Shrine of Archie-goodness

ziggystarduzt said:
I love Archie. Mmm. Archie.
When I was about 10 I was totally into Power Rangers, but the blue ranger was Billy... hem.. maybe I'm just getting so damn old that we're talking about a spin off? I would have much rather watched Archie than that Billy, I must say.

oh yeah, i was absolutely in love with billy! he was my fave... but i wouldn't have minded archie in the original either ;]

::sigh:: i'm still waiting for archie's "big scene"- back in GD, he mentioned that he wanted to get more involved and be out there, and i was like "oh yeah!" but we have yet to see a major revelation... maybe he'll get a bigger role by next season? :rolleyes:

oh and chobitschii , i'm guessing you like chobits? i love hideki! (sorry for going off topic.
oh and chobitschii , i'm guessing you like chobits? i love hideki! (sorry for going off topic.

It's okay.Actually,I haven't watched Chobits yet but I went to a few graphics site and I really liked their Chobits layouts that they made.Here I go,being off topic.

Anyway,I simply adored Archie.I was shocked when I found out that he was 32.He looks really young.
32 ain't exactly old... :D

Anyway, anyone in the L.A. area, "Fast Money" will also be at the VC Film Festival in May...check out their website for further info. Not 100% I will or won't make this one as there's a possibility I'll be out of town then, but...if you're gonna be in the L.A. area...DO check out this film, it's awesome!!!
must rent it... must rent it...

all the actors look shockingly young. i would have NEVER guessed george eads was 40... and eric szmanda being 30? ::shakes head:: it must be the hollywood water...

i dont know if this is off topic, but i noticed that archie is never shipped with anyone unless it's slash. don't you think he should be getting some love?
Maybe because none of the shippers have the heart to ship him with anyone with too many "issues"...who would that leave amongst the wimminfolk? Hmm...Wendy? :D ::shrugs:: Wait! There's always Judy...

Anyway I got my little fan site for him up and running, it's at if you'd like to check it out...(Yeah, that IS how he pronounces his last name, figure the least I can do is get all us fans to say his name right... :cool:)

Oh, and "Fast Money" isn't available for rental just yet. It's a student film, currently on the festival circuit. Could become commercially available (for sale and/or rental) in the future, I don't know, but I promised Jerry Chan I was going to promote it to anyone and everyone whose attention I could hold long enough...yes, it IS that good...and for Archie fans it's a total must see, so stay tuned, as soon as I hear ANYTHING about it becoming more universally available I'll be in here, announcing it loudly... :) and you can always check the movie site for updated info and to check out the trailer!
awesome site! you must have done so much digging! and so much info on archie... you are my new best friend now. ^^

homecoming king, eh? that's no surprise. but congressional aide, impressive! so he has the looks, the smarts, the talent, the personality! GAH!!! must marry him!

thank you so much for all the info. and you've given me an inspiration for a fanfic xD i'll let you know once my muse decides to be nice to me. xP

Ooh, you must... :cool:

Glad you like the site! It was a LOT of fun to put together. What's really hilarious was...on the 8th, at the film thing, when I first mentioned it to Archie, all I had done as far as the "construction" - literally - was the front page graphic. That's it. Beyond that, all I had was still in my head. And when I mentioned it to him, he wanted me to let him know soon as it went live so he could check it out and stuff...Naturally, that put the whole thing into "I'm on a mission from God" status... :lol: so I'm riding back with Vyan in the taxi after the event, and I told him about our conversation and that I'd told Archie I should have it live in a week and Vyan goes "You told him WHAT?!?!?!" LMAO...Well, guess what? I pulled a couple all-nighters doing "grunt work" and once Vyan got the templates done I was going full speed ahead, and...exactly a week later, I rolled out the site. We did it! And Archie's happy with it, which jazzes me muchly I say it was hella fun to build (it's always a pleasure to do something like that for someone who is not only super-talented but such a terrific, sweet person!), I'll be adding stuff to it from time to time, and hopefully more fans will get to check it out...
::flabbergasted:: you... TALKED.. to him?!! :falls to the floor and stops breathing:: someone call the CSIs! we've got a DB, COD is heart attack from the mention of a very hot actor ^^

you lucky, lucky, LUCKY person.

next time you talk to him, please just mention it to him that there is a girl named Jen out there who thinks he's a very good-looking person and an incredible actor. ^^

if you got his autograph or something, i'd sell my mp3 player to buy it from you xD LUCKY PERSON!!!!

