SMACked: Taken from Times-up

Aw.. :( :lol: Linda, you're kind of teasing me here.. LOL! *Kidding* Someone interupts them again. :guffaw:. Their longing kiss.. Was interupted by whichever Danny or Flack it is.. Maybe Adam. :lol: I was halfway in my imagination of that kiss and something just *Boom* No kiss! :devil: I'm sure they will find out soon. I'm glad that they just told each other that they love each other truly. LMAO! Anyway, I'm really happy that Mac and Stella is going to go through their lives together. :) Can't wait for your next chapter :drool::drool:.
Thanks for the lovely review guys.

I don't mean to tease you!!! Honest.:p :shifty:

It's just if I put all the love scenes into one chapter. I'd have to end the story.

Besides that, all good writers know when to stop. To much passion just may kill poor Mac and Stella or their READERS.:lol::guffaw:

Though it will end soon, but for now you are going to have to have patients. I mean.....they are not even living together yet, and we wouldn't want to force them into sonething to soon, would we??:eek:


As Mac reached over Stella to pick up the phone, she rested her head back on his chest.


"Hey Mac."

"Don!! What is it?"

"Danny and I were just headed out for a few drinks. So I thought I'd see if you'd like to meet up with us."

"Not tonight Don. Thanks for the offer though."

"Sure. Talk to you later."

"Night Don."

"What did he say Don?"

"He said not tonight."

"I'm telling you. Something funny is going on here. Stella is never around anymore, she has some mystery guy. Mac always stopped by for a drink with us, and now he doesn't. I'm telling you, I have this feeling they are together."

"Give it a rest Danno. Let's go get that drink. Maybe we'll get lucky and find a couple hot ladies for the night."

Heading into the bar, they ordered a couple beers, and took a look around.

"Hey Danno. There's those two nurses from the Hospital. What were their names again?"

"Sadie and Kayla, call them over."

Waving his hand in the air, the girls seen them and walked over.

"Hey Don, hey Danny. We didn't think we'd see you guys here tonight. Don't tell me it's quiet on the streets of NY?"

"So far so good Sadie. So don't curse us. Have a seat."

Sitting down Danny ordered the girls a couple drinks.


Hanging up the phone, Mac stopped Stella's hand from tickling the hairs on his chest.

"Stel...were you trying to distract me?"

"Who me? Nah, not me."

Flipping her over onto her back, they looked into each others eyes.


"You are so beautiful Stella. And you feel so right against me."

"Not as right as you feel beside me Detective."

Kissing her again in passion, they made love upon the floor for the rest of the evening. Then when they could love each no more, they fell asleep wrapped in their love.
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I don't mean you to tease me.. :D Its okay. I love it like that. Its going to end soon? Sad..but i'm happy with this because I'm sure Stella would be carrying Mac's Child soon. :lol: How i wish to repeat your story again. :) I can't stop reading them. Like i said, I Love SLOW AND STEADY. LOL! :lol: Can't wait for your new chapter. :drool::drool:

Mac awoke a few hours later to a draft. Realizing they were still in the living room, Mac picked her up in his arms, and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her upon the sheets, she awoke.

" cold."

"I know love. We fell alseep in the the living room. I'll have you warm in a minute."

Climbing in beside her, he covered them up and pulled her into his arms.

"Warmer now love?" He whispered.

"Mmm, yeah. Much better." As she wiggled her bum into his heat.


"Yes Mac?"

"Stop wiggling and go to sleep."

"But I'm not tired anymore."

Gripping her hip to try and keep her still, she pushed herself closer.

"Steeeeella.....I'm tired love."

"But I'm not apapo. Prosfero apapo emena pali."
(I'm not love. Please love me again)

Mac loved when Stella spoke Greek. Oh he didn't know alot of Stella's language. But he knew what she was asking. Turning her in his arms, he could see the passion burning again in her eyes. Not waiting to be asked twice. He passionately kissed her. So deep, so passionate, as their tongues dueled against each other in their lovers dance.

A short time later, after passionately making love once more. They collapsed in silence. As she ran her fingernails up and down his back.

"Please're killing me," he whispered out.

"I would never kill you Mac. I love you to much for that."

"You love, are insatiable. But I'm not complaining." He grinned.

Stella laughed.

Leaning up upon her, he wrapped her in his arms, and flipped her over. Holding her close they fell back into sleep.

The next time they awoke it was morning. Getting up out of bed, Mac headed towards the shower. While he ran the water, and climbed in the phone rang. Waking Stella out of sleep, she forgot she was at Mac's and picked it up.


