SMACked: Taken from Times-up

YAY!!! *Jumps up and down on my bed* This chapter is nice.. Mac is really cool.. :drool::drool: Their love.. Aw.. much much much better than other married couple. I'm sure the team will be suprised and congrats them when they knew this news. *Wonders what Mac will do when they woke up in the morning* :D Can't wait for your next chapter.. :drool::drool:
Still not saying a word, he got up, walked towards her, and collapsed on his knees. Resting his head on her tummy. He kissed it over and over. Not saying a word, just allowing his tears of happiness to flow.

Linda, who has tears in her eyes it's me.Being so deeply sensitive as he is, it's completely in character this scene. For years being so lonely, so part away from the real world and now he is having something he didn't know he needed most: his own family!
Stella, on the contrary, always knew what she wanted. And finally she has the love she deserves and that never has when she was a little child in need of a family

Debbie (It's so beautiful this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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wow Linda! That was so sweet and beautiful near the end. Lol at Mac being stunned as Stella giggled at the doctor :lol:
Thank you again, for the lovely reviews.:)

Linda, who has tears in her eyes it's me

Awww,,,Debbie. Passes you a tissue.:(


As Mac continued to watch her sleep. He Thought about what their child would be like. How he/she would act. Would it be a quiet baby, or a noisy baby. Would it look like Stella, or would it have his looks. Most importantly, would he/she be healthy.

Oh he knew he didn't have to worry about the child being loved. For their child would get lots of love from the two of them, and their CSI family.

Tearing up again. Mac realized he didn't have her ring yet. Oh he knew she would never accept anything huge on her finger. No. It would have to be dainty like her.

Climbing out of bed again. He carefully covered up his family, and headed out the door. He knew of a little Jeweler across the way, that had the most dainty little diamond rings he had ever seen. Walking in Mac said good morning to the Jeweler.

"Good morning sir. I'm interested in purchasing three items. First I need a very delicate engagemnet ring. Followed by two matching wedding bands. Can you help me?"

"I sure can sir."

Pulling a group of engagement rings, Mac looked them over. Then he seen it. The little delicate lone diamond, that twinkled at him. Telling him without words, that this was the one his Stella would love.

"I'll take this one. Do you have it in a six?"

"I do sir. Now I'll show you our wedding sets."

Picking out two plain wedding bands. Mac payed for them on credit card and left the store. Heading to the florest, he picked up one dozen roses. Eleven white, and one single red one. After paying for them, he went back home.

Checking on his wife to be and his child, he noticed they were both still sleeping. Closing the door again, he walked to kitchen and made a special lunch for himself and for his wife and child. Once he had everything ready. He pulled the rings from his jacket pocket.

Taking out the engagement ring, he placed it inside the single red rose. Then heading into the bedroom, he placed the tray down and woke his beautiful lady.

"Stella...Stella, sweetheart. Wake up love. I've brought you some lunch. Come on love. You need to eat."

Slowly waking up, she opened her eyes and smiled when she seen the roses sitting on the tray.

"Oh Mac!!! They are gorgeous. Thank you."

"Not as gorgeous as you my love. How are you feeling?"

"Better. The nausea has gone."

"Good love. I've brought you some lunch."

As Stella smiled she noticed something inside the red rose.

"Mac...pass me the single red rose."

"Why love. Is something wrong?"

"No. It's just the top of the flower is shinning for some reason."

"It is? Hmm..I didn't even notice that."

Handing her the single red rose, she slowly opened the petals. And as she seen the dainty little ring, she teared up.

"Oh's so delicate."

"Not as delicate as you are sweetheart."

Taking the ring from her, he got down on one knee.

"Stella Bonasara. I never realized how lonely and sad my life was until you came into it. I thought after Claire died I would never find someone to share my life with. My world with. Then came you. With your beautiful smile, your stubborn ways, your sensitive nature. It was you Stella, that taught me how to smile again, how to cope with my grief and pain. It was you sweetheart that taught me it was okay to be angry, and hurt with the loss I had suffered. But most of all Stella, it was you who gave me what I truely needed to live again. Our child. Our child and your unconditional love."

Stella was in tears, she couldn't stop her heart from bursting free with the love and trust she was being given from Mac.

"Please Stella. Please say you'll marry me. Please say you'll allow me to fill your life, our child's life with my love. Please Stella."

She couldn't breathe, she couldn't control the love that was within her heart.

"Yes Mac. Yes, for the second time today. I'll marry you."

Slipping the delicate ring on her finger, he kissed it. Then bringing himself off his knees, he sat back on the bed. Watching, as she admired the tiny little diamond that was full of love. Mac's love.

