Shrine of Archie-goodness

Very nice, Funtain! I'm working on a couple and will post links once I get 'em done...Nice work!!

::wearing a hole in the carpet waiting for the caps from last night's ep to surface...::

hmmm Yummy
NOW who was as excited as I was to see him on the ep lastnight???
me too! How awesome was his smile when he flashed that camera!

Oh hi everybody! :) sorry I was just sneeking in..

korgjaeger i luv the wall! and Funtain nice avvy! just a few more posts and you can use it ;)
Love the wallpaper and the avatar.

He was so adorable in WW. And having two scenes with him makes up for not making any appearances recently.
Sorry if this has already been posted but I still can't believe he use to be a power ranger because he's so damn hot and I feel dirty thinking about a power ranger as hot. Oh well!

Don't feel bad. I'm sure my son thinks this is God's revenge on me for all the times I was too busy to play with his Power Rangers action figures with him when he was a little kid... :lol: :lol: :lol:

My pleasure, X05, I'm thinking about doing more lab tech wallpapers - individual and group...when I find time... :lol:

Hey, Erica's got the "Werewolves" caps up on Beyond Imagination, some good ones too! (Love the smile when he's got the camera...!)

i love archie! i wish he was in more episodes of CSI! :) oh, Archie in the blue ranger costume, hot! ;)