"Stella?????What are you doing at Mac's?"

Realizing where she was, she looked up and seen Mac staring from the door. Covering the reciever she whispered....

"I forgot I wasn't at home. It's Danny. He knows I'm here Mac."

"Hello....Stella, Stella. You there Stella?"

"Yeah Danny. Hold on okay. I'll get Mac for you."

Passing the phone to Mac, she buried her head in the pillow, while Mac caressed her back, letting her know it was okay.

"What is it Danny?"

"We found the third party that owns Pacha. Don and I are heading there now."

"Okay Danny. Keep me informed. Stella and I will be there shortly."

"Okay Mac. See you then."

Hanging up the phone. Danny poked Don.

"Hey...what the hell was that for Danno?"

"Guess who picked up the phone at Mac's?"


"Stella. And I can tell you this much. She sounded like she just woke up."

Smirking at each other, they headed out to pick up Mr. Donald Weaver.
Ah? Again? LOL finally they caught them. :lol: But they don't have prove that they are sleeping together in one bed i mean. :drool:
While Stella showered, Mac made them breakfast. Setting the coffee, Bacon, eggs, toast and strawberries on the table she walked out.

"How you feeling sweetheart?"

"Better thanks. Though I wish we could stay in bed all day."

Wrapping her in his arms he whispered....

"Me too Stel. But we always have tonight."

Sitting down, Stella rolled her breakfast around her plate.

"Stel...You're still not worried about Danny, are you?"

"No. As you said, they'd figure it out sooner or later."

"Listen love. The most they are going to be is excited for us. Sure there will be a few questions. But nothing we can't answer together. Now please eat Stella."

After breakfast they washed the dishes and headed over to Stella's to pick up more clothes. Parking the car, Mac walked up with her.

"Hey Mac."

"Yeah Stel?"

"How much should I pack?"

"It's up to you love. You are more then welcome to stay with me forever."

Stella smiled.

"Why am I begining to think you planned this."

"Honest love. I didn't plan anything. As I told you last night, we can take our relationship as slow as you'd like."

Stella thought about. She knew how much she and Mac loved each other, even before they started dating. From the very begining they both realized there was more then just friendship. The problem was, they were both to concerened with the rules of dating in the department. Also, they had both had very shaky relationship backgrounds. Another reason they shyed away from each other. They didn't want to lose their close friendship.

"What are you thinking about Stel?" As he wrapped her up in his arms from behind.

"Us. Our life together. What our future will be."

"Well...Even though I don't know for sure. I have an idea it will be filled with lots of love, respect, understanding, and most of children. You want to have children, don't you Stella?"

"Yeah...I do. At least two. Maybe even three," she laughed.

"We can have as many as you like Stella. For I will never tire of loving you, every chance I get."

"Oh Mac. You always make me see everything so vividly."

"It's vivid love, because it's the truth. I love you Stella. One day soon, you will be my wife, my companion,mother of our children, but most of you will always remain my best friend."

Turning in his arms, they kissed in sweet passion.

"Do you have everything you need love?"

Looking Mac in the eyes she said.....

"For now Mac. But if we can. I'd like to come back tonight and pack up the rest of the my stuff."

"Are you sure love? You want to move in together?"

"I do Mac. If you'll still have me."

"Of course I'll still have you. I told you Stella, this is forever. I have no intention of changing my mind. You Miss.Bonasara, are stuck with me. So tonight, we will grab a pizza, a bottle of wine, along with some boxes, and pack everything up. Maybe we can talk the boys into helping."

Stella laughed. As Mac took her hand and lead her to the car.

Mac knew this relationship was going to work out. For they had been best friends for years. They knew each others ups and downs, likes and dislikes, want and needs. But most of all, they knew each others hearts. Hearts that were full of love, kindness, and respect for each other.

Arriving at the station Danny was waiting.

"We got him Mac. He confessed to killing his partners. Hey Stel. You look good. Well rested," he laughed.

"Okay Messer. We know you know. So you can stop the little hints."

" all honesting Stel. What the hell took you to so long? We all noticed the little changes a few years ago. We are happy for you. All of us."

Walking over Danny embraced her in a hug.

"You are going to be forever happy Stella. Just put everything else to rest." He whispered in her ear, so Mac couldn't hear.

"Thanks Danny."

"Danny, where's Flack?"

"He's putting our guest into a holding cell till he's picked up."

Once inside Mac headed to his office, to check his messages. As he listened, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"'s Peyton. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be coming into the City tomorrow, and I'm really hoping we can talk. I have so much to explain to you. The most important being I made a mistake with us. I've realized that now. So I'll see you tomorrow around ninish, bye for now."