Looking up, Stella noticed Mac's eyes were misted again. Taking her hand she caressed his face. Then without a spoken word he leaned in and kissed her passionately. And as he broke the kiss, he heard her softly whisper....

"Love me Mac. Take me in your arms and love me."

Love her he did. In passion, in warmth, but most of all in love.
Th best part of this is reading this story in stereo :D LOVE IT! I can't resist Mac being so sweet From the part at FFnet i loved when he spoke to their child. It's beyond anything tender and sweet i can imagine

But most of all Stella, it was you who gave me what I truly needed to live again.

How true is this statement :D

Please keep writing. I cannot wait to read how it follows!!!!!!!!!! :D

Debbie :D

A short time later Mac fed Stella lunch.

"Mmm...I think that's enough Mac. I'm stuffed."

"Just one more bite love. Please."

Taking the last forkful of peach pie, Mac removed the dishes of to the side. Then leaning back on the bed, he reached over and kissed her.

" taste very sweet sweetheart. Let me try that again."


He laughed with her, as he licked his tongue around her lips, tasting the peach flavour that was left upon her.

"So what would you like to do this afternoon?"

"I don't know Mac. What do you want to do?"

"Get married. Call our team, tell them to meet us at City Hall. Have a quick little ceremony, and then a beautiful walk through the park."

"Oh Mac. That sounds so wonderful. Should you call the team? Or should I?"

"How about we both do it."

Picking up the phone. Mac called Flack's cell.


"Don. It's Mac."

"And Stella." She laughed.

Then together they said.....

"We are getting married this afternoon. We want you all to be there with us. Please say you'll come."

"Wow. You're kidding. I thought you two were waiting a year?"

"We changed out minds. We'll tell you why when we see you this afternoon."

"Okay. I take it your news is good. I'll let the others know Mac."

"Thanks Don. Around two, don't be late."

"We won't Mac."

Hanging up the phone. Don gathered the team together.

"Listen up guys. Stella and Mac are getting married this afternoon. That gives us less then three hours to plan there reception. Nothing fancy. Just something small that says we love them."

"Danny smirked.

"Christ Don. I've never heard you talk like that. I thought they were waiting a year?"

"Mac said something came up. That he'd let us know this afternoon."

Sheldon thought about. A quick ceremony. Just CSI family around.

"Oh my God. They're pregnant."

"I'm sorry. What was that Sheldon?"

"I said. Mac and Stella are pregnant. Think about it. She was very ill yesterday. But by the afternoon she was fine. Then Mac called in this morning. He informed Don that neither of them would be in, and he'd explain later."

"Well....I'll be damned. Way to go Mac."

"Aww...this is exciting. Stella must be excited. She's always wanted a family of her own. We really need to make this day special for them."

"You're right Lindsey. So let's get situated, and get things set up."

Once everyone had their asigned task, they headed out to get everything in order.


Stella dressed in a beautiful black sleek dress. Reaching for the pearls she had, she tried to clip them on.


Thinking she was upset or in pain, he ran into the room like a bullet.

"What is it love? Is it the baby?"

"Calm down Mac. I just need help with my necklace."

Mac knew he was a nervous reck. He knew for the next eight and a half months, he'd be concerned for his child and his wife. Attaching her pearls, Mac noticed what she was wearing. Oh boy....he remembered that dress from the case she worked on with Flack.

Tracing his fingers down her back, he watched as skin began to chill. Then taking his lips, he sensually kissed her nape, followed by her back.

"Maaaac....if you keep doing that, we'll never get out of here."

"I know love. But you are to beautiful. Your gorgeous sunkissed skin, and sleek slender body is driving me to distration."

Stella laughed.

"Just wait for a few months Mac. Then tell me I'm still slender and sleek."

Looking up at their reflection in the mirror. Looking her right in her warm sweet eyes, he said....

"Trust me love. With each moment our child grows within you. With each kick, and ripple he/she gives. Is just one more minute, one more second. You become even more beautiful then you are now."

Such words melted her heart. Mac had given her so much. Never did she think this kind of happiness was possible. Oh she knew she deserved it, just as Mac did. But it still felt like a dream to her. A dream she hoped she never woke up from.

"I hope I never wake up from this dream Mac."

"Trust me love. This is no dream. This is our reality. This is our life. Together. Just you, me and our child. Trust in that Stella. Trust in our love. For everything you are feeling is real. Every touch, every caress, every day of every moment it is us Mrs.Stella Taylor."

Turning her in his arms. He passionately kissed her, as her gown slid to the ground.
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*squees and wants to hug them* Can I still borrow him once in a while? *giggle* I could kidnap him and tie him up in my basement :devil:
:drool:Er.. You want to kidnap him? Can i join? LOL! :lol:

Linda.. Those 2 chapter is nice.. :D I can't wait for more.. It's so funny when Stella says just wait 2 more months.. I laughed out loud. But i'm sure Mac is not that kind of person. Stella is beautiful to him no matter what. :D :drool::drool:

Sent from heaven.
Sent from heaven.

