SMACked: Taken from Times-up

Thanks again everyone for your wonderful reviews.

When they arrived near their home Mac said....

"This is our surprise? You brought us home." He laughed.

"We did Mac. Now pick up your bride. You must carry her through your threshold."

"I know how's it done Danny."

Picking Stella up in his arms, he carried her to their door. As Danny unlocked it and they walked in, Stella cooed.

"Ohhh...Mac..look at this place."

Mac couldn't believe his eyes. The team had somehow decorated their place with little wedding bells, streamers, and balloons. There was also a whole buffet table, full of different foods.

"This is beautiful," she cried.

"Thanks Stel. The whole team worked on it."

Placing her feet on the ground, Stella hugged her team.

"You guys. Never in a million years did I expect to have a beautiful wedding, let alone a beautiful reception."

" two deserve it. We all know you'll be happy for many years."
Lindsay walked over and turned on the music. As Danny and Flack grabbed their dates and began dancing with them. Joining in Mac wrapped Stella closely in his arms.

"Are you happy Mrs.Taylor?"

"I am my husband. You and our team have made my dreams come true. This is like a fairytale."

"It is. With you being my Queen."

Softly kissing her. Stella wrapped herself into Mac's heat. God! Her body was on fire again. As Mac's hands were burning through her delicate gown.

"Sweetheart, behave. We have guests."

Whispering near his ear, she said....

"I can't help it Mac. I need to feel you inside me. I need to feel your soul within mine again."

Mac could feel himself swell at her words. As she continued to grind herself against him. Sliding his hands down her gorgeous form, he could feel every inch of her body under that thin gown.

"Excuse me. May I cut in?"

Looking up Mac seen Danny standing there. Of all the times he could have disturbed, he picked now when Mac was on the edge.

"Sure. Have care with her Danny. She's with child."

"I know that Mac. Don't tell me you are going to be one of these fathers, that over protect."

Laughing he said...

"I guess I am. Can you blame me. I've always dreamed of being dad. Now it's really happening."

Danny was shocked. It wasn't like Mac to talk about his feelings. But he was certainly doing it now. Passing his wife's hand into Danny's he allowed him to dance with his bride.

"You look really happy Stel. Like you're on top of the world."

"I am Danny. You have no idea. Mac is so warm, caring, understanding. I've found happiness Danny. True happiness."

"I can see that Stel."

When the song ended Danny kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey you. Hands off my bride."

Laughing Danny said....

"Sorry boss. Can I just tell you Mac. I've never seen you so happy. Does this mean you are going to like this at work? Cause if ya are. We all need to get use to the new you."

Wrapping his bride in his arms he just smiled.

"Buffet is served guys."

" I'm starving."

Breaking out of Mac's arms, he said....

"Where you going love? Come back. You believe that Danny. My wife prefers food over me," he pouted.

"Sorry honey. The baby wants to eat," she giggled.

Danny howled.

Standing in front of the wedding cake. Lindsay handed them the knife.

"Whenever you two are ready."

Sharing the knife, they sliced down the center of cake. Then each of them picked up a piece, and put it near each others mouths.

"Mmm...looks wonderful," purred Stella.

Raising the cake to her mouth, Stella bit into it.

"Mmm....oh...this is heavenly."

Placing her piece up to Mac's mouth he bit into it.

"''re right. That is delicious. But not as delicious as you sweetheart."

After they had finished eating. The team decided it was time for the bride and groom to be alone.

"Okay Mac. We're all taking off now. Congrats again you two. Hopefully the criminals are nice enough not to murder anyone tonight."

"That's it Danno, ruin their wedding night by cursing them," laughed Flack.

"Aww...that's okay. Night guys, and thank you for everything, it was simply beautiful. I love you all."

"Does that mean you'll divorce Mac and marry me?"

"Good night Messer."

Laughing, they all headed out the door.

Once Mac had said good night to Sid and Adam, he turned around and found his lovely wife eating again.

"Sweetheart. You are going to explode."

"Nah...I can't help it Mac. This cake is so delicious."

"Hmm...I'm not sure about that. Maybe I should taste it again."
Wrapping her in his arms, he licked his tongue around her iced filled lips.

"Mmm...I don't know Stel. If I had to chose between the cake and you. You'd win."

"Well then my husband. Why don't you ice me up and we'll play." She winked.

Being ever so obedient, Mac did ice up his lovley wife. Then he carried to their room, where he loved her in fevered passion. Till nothing existed, except for their love.
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Heeeeeeee... Like i said, Danny is funny and he's cute. That cracked me up when Mac says Stella would choose him over the cake! :lol: I like *Wall* better but i love both! :lol:

Meanwhile at a Motel....

They were at it again. He could feel the sickness within his brother crawling to get out. He knew he had to find a woman and soon, before his brother went fully insane. Walking out onto the street of NY, he hunted, and stalked.