Picking up the phone Mac called England.

"Yes, could you please connect me to 555-4755, thank you."

Mac hoped he wasn't to late to reach her. He didn't want her here. In fact, he didn't want anything to do with her at all. What she had done was childish, and uncalled for. Never in his life had he been treated with such little respect, as a Dear John letter. There was no way in hell he would even concider taking her back. Not getting an answer, he hung up.

As he looked out his office, he seen Stella walking by.

"Stella!!! Can I see you for moment?"

"Sure Mac. What is it?"

"Shut the door love," he whispered.

Shutting the door, she walked over and sat on the edge of his desk.

"I need you to listen to me carefully love. I recieved a call from Peyton. She's coming into the City tomorrow. She seems to think she's made a mistake with us."

Stella was shocked. But at the same time she was glad that Mac had shared this with her.

"So what are you going to do Mac?"

"I'm going to be truthful with her. Let her know that what we had was a mistake. She was right. I'm also going to let her know that I've moved on. With you."

Caressing her hand to Mac's cheek, she smiled.

"I love you Mac. I love you and trust you."

"I know you do Stel. I love you too"

Getting up, Stella left Mac's office.

After work, Stella, Mac and the boys headed over to her apartment with Pizza, beer and wine.

"Did you bring the boxes Sheldon?"

"I got them Danny. No worries."

Heading up to Stella's apartment, Danny put the Pizza on the table, along with the beer and wine. Then putting the boxes together, they began packing up her stuff.

"Jeez Stella. You sure don't have alot of stuff."

"I know Danny. I like to live lite," she laughed.

Sitting down to their Pizza, they discussed how they felt about their relationship.

"How do you guys really feel? Are you okay with Mac and I together?"

"Stel...we already told you. We are happy you both. In fact as Danny said earlier. It's about time. I mean think about it. You two know each other so well that you started even thinking alike. Remember that crime scene we were at. Mac walked in, at the same time you both said the exact same thing, and I said BOOM."

Stella laughed. Oh yeah, she remembered that day well.

"I believe as you put it.....You two have been working together to long. You are thinking alike."

As they all laughed Stella heard a knock at the door. Getting up she answered it.

"Peyton??? What are you doing here?"

"Hello Stella. I was told Mac was here. May I see him please?"

"Sure. Mac!!!"

Coming to the door Mac seen Peyton standing there.

"Hello Mac."

Hoping for at least a smile, she knew it wasn't going to happen. Not with that look of anger on Mac's face.

"What are you doing here Peyton? You said you weren't flying in till the morning."

"I know Mac. I was able to grab an earlier flight. I was hoping we could go out to dinner or something."

"I'll be right back Stella."

"Okay Mac."

Closing the door Danny and Flack wrapped Stella in their arms.

"It's going to be okay Stella."

"I know. I'm not worried guys. But thanks for the comfort."

"Anytime Stella. It's what family does."

"I can't believe she'd have the nerve to even come back here," said Danny.

"Either can I. Especially with how cowardly she was with that Dear John letter. come on Stel. Let's finish our Pizza."

Outside Stella's door, Mac stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You have alot of nerve showing up here Peyton. Even more nerve to come to Stella's home to see me."

"I know Mac. I truely do. But I needed to talk to you. I needed to appologize for saying good bye in a letter."

"You've said it. As far as I'm concerned it's over. Just go back to Engalnd Peyton. Your life is there, mine is here."

"Please Mac. I made a mistake. Give me a chance to make it all up to you."

"No. It's over Peyton. I never loved you, just as you never loved me. We shared a couple nights together. A few dates, but that's it. There was no solid foundation to continue. Going to London with you was the biggest mistake either one of us could have made"

"I never realized you felt like that Mac. So cold and distant."

"You left me Peyton. This is what you wanted. Take care of yourself Peyton. Have a safe flight back to London."

Knowing she had lost, knowing that ever being in Mac's arms again was impossible, she walked out into the cold, and hailed a cab to the Airport.

Walking back into the Stella's place, he seen they had all the boxes packed and ready to go.

"We'll start taking these to your car Mac. Come on Danno, Sheldon. Let's go."

Once the boys headed down to the car. Stella looked at Mac and said....

"Are you okay Mac?"

"I'm fine love. Everything is going to be fine. Now let's get you home."

Heading out of the apartment. Stella took Mac's hand.

When they got back to their home. Mac carried in the boxes, while Stella started the coffee. Bringing over two cups, they sat down, as he pulled her towards his chest, and just held her.