Now you can wait your whole life wondering
When it's gonna come or where it's been.
You may have got your heart broken
A few times in the past
Never last strong as it used to,
Don't feel as good as it used to (before)
And all the things you used to say,
Things you used to do, went right out the door

Oeh no more, will you be the one
That's what you tell everyone around you
But you know they've heard it all before
What more can you say
When love won't let you, walk away
You can't help all your love
And you find yourself giving it away
When you think you're in love

I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)

Now you can wait your whole life tryna change
What the fear from what it's been
You may have put your whole life into a man
Loving what you thought that could've been.
I don't wanna swing your change
When you don't feel as good as you used to (before)
And everything you used to say,
Everything you used to do clear right out the door

Oeh no more, will you be the one
That's what you tell everyone around you
But you know they've heard it all before
What more can you say
When love won't let you, walk away
You can't help all your love
And you find yourself giving it away
When you think you're in love

I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)

Everybody say
I wanna be the one you love
I wanna be (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one you trust
I wanna be (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one you need
I wanna be (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one
I wanna be the one (sent from heaven)

I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)

I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)

Your banner suits this song Heaven Sent by Keyshia Cole.
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The shower before...the chair Ahem!:alienblush::alienblush::alienblush::alienblush::alienblush: (sorry, my stereo reading is affecting me:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

will we get a wedding ceremony? If that is the case i can't wait for their vows! how sweet i can handle????? :p

I was touched by Guys' reaction to the call. Aren't they so sweet? :bolian: And Sheldon didn't fail me:thumbsup:I can't wait for their surprise!!!!!!!!!

BTW , Stella is not the only one whose hormones are jumping and playing around...Mac is the next example ahem!:alienblush::alienblush::alienblush::alienblush::alienblush::alienblush:

Awwwww I am imagining how sweet will be when Stella has a little womb and "Is a girl, is a boy" betting polls

I think i will melt in happiness :D

Debbie :D
Quickly getting dressed. They headed out the door.

"Come on Mac, move your buns." She laughed.

"You my love are driving me to distraction again. Behave yourself Mrs.Taylor."

Stella laughed again. She couldn't help but be so happy. She was marrying the most sensitve, most loving, most handsome man in the world. Plus she was having their baby. She now had everything, she had ever dreamed of. So she felt she had every right to happy.

When they arrived at City Hall the team was already there.

"Stella!!! Come on, let's get you ready." Yelled Lindsey.

"What!! I am ready Lindsey."

"No. Your not. Let's go. the way Mac. You look so handsome in your tux."

"Hey!!! Get back here with my wife. Where is she taking her?"

"You'll see Mac. Let's go. We even got your license for you."

"You're kidding. You did that for us?"

"Of course Mac. It's what family does. Now give us the 411 on Stella." Danny laughed.

"Huh??? What 411?"

The team just laughed. They knew when Mac was ready he'd tell them about the pregnancy.

Heading into City Hall, they took Mac into Room 1 where a JP waited.

"You must be Detective Mac Taylor?" It's wonderful to finally meet you."

"You to sir. Danny. Where's my wi........"

Silence could be heard as Mac seen his beautiful wife to be standing at the doorway dressed in a beautiful white silken gown, and white shoes. The only thing Mac could think was he was now in a dream, as he forgot how to breathe.

Walking down Mac neared her side, as he seen her tears begin to weld up in her eyes.

" look like a Queen. My Queen." As he caught the fallen drop with his finger, before it fell upon her silken white dress.

As the team watched on, they teared up themselves. For they had never seen such love between two people who had lost so much, and found everything again, in each other.

"Ahem.....If you and your wedding party will follow me."

Mac and Stella were both confused. Weren't they getting married inside. Looking at each other with confusion, they began to follow the JP and their team. As they neared the back of City Hall, they opened the door and stood in awe.

"Oh....oh my...." Cried Stella.

Mac was floored. His team had set up a little Chapel. Upon the ground were red and white roses lined up in two lines making a walkway to the front of the Chapel.

"Mac. If you'd like to wait with the Minister, I'll bring Stella to you."

"Umm..sure Sid."

Once Mac walked up with Danny and Flack, Sid took Stella in his arms.

"Stella. If it is okay with you. I'd like to give you away."

Stella couldn't breathe, everything she was seeing was to much a dream to be real.

"Just breathe deep Stella."

Smiling at Sid as the tears poured from her eyes, he dabbed at them.

