Show Hill Harper some love!

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The only movie I've seen Hill in is "Skulls" which is not good for Hill fans, I'm afraid. :(
Yeah The Skulls sucked. He last long in that movie.
That is some foggle-noggle! :mad:

I wouldn't know about the 30 seconds being generous. :confused:
AmbersDream said:
30 seconds is generous?? Damn, I'm glad I've never done it with a virgin.
Silly girl from the movie just didn't know how to handle a novice. Tend to his needs in other ways first, then catch him on round two. ;) ... Hill did a fantastic job in that scene though! His sexual inepitude looked totally believable. *volunteers to find out how much of a stretch the role was for him*
Springmoon said:
Yeah, and 30 seconds was generous, trust me.

:eek: 30 seconds? That's only acceptable for me when it comes to foreplay and even then Hill better do some good moves in that span of time. I guess she just wasn't the right woman. However, I'm different. I can forgive him & I plus I have time(no pun intended).

MrsGiovinazzo said:
AmbersDream said:
30 seconds is generous?? Damn, I'm glad I've never done it with a virgin.
Silly girl from the movie just didn't know how to handle a novice. Tend to his needs in other ways first, then catch him on round two. ;) ... Hill did a fantastic job in that scene though! His sexual inepitude looked totally believable. *volunteers to find out how much of a stretch the role was for him*

I am definitely seconding that volunteer. I agree with you Mrs.G his sexual inepitude is really believable judging from Love, Sex and Eating the Bones. :D
^ I agree. Hill looks the kind've guy who enjoys pleasing the right girl every now and then. He probably puts her needs first 'cause remember, nice guys "come" last....or something like that :devil:.
I bet he always puts the woman's needs first. He's too smart not to....after all, any real man knows that sex isn't good unless he gets his partner good and wet like a glass of kool-aid. :eek:
Springmoon said:
"Va-jay-jay" was used with excellent timing to great effect on Grey's Anatomy last season.

Yeah, and 30 seconds was generous, trust me. I looked over at my hubby and asked him if it took him that long the first time. He gave me the dirtiest look! Hopefully mr. Harper evolved beyond 30 seconds by now :eek:

I'm very sure he's beyond 30 seconds now. You probably have to have Gatorade and energy bars with you now. He did play football right? I mean doesn't that build up your stamina. You never know he's probably like the Energizer bunny. :lol: :devil:
hahahaha :lol:
i'm having the weirdest image of someone in bed with a stock of ovomaltine bars and gatorade bottles... :lol:
Hey he could be the type of guy that you have to do stretches before you mess with him. :eek: :lol:

*does jumping jacks and leg stretches* :lol: :lol:
Ladies, I met Hill tonight and gave him the panties! :D Trot your butts over to the Hill Harper Has His Panties thread to read about it. He is awesome and he loved the gift.

So many funny little stories to tell you --
* Fans come up to him all horrified that he did Love, Sex & Eating the Bones. They tell him they turned it off after the first five minutes and that they can't believe he did a porno. :lol: Don't worry girls, I told him after the first five minutes I settled in and got cozy because I knew it was gonna be a great flick. :devil:
* He was beyond horrified to learn that we have a pic of his ass and it's been posted on the internet. :lol: His ass will be coming up on in the future and he's concerned someone will freeze frame it and post it. I assured him that's exactly what's gonna happen because we do that with his ass already. :lol: Poor guy. This youtube thing is going to show him walking naked and he's worried because he says a butt doesn't look as good walking as it does when standing still. Whatever Hill, we'll still appreciate the view.
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