Seeing a street walker sitting on the bench, he sat down beside her.

"Excuse me. How much for the night?"

"Just for you mister? Or will someone be joining us?"

"My brother will be. He's at the Motel waiting."

"Three hundred bucks for the night."


Taking the money from his pocket he gave her one hundred and fifty.

"You'll get the other hundred and fifty, when we get to the Motel. Deal?"


Getting up they walked together towards the Motel.

When they arrived, he opened the door and watched his brothers face turn into pure evil. Almost animal like. And as the prostitute seen his expression, she knew she wasn't going to get out alive.

Covering her mouth before she could scream, he dragged her to the bed.

Tossing her upon it, he gagged her mouth. Then holding her down by her hands, his brother attacked her flesh. Chewing and swallowing, as he could feel the ache start to subside.

"Get me the bat. NOW!!!!!

He hated this part. He hated watching what his brother was going to do while she was still alive. Killing her instantly, she took her last breath while looking into his haunting eyes.

Watching his brother head towards the shower, he picked up the prostitute, carried her out to the bin, and dropped her in.

Walking back into the Motel. He told his brother to hurry. For he knew staying in one area to long was dangerous.

Stripping the sheets, and removing the plastic he put down. He placed them in a bag, and took them with him.

"Did you get the rental car?"

"Of course I got it."

"Then stop crying, and drive."

"I am. Jesus Johnny. Why must you torture them so?"

"Just shut up and drive. Open your mouth again, and I'll put my fist in it."

Not saying another word. They moved on to the next Motel.
Those killers are way too violent! I wished i could kill them and save the girl from that two guy.. They stripped off her cloth and kill her somemore. MEH! I'll leave that job to Super MAC and his team..! :) I, Asprine can't wait for your next chapter :D
The following morning, Stella awoke to another rush of nausea. Seeing she was still within Mac, she carefully crawled out of his arms and ran into the washroom. Hearing her patter across the floor, he knew she was going to be sick.

Getting up, he wrapped himself in his robe, and grabbed hers. Walking into the washroom, he bent down on his knees, and pulled back her hair.

"It's okay love. I'm here. I'm here."

Caressing her back, while she tried to catch her breath. He placed a cool cloth on her head. Then wrapping her in her robe, he carried her back to bed.

"How you feeling now love?"


"When do we see the OBGYN again?"

"In a couple weeks Mac. Try not to worry, I'm fine. It's just my body changing."

"I know that love. I just hate seeing my wife so ill and tired all the time."

Rolling onto her back, Stella stared at her husband as he caressed her tummy where their child was safely nestled.

*Ring, ring.*

"I'll grab it sweetheart. You stay in bed."


"Morning Mac. Sorry to disturb your little honeymoon, but we've found another female victim."

"Same MO as the others Danny?"

"Yes and no. This one is a little different. She's been eaten."

"I'm sorry???"

"She's had her flesh torn apart and eaten."

"Okay Danny. Get her back to the lab. Have Lindsey stay with Flack. I need you tell Sid this is a rush priority. If this girl has been eaten, then we should get some proper DNA from this one. I should be there in about 20 minutes."

"Sure Mac. I'll see then."

Hanging up the phone, Mac seen his wife dressing.

"Where are you going love?"

"With you. To the lab."

"Listen sweetheart. Why don't you wait till this afternoon. When you feel a little better."

"I'll be fine Mac. Don't worry." As she caressed his face.

"I'll always worry love. For you are carrying."

"I know that Mac. But I feel fine to work. Honest."

"Okay. But if you start to feel to tired, you nap on the couch in my office, okay?"


Kissing with heated passion again, they dressed, and headed out.

When they arrived at the lab, Adam yelled to Mac.

"Mac!!!! I need you in here."

"What is it Adam?"

"I took the samples from the flesh that was left on the girls body. I found saliva, tested it and it came back to a Johnny Wilborn. So I checked a little further into the background. Turns out he has a brother, named....Ronald Wilborn.

The two of them are wanted in three different cities for questioning in a total of 12 murders. All young females, all who have had their flesh torn off, and sexually assulted with a foreign instrument."

Mac just stared. He wasn't sure what to say. He knew this case was going to demand his full attention though.

"Have you got photo's of them yet Adam?"

"I do Mac. I've sent them to NYPD. Flack also said he was informing the Media. By this afternoon their faces will be all over NY, and the rest of the world."

"Okay. I want Officers posted on every exit out of NY. We need to find these guys, fast."

Heading out, Mac went down to see Sid.
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Umm...Listen guys. The next Chapter cannot be posted here. It is to sadistic for the rating here. So I'm seriously concidering closing the story down here. As it's going to get more graphic, before this case is solved.

So thanks for everyones FB, and reviews.

Sorry, Linda:)
Heheee.. Finally.. Get to the serious ones.. :lol: I'll be waiting for coming story/ Chapters. It's okay Linda. :)