Show Hill Harper some love!

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Do you know what they say about big lips?


They make kissing more fun. Geez, what do ya was I gonna say ya perv :p?
Hi guys. I went to the booksigning last night. My train ended up being delayed 15 minutes from my departure station, so naturally, I was about 20 minutes off schedule. Penn Station is roughly 50 blocks from 82nd and Broadway, which is where the book signing was held. (This is where I tend to get bitter in my storytelling, so be prepared)

As luck would have it, it torrentially downpoured in NYC yesterday. Thunder, lightening, horizontal name it, it happened. (I actually found out this morning that there was a tornado passing through a town where we happened to be riding though at almost that very moment) It was funny, but I said to my mom, "You know, only in NY will 6 plus million people walk around with their own individual lightening rod in the middle of a thunderstorm." :lol: We really had to go for cover 2 times walking to the signing.

Finally, we get up to Central Park and my gut is telling me to go there instead, but I'm like, "It's quarter to 6...must be on time!" So, we keep going, eventually having to get a cab because we were never going to make it the next 15 blocks in the time we had left. Almost died 4 or 5 times on the way there, but luckily I survived to tell about it. We make it to the signing with 15 minutes to spare. :D Score, right? Wrong. At about 6:55, someone comes out and says that Hill is about 10 minutes away. Ok, we're still good. 7:15 rolls around, still no Hill. I'm starting to panic because we gotta catch the 8:20 train back. Finally, about 5 minutes later, he shows up. Turns out that they'd been shooting in Central Park(!)*lookaboomerang punches mom in the leg* and ended up scrapping the shoot for the rest of the afternoon because the rain wouldn't let up. It ended up clearing up around 6:45, but they'd already let him go, so they couldn't call him back. He said that if it would have cleared up earlier, the signing would have been cancelled. So really, the rain was a good thing.

We were able to stay till about 7:55, he was just starting his Q&A session. I KNEW that I should have shot my hand up at that very moment and been like, "Look dude, I've pretty much been through hell and back this afternoon and now I need to leave, so you gotta sign my book." But no, I was polite and just got up and left. Well, actually, I almost had a hissy fit on my mom because she was like, "We need to go!" So I threw my book and camera in her lap to put in her backpack and stormed out of there. :lol: Afterwards, I felt really bad, I KNOW he saw me leave. I was in the 4 or 5th row back, right in his line of vision, and on the second life-threatening cab ride of my day, I thought about the chat he and Eddie did and he said "It hurts when people 'quit'. " :(

So, I'll get to the points you all want to know about. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white dress shirt and black blazer. The little mohawk is gone, which doesn't surprise me. Key points of the speech were:

-He came out and was surprised at the turnout. It was packed and he was like, "I didn't know how many would make it because of the rain.." And some guy from the audience goes, "We didn't think you were gonna make it either!" :lol: That made him crack up.

-I don't know if he did this at any other signings, but he demonstrated the thought process of a 'young brother' who picks up a book. *Holds the book in right hand, flips through with left thumb. " Hey, there's Luda, and Chris Rock. Hey, look at Hill with Halle Berry. I bet if Hill could get with Halle, maybe I could too... I need to get this book!"* :lol: The lettering on the front is gold because the boys are like, "Ooh! Bling!"

-He said yesterday that he read an article about the Regents scores in NY being really good, even in the poverty areas and it got him really excited. Then, he read further on and it said that they were doing better because they'd lowered the standards to pass. So now, 12th graders are graduating with the reading level of a fifth grader. Then, he stops: "Now I'm angry. I was gonna come here and have fun and talk about my book and be happy! Now I'm talking about this and it's making me angry!"

I'm slightly disappointed about not getting to meet him and get my book signed. I originally walked out of there pissed off at him...and my mom :lol:. But then, I got to thinking about it and realized that it wasn't his fault. He can't control the weather or just drop everything at the shoot and be like, "Sorry guys. I got this booksigning, so you'll just have to make do without me." And, chances are, I'll never have this opportunity again. It was nice to see him in the flesh and hear him talk about his book.