"Try not to cry to much Stella. You will ruin your beautiful gown."

"I'm sorry Sid. This is just too much. It's so beautiful."

"That may be Stella. But you are more stunning then anyone else here today. Now shall we? I believe your fiance is waiting for you."

Wrapping her arm in Sid's. They walked down the path to Mac. As they neared the front, the Minister said.....

"Who gives this child away?"

"I do father." As he kissed her cheek.

Mac held out his hand towards his bride. As Stella took it, Mac could feel her shake.

"Just breathe love."

Standing in front of the Minster, he began......

"Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today in this little Chapel to bring together Mac Taylor, and Stella Bonasara in holy matrimony. In front of God and his witnesses. If anyone can see just cause as to why this couple should not be legally wed, speak now, or forever your peace."

Waiting a few seconds, the Minister continued.

"Before we continue, do you two wish to say your own vows to each other?"

"We do."

Looking into Mac's eyes, Stella began.

"Mac, I've always felt lost and alone in my life. I always felt I wasn't good enough to find someone to love me with respect, honesty and truth. But then you walked into life. First as my friend. As you helped me through my toughest times, my toughest mistakes, ups, and downs.

I never dreamed at the end of a rainbow, for I felt I was undeserving. But you taught me I wasn't. You taught me that it was okay to make mistakes, and not be judged on them. You were the one that held me tight during my rough times with my mistakes I made throught my last few years.

But most of Mac, it was you who taught my heart how to survive and move on. And you give me your gift of love. Our child. Our child that will grow to know that love is passion, is a warmth that is never judged or taken away.

A love that has no limits, no bounderies. A love that will always stay strong, stay real as we make our vows complete. I love you Mac. And even though I know we will have our trials, our little disagreements, I know in my heart and soul, that you will always be there to help rebuild our path of happiness."

The team were in tears. Even Don had moist eyes from the love Stella was reflecting on Mac.

"Mac...You may say your vow now."

"Stella....After I lost Claire, I felt the world had fallen apart around me. I felt nothing but an emptiness for Justice, and truth. I thought I was destined to spend the rest of my life alone.

But you taught me to laugh again. You taught me that it was okay to feel pain, and love at the same time. It was you Stella, that taught me to losen up and live again. And now. Now you give me your love.

A love I thought never existed in this hurtful world we live in. But more then that, you gave me a child Stella. Our child. Something I never thought would ever be possible in my life. Our life. So before we continue I've written this song for you."

"Stella, you are my reason,
that my life does go on.
You are my destiny,
that aligns my heart in this song.
You are the Angel, that carried my heart,
You are the best friend that taught me to start,
the one who kept me from forever falling apart.
Who gave me all my dreams stored in our hearts.
And forever, from this day forward and on,
It is you that I will love, forever in this song."

Stella's tears were pouring down her gown. Never in her life had anyone ever made a song just for her. As she looked over at her team, as she took a minute to catch her breath. She seen they all had tears streaming down their faces. Looking back towards Mac, she just couldn't get out the words that were bursting in her heart.

"It's okay love. You don't have to say anything. Your tears have told me you loved your song."

Still trying to catch her breath, they turned back to the Minister.

Mac, if you would repeat after me....

"I, Mac, take you, Stella, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part."

Slipping the ring on her finger, he smiled.


"I, Stella, take you, Mac, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part."

Then by the power invested by me, and this beautiful little Chapel. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mac, you may kiss your bride.

Taking his fingertips, he raised her tear stained face to his, and as he kissed her with beautiful passion, everyone cheered.

As Mac broke the kiss with gentleness, everyone came forward.

"Congratulations you two. You have no idea how happy we are that you two finally made it legal," laughed Danny.

"Funny Danny." As Stella hugged him.

"So we hear double congrats are in order. So tell me boss, how does it feel to find out you are going to be a father?"

Wrapping Danny in his arms, he said.....

"It feels like Heaven Danny. It feels like I'm floating above the clouds."

"Well you two. The day's not over yet."

"It's not? What are you guys up to now. You've done so much already."

"Don't you worry about it Mrs.Taylor. Follow us."

As the team walked off together. Stella and Mac wondered what they had in store next.
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oooh yeah what what?
I love writing wedding vows for stuff like this was definately fun in RP-land. Yours rock too :)
Linda.. Like i said your story is very very extra touching!!! :( Sadness of JOY! LOL I mean i cried while i'm eating in front of my monitor. :lol: Their vows towards each other.. Oh GOSH! That is really soooooooo perfect!!! Linda.. you brightens up my day again today.. I'm really happy for Mac and Stella in your story ~ I can't wait for what surprise will the team give them.. I know it would be something i love! :lol: Can't wait for your next chapter too! :drool::drool: