Show Hill Harper some love!

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youngrebel said:
First off I would like to say Mrs.G you are one lucky duck to sit face to face with Mr. "I love your [CENSORED] like three berry pie" Hill Harper.
:lol: I am lucky indeed. That was fantastic! Got to spend nearly two hours with him ... likely due at least in part to the fact that I DID NOT mention my signature line to him or ask him which he likes better -- pie or [CENSORED]. :lol:
Two hours?? Wow Girl! You are lucky. I can't believe he really kicked it with ya'll for that long. Most celebrities would not have done that. I don't even think he would've minded that you mentioned your signature. lol I think he would've laughed his ass off that you'd even know that line. Is the interview posted yet? What are on those notes in the suitcase?
He was very generous with his time. Especially considering it was Friday evening and his Blackberry was ringing off the hook. :lol: I'm sure he had places to be, but made no effort to hurry things along. He was really great. The interview isn't up yet. Hopefully, it gets posted soon because I know Kristine is going to be tied up for the next couple days. If it doesn't happen today, I'm sure it won't be until after Wednesday before she gets a chance to do it. But it's a great interview and well worth the wait. After the interview is posted, if there are other great details that don't make it into the interview, I'll definitely share.

The notes in the suitcase are notes that girls attached to their panties, with the exception of one dirty letter that stands alone. I read the notes that are pinned loose to the panties, but not the ones that are in envelopes so I don't know what all of them say. The ones I saw basically tell Hill he's great, he's the reason they watch CSI:NY, etc. Nothing too scandalous ... though there was some mention of handcuffs and whipped cream. :lol:
Hm, he was quite of him!!! Alright...,, can I get get a couple of minutes or so with him!?! :lol:
The interview isn't up yet. Hopefully, it gets posted soon because I know Kristine is going to be tied up for the next couple days. If it doesn't happen today, I'm sure it won't be until after Wednesday before she gets a chance to do it.

What? You mean she has a life outside of the board? Perish the thought! :eek:
:lol: I couldn't pass up the chance to post this photo. I mean, how often do we get to see the sweetest, sexiest & smartest man alive in a pair of jeans & rocking a sweet pair of shades. He has such a seductive stance in this pic. It's like he's saying, "Come & get me ladies!":


No problem :). Here's another look the females love seeing men in....suits :D:


He should be a clothing model during the hiatus of the show. He has the right kind of body that fills out clothes in a really, really sexy way :devil:.
OH. MY. GOD! :eek:
I don't why I'm still starstucked by the first pic beacuse I have that pic as my wallpaper but Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph! It's just something about him in jeans that gets me :lol:
youngrebel said:
I don't why I'm still starstucked by the first pic

Wow, I need to get my eyes checked. I would have sworn you said star[censored] instead :lol:

They time may have come for us to start a sustained campaign to get Hill to take his clothes off. Any takers?
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