Pictures! I spent an hour 'cleaning', they still suck, these up this morning and loading them onto photobucket. My flash kept turning off because the camera thought it was bright enough, but I think I was too far away for the flash to travel. So, I had to lighten them up and tinker around with them this morning so they looked almost normal. Enjoy!








^^That one is blurry because he would NOT stop moving! :lol: All the rest are grainy because I was trying to get close enough to get details, but that doesn't work out so well when you're so far away. :(
Wow! :eek: That sucks so hard! I'm so sorry to hear about how hellish your day was and you didn't even get to meet him after all of that. :( And he totally thinks you "quit" just like people do in the chats. :(

Thanks so much for all the great pics and your summary of the bit you did get to hear has a really great level of detail. He sounds funny as hell.
And he totally thinks you "quit" just like people do in the chats. :(

I really feel bad about that. It was kind funny, but someone had been waiting there since 5:30 with her young daughter. She was able to catch him while he was in the aisle waiting out of sight, to sign her book because her daughter was starting to get antsy and she walked past to leave and he mentioned something about it and said bye to her. And when he thought she was gone, he said something to the effect of her having to leave. She came flying back around and was like, "I've been waiting for you since 5:30 and you were late!" He starts cracking up and he's like, "I KNOW! I'm sorry!" The other, immature part of me though is like, "Well, if he would have been here on time...". But I know I can't be like that, because sometimes things are beyond our control. Hill, if you're reading, I'm sorry for getting up and walking out at the beginning of your Q&A. Amtrak sucks. :D
Dude, an 8:20 train? :( Was that seriously the last one out of NYC? That sucks! :( But, on the bright side, you did get to see him and get some awesome pics of him and hear him talk about the book! That's probably more than most will get to do. Isn't he even hotter in person than on TV??? :D
Top41 said:
Isn't he even hotter in person than on TV??? :D
Damn jealous of both of you for getting to see his hotness in person! Sure I saw him on the set, but since I didn't try to talk to him, I wasn't close enough to assess the hotness. :( I'll have to live vicariously for now. Any other details -- Big hands? Big feet? Big .....? :devil:
boomerang, sounds like you had quite a day!! it's kinda sad you had to leave early and didn't get your book signed... but i'm sure Hill wouldn't hold it against you that you left early. don't feel so guilty...

i'm with MrsG, i'll just have to live vicariously until hill does a book tour in my area... :(
Top, there was another train but not till 10:45pm. I know, I should have just sucked it up and taken it, but work would have been just a few hours away after riding the train back 2 hours for the parental unit. She didn't really want to go in the first place, but she went anyway, so I needed to quit being a little divabrat and suck it up. I am happy with the experience I did get to have though. As you said, not many people have the opportunity for it. Though, if one in Boston comes up, give me a heads up because that one I could definitely go to and then have a place to be for the night and not have to worry about time. :D

Damn jealous of both of you for getting to see his hotness in person! Sure I saw him on the set, but since I didn't try to talk to him, I wasn't close enough to assess the hotness. I'll have to live vicariously for now.

Oh, don't YOU even start! ;) :lol: He is pretty cute though. :D Was a little surprised at his height, but other than that, he's just a better looking version of EXACTLY the way he looks on tv. There's a few celebs who look great on tv and then you meet or see them in person and you're like, "Woah...ew." but Hill is one of the few that's good looking on and off screen. Sorry, I forgot to check out his package though. :(
^Too bad he didn't bring a teddy bear to the book signing. :lol: He does look pretty cute with it. :D

You got to see him up close, and get some sweet pics, boomerang! :D I'll keep a look out for more book signings--I'll post a thread if and when I hear about more.
lookaboomerang said:
Sorry, I forgot to check out his package though. :(
WTF??? :eek: :lol: :lol: ... You did get a great experience though, even if you didn't get your book signed or check out his package. :lol: It's still great to see someone you watch every week live and in the flesh. You were pretty damn close too. :D

Adorable pic, jorja! I'd like to be his teddy bear for a night. :devil:
look I am glad to see that you got to go to his signing, but upset that you had to leave! :( Hopefully there will be another time.

MrsG , I see that you have infiltrated to the green side ;) It isn't such a bad place to be, that is until real life gets in the way. Congrats!
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