Shrine of Archie-goodness

yuewel said:
What a pity~Chinese word can't be showed here~sigh....

I know, it's a drag, you'd have to make an image file of it (like a JPG or GIF) and post it. I've seen the Chinese symbol for Kao (or Gao or Cao - pretty much the same name, apparently) - I d/l'ed a GIF but I can't even get the thing to show up! Any Chinese writing experts here who can help out? :cool:

I did, however, find "Archie" written in Chinese...
Archie is the hottest guy ever.Because of him, I have a sudden attraction towards guys with Oriental looks(Chinese,Japanese,Korean).
Is there any Archie Kao fans from Malaysia or any other Asia countries other than me?I don't think that Archie Kao's popular in Malaysia.I really don't know why.Is there any,please let me know.
Have the movies and TV shows Archie's been in been shown in Malaysia? Sometimes it just takes exposure, or being in the "right" movie or show. Is "CSI" big there? A lot of the movies he's been in weren't even that big here, unfortunately. Very good movies, but not well-promoted. "Power Rangers" is probably the biggest thing he's been in in terms of his own visibility. And they seem to change casts every year, so it may have taken his presence on "CSI" to jar some fans' memories about his "PR:LG" work. Not all, of course...

One question - I never saw him on "Once and Again" and none of that show's fan sites (that I've seen) have so much of a mention of him, only mention the character very briefly. Did he get any actual dialogue on the show? I mean...What little I know about him being on the show is straight off IMDB...He was only on two episodes of "ER", but did he ever make those count! :cool:
ER was aired in Malaysia once but I never watched it.CSI is really big here but I don't really think they noticed him.So far,the only fans of him in Malaysia I know is me and one of my best friends,Isabel.Most of my friends have been asking me who is he and when I said that he's from CSI they were like,"He is?How come I never notice him?"Believe it or not,I post Archie Kao's profile on one of my best friend's Friendster profile and according to her, her friends think that the profile on Archie Kao is very interesting.

About 'Once and Again' question,I'm sorry I can't answer that because 'Once and Again' was never aired here.Sorry.
I'm still coming down off my emotional "high" from last night!!!

First - "Fast Money" is an absolute MUST-SEE. If it's coming to a festival near you, if the DVD goes on sale soon...whatever, it absolutely rocks. I had high expectations for it, and it far and away exceeded them. Archie (and the entire cast) was absolutely top-notch, the writing, directing, cinematography, soundtrack...everything. Jerry Chan, the director, is a super sweet guy, and he's a fellow NorCal - from San Francisco and went to school in Sacramento so he's got both of my hometowns covered, LOL! If this film is any indication of what he's capable of...look to your laurels, Bruckheimer, Tarantino, et al! He and Archie (who co-produced the film) are planning some more projects - I can't wait!!

Before seeing this movie, about the biggest emotional "stretch" I'd seen Archie do onscreen was "Purpose", which was still fairly understated. In this, he absolutely leaves no a** unkicked, actingwise. In a short film like this he still manages to run the gamut from a really subtle but heartbreaking scene, to a very, overtly, brutally emotional one. You guys...any and all Archie fans HAVE to see this movie. He really stretched his wings for this one!

Annnnnd...I had the good fortune to meet him! He is a really sweet guy - I mean, everyone says he is, but you have no idea. He is SO nice. And with me, that counts for a lot - talent inspires me, intelligence impresses me, versatility holds my interest...but when you're nice, you've got my heart, period. He's really jazzed that people are interested in him and he really appreciates his fans. With all the big egos floating around this town it's always wonderful to meet "one of the good guys", and Archie definitely is. My hubby did take a camera phone picture - I know, I am so not photogenic, and he's so gorgeous, the camera doesn't do him justice...but it was a really fun evening, and it made me feel really good about the things Archie has in store for his career!!
korbjaeger per the rules of the board you can have either Banner or Text in your signature but not both, please adapt your signature accordingly, we thank you. :)
OMG, great pics everyone! Archie's just so...I'm at a loss for words. *LoL* He's indescribable.

I remember watching Power Rangers when I was younger (*HaHa* I was a lil' geek), but then I stopped before the episodes with Archie aired (I forgot which ones those were); I was soo :( when I found out. *LoL* Oh well, at least I can still drool over him on CSI.

And I agree, he looks too young for his age--it's crazy!
i must be reverent as i enter the Shrine of Archie. long live our beloved techie.

it's so hard to see asian actors on tv, and i'm glad that csi decided to cast him for his role. although we have yet to see dramatic acting on his part, his adorable looks are enough eye candy for me! ;]

seriously, i definitely hope to see more of archie (character)/ and archie (actor). i only watched the first season of power rangers when i was little, but i'm seroiusly thinking about renting Lost Galaxy now. ^^
elanor_fields said:

it's so hard to see asian actors on tv, and i'm glad that csi decided to cast him for his role. although we have yet to see dramatic acting on his part, his adorable looks are enough eye candy for me! ;]

I agree with you on that. I was happy to find an asian character on any tv show--even though he's not a main character on CSI, at least he's there for more than one episode. And him being good looking is such a huge bonus! :D

Of course, since his character's last name on CSI was "Johnson", people always wonder how an asian guy could have a non-asian last name. For me, I never thought about that much; if anything, he could be half. *HeHeHe*
elanor_fields said:
i must be reverent as i enter the Shrine of Archie. long live our beloved techie.

it's so hard to see asian actors on tv, and i'm glad that csi decided to cast him for his role. although we have yet to see dramatic acting on his part, his adorable looks are enough eye candy for me! ;]

seriously, i definitely hope to see more of archie (character)/ and archie (actor). i only watched the first season of power rangers when i was little, but i'm seroiusly thinking about renting Lost Galaxy now. ^^

Yeah,I kinda regret for giving up on Power Rangers.Since my sister have a VCD of it,I can watch him anytime I like.I also hope to see him more as well.
I love Archie. Mmm. Archie.
When I was about 10 I was totally into Power Rangers, but the blue ranger was Billy... hem.. maybe I'm just getting so damn old that we're talking about a spin off? I would have much rather watched Archie than that Billy, I must say.