Shrine of Archie-goodness

It would be cool to see more of him on the show. I remember that one episode when he got to go out in the field with Nick... "One Hit Wonder"? Where they went to that internet company. And Greg complained to Nick about why couldn't he go, and then Nick asked Archie about that Star Trek question and Arche went on and on about it. LOL

Actually, that was "Random Acts of Violence" - a great episode all around and a nice chance for Archie to show what he can do with a little more screen time!

Oh, btw, I have a site called "Forensic Files" dedicated to CSI and "Bones". I don't think I have any bonified Archie fans on there... yet.

I'll go check it out. Don't forget to check out my Archie fan site too...yes, I'm promoting it all over the place now :D ...I'd consider the RPG thing if I had time - I'm a little overextended as it is right now unfortunately!
^^ i remember in grave danger archie talked to ecklie about work and how he wants to get promoted... or something like that... and he said that he is "nudging" nick about going out on the field... and archie the actor said in an interview that he wants to be a member of the main cast... i like AV archie and all, but i want to see more of him! i think the writers are slowly giving the character more room... it'd be sweet to see him as a CSI. :lol:

Pikazoom While I have shortened the length of your post please keep in mind in the future that for posting pictures we have rules for links, no more then 6 per post. Next time we will edit it down to six if this is done again.

Thank you.
Ah, Pikazoom, mod-slapped for excessive Archieness. You're a legend... :cool: (Just be nice and keep the links down in the future, Destiny is actually very nice, and as much as I thoroughly approve of much, MUCH Archieness, she's gotta enforce the rules, they're there for our good...You could always snag a freebie Photobucket account or something and then cover the lot with a single link...just a suggestion for future cap sprees...)

Anyway, nice caps! I have a lot of PR:LG caps on Pronounced "kay-oh" too, check 'em out...I have all the eps on DVD. Were you a fan "back in the day" or a recent "convert"? :cool:
Ah, sorry Destiny. I know I've seen some other posts (not in this thread) with more than 6, so I thought it was fine.

Oh, I was a big fan of Power Rangers way back. ^^ I think I dropped out somewhere around Lightspeed Rescue and then came back around Ninja Storm. Haha, my dad and I both recognized Archie from PR while we were watching CSI. XD
What is done on other forums, is set by the mods of that forums rules. If you have seen it in here, It could be that they were warned already about it. At least you know so no harm no foul. ;)
i love those awesome caps. the man knows how to wear a tight suit. :sigh: nothing gets better than archie doing kickbutt action moves in a tight power ranger suit :devil:

i just watched the spike re-runs... i realized that in "Feeling the Heat", archie is working outside with warrick! and you also get a VERY NICE view of his butt :D

and in "Caged" i love the expression on archie's face when sara says "She definitely likes you." (she being catherine) the expression was like... "uh... do you like me too?"

is it me or does the guy have a really sexy voice?

is it me or does the guy have a really sexy voice?

It's not just you. That man's voice is the aural equivalent of See's dark chocolate truffles... :cool:

Oh, I put a new page of icons up on Pronounced "Kay-oh" (in the Visuals section) if you wanna check 'em out. Should have a couple more wallpapers up soon, too...

BTW...who else thinks that if his alma mater (George Mason University) wins the NCAA tournament he should make everyone else on the cast/crew wear green and yellow one day? :D
that'd be so cute ^^

i love your wallpapers! the "smile" one is currently on my computer :D

and i checked out the trailer for "fast money". archie's face seems like he's incapable of doing anything wrong xD but he seemed amazing in the trailer. now i REALLY want to watch the movie!

and the man's voice is the aural equivalent of Godiva dark chocolate shell dipped in melted fudge :drool:

"Fast Money" sounds like an interesting movie. I really wish I could see it.

Yes, his voice is...quite nice, yes? :D
It's hitting the festival circuit, keep checking the movie web site .

One thing I really like about "Fast Money" - In the past Archie's always played these sweet, accomodating, good-hearted characters (typecasting? ;) ) but in this film he plays a flawed character - not "evil" per se, he loves his family and has a conscience, but he is impatient, ambitious in a dysfunctional way, and someone who shows terrible judgement. And considering he has to tell this character's story in a 14-minute film, and give him all these layers of complexity...between his acting and Jerry Chan's writing and directing, it's an amazing piece of artistry...

BTW I added a few wallpapers and two pages of "When In Rome" screencaps to Pronounced "kay-oh" ...go on over and check 'em out, and feel free to join the forum. Don't get frustrated if the registration seems to be wacking out, it's just a PHP thang, if it gives you any drama, PM me...
This thread is love. Archie is a god. I've fallen for his tech-genius and good-looking Asian, he is too.

*squee* Thank you for putting up a fansite. oh em gee. thaank you.
I am a Greg fan but I made this Archie icon for an icon challenge on the fan art thread. I thought you'd all enjoy it.

Very nice icon, Wojo!!

Archie is a god.

I tell ya, Cara, I've been half tempted to check the guy's shoulders for evidence of wings hidden somewhere! :lol: Glad you're likin' the site; I'm constantly adding stuff, so keep visiting...