine."

Bringing his fingers up to her neck, he lightly swirled little circles.

"I know Stel. This is what you are doing me. This is what your beautiful skin, and soft sweet hair does to my senses. everything about you is beautiful Stella."

When the movie ended it was four in the morning. Turning off the TV, along with the DVD player Mac said....

"Come on Stel. I'll show you to the spare room."

Leading her down the hall, he opened the door.

"Here you go sweetheart. I'm sure you'll find the bed comfortable."

As much as Mac wanted Stella to share his new bed he had bought a few months after Claire's death. He knew it just may not be the right time. The last thing he wanted to do was tempt Stella into something neither of them were ready for.

"Thanks Mac. You sleep well."

"You too Stel."

Bending his head, he kissed her softly on the mouth.

"I'll see you in the morning Stella."

"Okay, night Mac."

When the door closed behind Stella she seen the black t shirt laying on the end of the bed. Heading into the bathroom with her purse, she pulled out her little toothbrush and paste that she carried with her to work, after showering she brushed her teeth. Then slipping off the towel, she walked over and clicking off the light, she crawled into the bed.

In the next room Mac showered and brushed his teeth. Then dropping his towel, he got into his bed. Closing his eyes, all his thoughts focused on Stella, the beauty of her scent, her skin, her smile. Finally drifting off into sleep he dreamed of her.

Later in the night Stella awoke. She knew Mac was being caring with her when he left her alone in the spare room. But she didn't want that. She wanted to be with Mac. She needed to be with him. She felt safe and cherished in his arms.

Slipping on her blouse, she buttoned it, opened the door, and walked down the hall. Nearing Mac's door, she turned the knob, took a deep breath and walked over to his bed.

Mac could have swore he was dreaming. He could smell Stella scent through his room. Slowly opening his eyes, he seen her standing there with a lone teardrop falling down her cheek. Seeing the heated passion in her eyes, Mac realized Stella needed what he needed. Each other.

Without speaking a word, Mac pulled back the covers, and watched as Stella unbuttoned the blouse, and allowed it to drop too the floor. Feeling himself respond to her gorgeous bronzed form, she slipped in beside him, as he pulled the covers over them both.

"Are you sure about this Stella? This changes our friendship. After this night we are a couple. So I ask you again love. Are you sure?"

Stella wasn't sure why she was crying, but she couldn't help it as she answered.....

"Yes Mac. I'm sure."

Wiping away her teardrops with his thumb, he carefully laid upon her while staring into her beautiful eyes.

"So beautiful Stella. I'm going to love you with passion and control. I'm going to have you feeling every touch, every caresses, and when your body is laying beside mine fully drained, I'm going to love you again."

Lowering his head, Mac kissed her in heated passion. Leaving in its wake, new memories that would last forever.
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Aw..Lindaaaaaaaaaa :lol:. This chapter is really nice. I love Mac being boss mode in work and i love him being so gentle when he is with Stella. :drool::drool:. All those sweet words, How i hope it was true in the series.. :lol:

The next time Mac awoke, he looked at the clock and noticed it was five thirty in the morning. Looking down, he admired Stella as she slept quietly wrapped spoon like in his arms.

Feeling his body responding to her beauty, he slid has hand up and across her arm until he was caressing her whole body.


"Shhh...please Stel....let me love you again. Let me take us back to where our souls meet in passion."

Not being able to answer, she nodded her head. And as the morning light shone through their window, they released into each other once more.

Collapsing on top of Mac's chest. Stella was to satisfied to move. Being able to only raise her head, she looked at Mac and whispered.....

"So handsome. So passionate. Who ever would have thought this of Det.Mac Taylor."

Smiling down at her, he brought his hand up and caressed her hair.

"Not as passionate and giving as you are Det.Bonasara."

Just as they were about to kiss anew, the phone rang.

Reaching over the bed, with Stella still wrapped in his arms, Mac picked it up.


"Mac, it's Danny. We've found an address on our suspect. Flack and I are on our way there now."

"Okay Danny. Let me know what you both find. I'm going to grab a shower and then I'll be down.

"Okay Mac. See you soon."

"What's going on Mac?"

"Danny and Flack found an address on our suspect. They're heading down their now. So we need to shower and change."

"Ummm....I think we have a small problem."

"What's that sweetheart?"

"I have no clothes here Mac. If I walk into that lab in the same clothes, those boys are going to wonder what I've been up too all night."

"Well then. Grab your shower, get dressed, and we'll run to your place and get you changed."


Bouncing off Mac, she heard him say....


"Aww...sorry Mac, she giggled.

Bending back down, she kissed him smartly on the mouth.

"Five bucks says I can shower and be done before you."

Smiling at her beauty, he said....

"You're on sweetheart. But I have a better bet."

"What's that Taylor?"

"Loser has to make dinner tonight, and give a full body massage." He winked.

"Mmm...I like my steak medium rare."

Racing from the bed. Stella took off down the hall in all her natured glory, laughing all the way.