Show Hill Harper some love!

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Springmoon said:
youngrebel said:
I don't why I'm still starstucked by the first pic

Wow, I need to get my eyes checked. I would have sworn you said star[censored] instead :lol:
That's awesome! :lol:

They time may have come for us to start a sustained campaign to get Hill to take his clothes off. Any takers?
I think that may be a pretty tough sell. I tried for current ab pics and he didn't even give that one a moment of consideration before rejecting my request. :lol: However, I'm sure a little lobbying for some nudity would make him feel loved, right? I mean what man doesn't enjoy knowing the ladies want to see him take it all off?
No problem guys :). I'm game for requesting to Hill to strip but he probably won't listen to me :lol:. For the meantime here's a present to make your day even better ;):


He always manages to give the most sexiest looks to the camera, the kind that make you pass out or faint from too much hotness. But Hill, if you're reading this...

"Once you go Greek, you can't sit for a week!" :devil:
He rejected your request for new ab photos?? What a tease!! Lobbying for nudity would definately make him feel even more loved....That panty drive showed a whole lotta love, the nudity campaign would probably give him diabetes from all the sweetness and love. :lol:
I bet he is too cute in person!
Ladies, just 'cause I love ya and couldn't bear the thought of making you wait until the interview is posted (probably Thursday), I got permission from Kristine to go ahead and spoil part of the interview. This s**t is just too good to keep to myself much longer. YOU MUST GO TO YOUTUBE.COM AND TYPE IN "HILL HARPER". Do it now. Run. Don't walk. Don't even bother to read the rest of this post. Go now.

Hill did a pilot for VH1 called The Hill Harper Show. It wasn't picked up ( :() so he decided to put it on youtube. Although it was originally one pilot episode, it has been cut into seven short vignettes that will go up separately. Fantastic writing! I am soooo pissed VH1 didn't pick that up. I think the brother may have found the key to peace in the Middle East and when you stop laughing over that, well, it only gets better. :lol:

Also, just a heads up, he's naked in episode 5! :eek: :D Don't know when that baby will go up, but keep your eyes out. Hopefully he hasn't been scared off posting that episode. He said he was worried girls would freeze frame it on his naked ass. :lol: I assured him that's exactly what will happen. :lol: He seemed a little worried about that.

Go to youtube NOW! Go! Go! Go! ... And then hurry back so we can discuss.
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That was hysterically funny!

If only peace in the Middle East was that simple...

although, if you send Snoop Dogg anywhere in the globe he could solve all the world's ills with his own brand of diplomacy!

That was really freaking funny. And the
Josh Jackson piece about made me pee my pants

Run, don't dawdle, to Youtube and watch this!!!
Yay! I'm so glad someone went to watch that so we can talk about it. :D I'm in love with his writing. It's the perfect combo of intelligence and smut. :D

And I was absolutely on the floor the first time I heard -
the Josh Jackson segment. OMG! That was freakin' hilarious! :lol: "Have you ever said, 'Katies Holmes you are so sexy I wanna go down on you and just lick your [CENSORED]?'" "Have you ever said, 'You know what, I'm gonna perform [CENSORED] on the guy who plays Dawson?'"
Priceless! I am on the freakin' floor! I think the man just might have an oral fixation that rivals Carmine's. :p
Yes, he's gonna post more. :D That was a pilot he shot for VH1 that VH1 didn't pick up. Guess he's had it around for a while (since the Dawson's Creek stuff is kinda outdated) and decided to do something with it. So he's cut it up into 7 short vignettes (cute word - that's his word for these shorts). They'll go up one at a time over a period of time. Not sure how long it'll take for all 7 to go up. But, yes, there is nudity down the road. :D Said he runs naked (seen from behind) in one of them. :devil:

That was great! I would sooo watch The Hill Harper Show if VH1 had picked it up. Can't wait for the rest of the segments to go up. I'm a big fan already and I've only seen 2:40 minutes.
It's an excellent show...very pre Real Time with Bill Maher on certain parts. Hill was really ahead of his time with that show if you ask me. I'm going to guess this was around 2000-2001. It's a shame TV channels almost never pick up the really good shows and the crappy ones always make it and stay on forever. :rolleyes:
Something else that struck me was the originality of it and the fact that sometimes Hill is corny as hell, but it works and he still comes off looking cool as hell. He's got "IT".
I followed your instructions Mrs G and went to youtube before I even finished reading your post :p

That was hillarious!

those 2 kids with "I like ice cream!" and "I like cheese!" :lol: and the whole segment with Joshua Jackson :lol: I love a man that truly asks what's on his mind. :p Question- did Hill do the Snoop Dogg voice?
AmbersDream said:
It's a shame TV channels almost never pick up the really good shows and the crappy ones always make it and stay on forever. :rolleyes:
No kidding! Whatever VH1 did pick up that season, it absolutely could not have been better than this.
Something else that struck me was the originality of it and the fact that sometimes Hill is corny as hell, but it works and he still comes off looking cool as hell. He's got "IT".
The man definitely has "IT". The show is quite original in that it uses a very VH1 format, but mixes humor and crudeness with underlying political content. In both the Middle East segment and the little factoids, there is a real message, but it's conveyed through humor. Smart and funny is a winning combo, in my book.

As for the Snoop voice, Hill seems to have a lot of connections. The Snoop voice is probably Snoop.
Oh my! :lol: I just watched the video and man, that'd have been perfect for VH1! I'm still laughing -so- hard, but you can definitely notice the man has brains other than good looks.

Can't wait for the other videos! :D
muahahahah! hill and snoop in the middle east was hilarious!! and :eek: hill is a dirty man! :lol: :devil: :D

too bad this show never got picked up. :(
I watched again. The kids with the factoids with the non-sequiturs at the end = priceless. Guess who actually went through the step of registering on YouTube so she can get the updates! Woo hoo!
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