Sorry, I didn't get his autograph...I'm not really much of an autograph person, unless it has some "context" to it...

But yeah, didn't I mention I'd met and talked to him at that film festival? Yep. And he's every bit as nice (and then some) as I'd heard from literally everyone I knew who'd already met him. He's very appreciative of his fans (yet another thing that makes me proud to be one!). And the camera doesn't do him justice - good LAWD is he gorgeous! :cool: And he admitted that, unlike his character on "CSI", he's not real savvy about computers/websites...just shows how good he is at acting the part! :cool:
::sigh:: i'd kill to be in your place (well, not literally, since we are on a CSI forum ^^) i must have missed that part when i was skimming through earlier posts. xD and don't worry, you look fine in the pic.

recap: he's hot, he's smart, he's talented, he's sweet... no wonder all the girls want to jump on him! :devil:

my friend's Chinese and her last name is spelled kao and she pronounces it "cow"... strange. well, since you got the most reliable source out there, all i can say is... i am SO jealous. :lol:

my friend's Chinese and her last name is spelled kao and she pronounces it "cow"... strange. well, since you got the most reliable source out there, all i can say is... i am SO jealous.

Yeah, that ("kow") would seem to be the usual pronunciation, but when Vyan and I heard Jerry Chan pronounce it "kay-oh" when he gave his speech, we were like "Excuse me?! Erm..." But then later when Archie and I were talking and he said his name that way and I asked specifically "So how do you pronounce your last name?" and he said "Kay-oh",'s his name and by gosh, that's how it shall be pronounced, sez I... :cool:

Thanks for being merciful about me in that pic...OK for an old broad about to be 50 in May, huh? :D

And I don't blame you for being jealous, I just wish all of Archie's fans could have a chance to see for themselves - this guy is the real deal. He IS smart, sweet, gorgeous and incredibly talented, and he truly appreciates his fans! Hopefully one of these days you'll get to meet him too...
thanks. maybe one day i'll marry him too. ^^

i think archie is so completely underrated and he deserves to shine. his part on CSI is significant but so small and i hope other ppl realize that this guy is definitely worth a second look. i'm just grateful to meet someone who cares about archie as an actor, just like me. :lol: i hope we'll continue to see him in the future in larger, more publicized roles. i believe he is entitled to that.

Archie's alma mater, George Mason University, made it to the Sweet Sixteen (first time!) in the NCAA basketball tournament! He's excited as heck about it! If they televise the game tomorrow night (which I think they will) who may see him amongst the spectators...I ain't sayin', I'm just sayin'... :cool:

::grabs green and yellow pom-poms:: GO PATRIOTS!!
i am soooooo there... i wish ^^

are there other future roles that archie is considering?

*i love my new avvie... :lol:

This thread is so sweet! I always enjoy Archie when he's in the show. I see him on the screen and I'm like "Archie!" ( kind of like how they were always like "Norm!" on Cheers - I'm sure that dates me a little bit, lol. )

It would be cool to see more of him on the show. I remember that one episode when he got to go out in the field with Nick... "One Hit Wonder"? Where they went to that internet company. And Greg complained to Nick about why couldn't he go, and then Nick asked Archie about that Star Trek question and Arche went on and on about it. LOL

That was great!

Oh, btw, I have a site called "Forensic Files" dedicated to CSI and "Bones". I don't think I have any bonified Archie fans on there... yet. Plus, if anyone is at all interested in RPG writing, my rpg needs an Archie. :) )

--Jen ( CSI_Bones_FanGirl at Forensic Files)