"I love you so much Stella. You've made my home complete. There was always something missing after Claire died. My life, my home, everything felt empty and hollow. Then when I started dating Peyton, I thought...could she be the one, or am I just filling the void of my loneliness from missing Claire."

Stella wrapped Mac tighter. Letting him know without words that she was listening.

"Then when that drug heist went down at the Station. I thought about my life. How quickly it could disappear. That's why I decided to go to London with Peyton. I knew deep down I didn't love her. But I also knew I no longer wanted to be alone."

Mac could feel Stella's warms tears on his shirt. Caressing her hair, he continued.

But once I got to London, I noticed the change in Peyton. There was not one night she spent in my Hotel in all the time I was there. Then the calls started at 3:33 everyday. I can honestly tell you Stella, that day I got the call to come home. I felt this huge weight lift off my shoulders. I guess I just begun to realize that this was where I belonged. With my team, and friends around me."

Stella gave Mac another little squeeze, as her tears continued to fall.

"It wasn't long after that I realized my heart had already found what had always been here in NY. You Stella. You were the one that my heart longed for, the one my soul needed to continue to live.

Stella couldn't speak. Her throat had closed from holding back her sobs. Looking up at Mac, he heard her sobs release. Not being able to control his own tears, they held each other while their pain was washed away by their tears of love.
*For I will never tire of loving you* :drool::drool: LOL! this chapter makes me cry. So touching. I was so shock when Peyton's name appeared in this chapter. I was like OH NO! NOT AGAIN!!! LOL but fortunately, Mac is not like her.. Doesn't treat their Relationship seriously. :lol: I'm glad that Peyton was hurt after that. Same to how she did to Mac! But i pity her abit.. 1% only out of 100%. :devil: What Mac says to Stella is really really touching. I hope that Stella will carry Mac's child and together they built a happy family together. :) Thank you..Linda for this lovely and sweet chapter.. :) Can't wait for the next one. For i am :drool::drool:.
Asprine, your wonderful full reviews always make me smile. I'm really happy you're enjoying the story.

Its going to end soon? Sad..

Don't worry about it to soon. There is still quite a bit to go. Who knows. This could end up like my Continuing Stories, and last a long time:lol:

Time will tell.;)

Thanks again everyone for the reviews.:)
Linda.. Thank you very much. I'm enjoying your story so much in here and in Seriously, I read both of them. Glad that you write them in both website. :) I can differentiate it then write better reviews :D Your stories, I read repeatedly also won't get bored. I just can't wait for your new chapter :D. I know Linda will always cheer me up with her stories:) I don't mind for it to end soon because you are going to cheer me up by writing more new ones. :drool::lol: Thank you again, Linda. :)
ouch lol bye bye Payless


When their tears subsided, when they could both breathe again. Mac picked her up in his arms. Carrying her into the bedroom. He layed her upon the silken sheets. Turning around, he grabbed two candles from his drawer, and lit them.

As Stella watched, she was enthrawed with Mac's handsome face, as it glowed like a bronze God from the older days. Removing his shirt, Stella lost control of her breathing again. Never in her life had any man had this kind of effect on her.

Walking back to the bed. Mac climbed in beside her, and wrapped her in his arms. Pulling her in close, he began passionately kissing her heated lips, while caressing her beautiful skin.

"So beautiful Stella. I can't get enough of your sensual touch. Your sensual kiss."

Melting at his words. Mac worked his way down her neck. Rainging little butterfly kisses across it, while linking their hands together in passion, and in desire.

"Maaaac....this is all to much. I can't breathe from the sensitivity you are giving me. Please Mac, love me."

Lowering his hands, he wrapped them protectively around her tummy, and whispered....

"Tonight my love. Tonight I'm going to love you until you weep, I'm going to love you until you pass out in my arms. But most of all. I'm going to love you till I'm so deep within our love. Giving us what we both want. Our child."

Stella cried. Telling him without words that she accepted, and agreed to having his child. Their child. Their child that would be made from their passion, from their need and want. But most of all from their love.

With gentleness and care, Mac loved her. Loved her so sensually, so sweetly, that they did concieve what would become their very first child. Together as one, made from their everlasting love.
Mac's handsome face

:drool::drool: I'm sure he's face would be handsome everywhere. :D Not only in the lighten candle room. :lol: I love this chapter.. *Wee!!!* Their child is coming. GOSH! Their everlasting love in this story is really lovely,sweet and passionate. Most importantly *GENTLE*! Geezzz, I can't wait for your new chapter in here and in, Linda. :lol: Thank you. :):drool: