Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

^^^^ Mel confused? I wouldn't tell anyone untill I had a doctor's confirmation that everything's ok.

That was sweet Natty.
Sorry guys I haven’t posted for about a week!! I have been a little busy… PM guys!!


It was lunch time on Monday and Lindsay, Danny and Hawkes were on there way to Mac’s office when Flack stepped out of the elevator, ‘Hey guys wait up!’ He shouted as he jogged up to his friends.

‘Hey Flack’ Lindsay said, ‘Do you have any idea what Mac wants? He just said told us that we all had to meet him at 10’

‘Oh I’ve got a few!’

‘What are thinking Sheldon?’

They were now at the entrance of the glass room, ‘Well that would be telling now wouldn’t it!’ Sheldon smirked and Lindsay gave him an inquisitive look.

‘Hey Mac, what’s up?’ as he joined Lindsay by the wall. Mac and Stella were leaning up against the desk.

‘Well, me and Stel have asked you all in here to give you a bit of good news!’ Mac put his arm around Stella’s shoulder.
Before Mac could say anything else Danny spoke, ‘Hey Mac you aren’t leaving are you?’

‘Danny!’ Lindsay smacked him playfully on his chest,‘Ignore him Mac, carry on…’

Mac chucked, ‘No no sorry to disappoint you Danny but erm,’ He looked down at Stella and then back at his team, ‘We are getting married!’

The room exploded with applause, and they all rushed forward to congratulate the couple, ‘There’s one more thing,’

Stella spoke out to the group but looked directly at Sheldon. Everyone stopped and looked at Stella, ‘I’m pregnant!’

Lindsay squealed at the news, Flack just congratulated them again, Sheldon just winked at Stella and shook Mac’s hand, Danny was the only one who spoke, ‘What? As in a baby?’

Everyone turned around to look at him as Lindsay hit him on the chest again, ‘No Danny, as in a monkey!’

Everyone laughed as Danny turned a dark shade of red.


‘Are you ready to go home Captain?’ It was 10:30pm and most of the lab techs had left. She walked up to the sofa where he was reading a document that the inspector Gerard had sent him, ‘That looks extremely exciting!’

‘Yeh it is but I’ve got something else to do now…’ He grabbed Stella’s wrists and she squealed as he pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her on the lips with she soon deepened. He pushed her fully onto the sofa and moved so that he was straddling her.

‘Mac Taylor! We are in your office’

‘But Stel it’s torture being near you in the lab and not being able touch you!’ He lay next to her and kissed her and moved his hand up her leg and down her arm which caused her to moan in thanks.

‘See Stel you get me and certain Mr Dong excited just at the thought!’ He kissed her once more and jumped up to close the blinds and lock the door.

He didn’t get a chance to sit back down on his own accord because Stella reached up and grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him on top of her.

‘God Stel there is something about the thought of you being pregnant that makes me so horny!’

‘Shut it Mac and just kiss me’ Mac did as he was told and loved his fiancé.
Stella sat up a little confused and looked down at the sleeping form next to her as she looked further around the room she noticed that it was 5:30 am.

‘How the hell did I get here?’ She said to herself.

‘Waaa’ *yawn* ‘you doin’ Stel?’ Mac asked opening one eye. He could see Stella looking a little confused because she was biting her lip. ‘Stel stop that!’

‘I’m not doing anything!’

‘You are…stop biting your lip…you don’t know what it does to me!’

She leant down to kiss him but steadied herself by putting her hand on his groin, ‘And what would that be Mr Taylor?’ He deepened the kiss and rolled over so that he was straddling her. ‘I had fun last night Miss.’

‘Mmm, speaking of last night…how did we end up back here Captain? The last thing I remember is erm… being in your office.’

‘Ahhh yes my office will never be the same again!’ Stella giggled, ‘You looked peaceful sleeping so I carried you aalllll the way home! You best not do that in a few months else I’ll break my back!’

Stella whacked him lightly on the chest and the kissed him, ‘You best have redressed me! You did right?’

‘Maybe!’ This got him another slap, ‘Oh ok… yes I did, I wasn’t going to carry my fiancé, sorry, my pregnant fiancé out not wearing much now was I!’ He kissed her once more then rolled off of her so that he was lying next to her. He gathered her back up into her arms and kissed her forehead, ‘Come let’s go back to sleep, we have a few hours left before we have to leave for work.’

‘Two mins…’ Stella jumped up out of bed and ran to the bathroom with Mac behind her. ‘I can not wait until this is over!’


1 and half months later….

Mac and Stella were sitting on the sofa watching ‘Spiderman 2’. Mac was sitting behind Stella and she was sitting in between his legs. ‘Mac do you ever wish you could fly from building from building?’

‘Nope, I’d crap myself… I don’t like heights!’

‘Oooh Mac Taylor is afraid of something! I never knew that’ She laughed and snuggled further into his arms as he pulled her closer.

‘Oh shut it Stel, your afraid of spiders!’

‘Yeh well, so would you be if you woke up in the middle of the night when you were five to find a spider on your pillow! It wasn't small either!’ Mac laughed. ‘Is it Thursday yet?’

‘No Stel sorry it’s only Friday will you stop asking! Is there something I should know about?’ Stella turned around to see him smirking.

Stella kissed him, ‘will you stop doing that I’m just excited that’s all, I can’t wait to be Mrs Taylor!’

‘That sounds good Miss Bonasera’ He pulled her closer and whispered, ‘Well I can not wait for the honeymoon!’

‘Whatever Mac I think I’m going to have to break your phone to stop you from checking up on Danny.’

‘You can trust me… the only other person on the honeymoon will be you apart from the waiter, the airhostess, the barmen..’

‘Oh stop babbling Mac!’ Stella laughed, kissed him once more and the turned back around in his arms. ‘Mac?’


‘Have we got any ice cubes?’

‘Yes the freezer is full of them!’

Stella jumped up and headed towards the kitchen, ‘I knew I’m marring you for a reason!’

Mac laughed. He had known that Stella would have had weird craving while being pregnant but he hadn’t expected her to take a liking for ice cubes.

‘Better’ Mac asked her as she walked back into the room carring a bucket of ice.

‘Oh yeh!’ She sat back and began to crunch the ice.

‘That is so annoying Stel, you know that don’t you?’

‘Yep’ she giggled, ‘but you love me for it!’
All and all, great update Natty, and thanks for the PM :devil:

*Snarky comments removed, because El is back **Yeah**!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
er, Ding Mr. Dong?? :lol:

Their office and my computer may never be the same...
(Not since I started reading ficcies. :p)

Now what else could ice cubes be used for...? :devil:

more sweet cuddly naughty fun stuff, Natty. :D Very nice.
yayyayyay you're back! *hugs you*

LOL at Mac being I'd love to be able to fly. I miss being in an airplane these days.

I would sooo love Stella to mention the spider thing around Grissom lol. He'd start lecturing her on how they're actually quite useful and not all of them are as dangerous as people think...oh yeah and if she went into his office...that's a reaction I'd love to see lol
Hey guys this is quite a long post! I don't know if you have noticed but I have made the DL relattionship clear in past posts and I am now going to make them part of the fic. One last thing this one will have a PM:devil: and so may the next one!! :devil: I was looking at my PC files today and thought that I haven't really done that many and you guys need a treat after all that good FB you have given me... I have always been tols I was crap at writing (well I know i'm not that good) but I'm glad that you like my fic :)


It was Saturday and Stella was waiting for her maid of honour, Lindsay, to arrive at her and Mac’s apartment so that they could get the last of the wedding preparations done. Well that’s what Mac thought they were going to do but really there wasn’t much to be done and the two woman were just going to spend the afternoon eating ice-cream and ice cubes (in Stella’s case) while watching as many films as possible.

*Bing, bong*

‘I’ll get it!’ Stella shouted to Mac who was getting changed and she headed towards the door to let Lindsay in.

‘Hey Stel’ Lindsay gave her a friendly hug and as they pulled apart Mac walked out of the bedroom.

‘Oh hey Linds,’ Mac said as he zipped up his leather jacket.

‘Hey Mac, what are you doing this afternoon?’ She already knew the answer of course because her boyfriend had sent her out the morning to by beer and snacks for the football match.

‘I’m going to watch the match at your apartment!’ Mac said with a smirk because Lindsay didn’t know he knew about her relationship with Danny. Lindsay looked a little confused, ‘Linds I’m marring your best friend! Of course I knew!’

‘Ok Captain,’ Stella kissed him, ‘off you go, we have got to finish the preparations for the wedding!’ She stood behind him and began to push out of the door.

‘Ok I’m going!’ Mac turned around and kissed her once more, ‘Love you, see you Linds.’

‘Bye Mac!’ Lindsay shouted down the hall outside the apartment as Mac headed towards the elevator.

Stella shut the door and they both headed towards the kitchen to gather snacks. When they had the ice cream, juice, chocolate, milkshake- well when they had all the goodies the kitchen had to offer they headed towards the living room.

‘Ice cubes!’ Stella exclaimed as they put all the food on the coffee table in the middle of the room. Lindsay just giggled as Stella ran out of the room to fetch the thing she desired. ‘So what film are we watching first?’

Lindsay stood up and walked over towards the DVD case, ‘Erm how about…’ She looked a long the selection and finally reached one which was titled, ‘The Sweetest Thing? Stel has this always been here or did you buy it?’

‘Oh I got that one but I have never watched it- it was cheap! What is it about?’

‘Erm… three of Hollywood’s hottest stars…party popping pals…three sexy singles…exclusive night club…blah blah…perfect match…left town…wild road trip…Mr. Right…seductive surprises…hilarious misadventures…The Sweetest Thing puts a totally fresh twist on the search for true love!’ Lindsay read from the back cover.

‘Sounds good, put it in!’


As the film played the two friends talked about the wedding, shopping etc until they finally reached the subject of Stella’s pregnancy, ‘So Stel is weird thinking that you have a human growing inside of you?

‘Oh yeh, but I can’t wait until I start to show! The doctor told me I shouldn’t start showing until I reach 5 months, two more to go!’

‘What did Mac say when you told him?’

‘I’ve told you that story to many times already but I really wanted to tell him myself! But Mac being Mac he beat me to it.’ Stella laughed but Lindsay just asked another question.

‘How were you going to tell him? ’

‘Well I… why are yo… Linds is that look…do you mean…you are, aren’t you…this is so cool…have you told Danny?’

‘How did you know?’

‘So you are?’ Stella asked getting excited. Lindsay just smiled, weakly. ‘When did you find out?’

‘Well I skipped a period and got worried so I went to the chemist- got like 20 tests! Then I went to the doctor to confirm it’ Lindsay didn’t look as happy as Stella did.

‘What’s up hun?’

‘I don’t know what Danny’s going to think… I mean we have never really spoken about the future… we are just living ‘now’ if you know what I mean? When I first joined the lab he had a player status. What are my parents going to think? I’m not even married, come to think of it do you think Danny will ever want to marry me or do you think he’ll run a mile when I tell him…’

‘Lind shut up!’ this got Lindsay’s attention and she looked up at Stella, ‘When you first arrived at the lab Danny was a player but you changed him. In fact I know that he only went out with one girl since you arrived and her name was Cindy, I have never seen a woman look more like a Barbie doll than she did! When you had to leave for Montana for the trial he was broken! He worked something like 72 hour shifts until he collapsed just so he didn’t have to think about you being miles away struggling on your own!’

Lindsay wiped the tears that were forming in her, ‘I suppose your right, I am so excited Stel about the prospect of having a kid!’ She jumped up and down on the spot, ‘But I still don’t know how to tell Danny, any ideas?’

‘I think you should just tell him as soon as you get home tonight. When I found out that I was pregnant I was so worried it seemed to ruin the relationship that I have with Mac. However soon as I told him well between you and me the bedroom life is the best ever!’

‘Stel stop it, he is my boss remember,’ both woman giggled and then continued talking about the idea of their own children.


It was ten o’clock when Stella and Lindsay heard the key turn in the lock. They stood up, grabbed all the left over food and went to the kitchen to dump the evidence.

‘Hey Stel, I’m back!’ He walked into the kitchen to find the two women standing in the middle of the kitchen, ‘Hey Linds, I see you done a lot of wedding stuff!’

‘Of course we have!’ Stella replied as Mac kissed her.

‘Whatever Stel, you have,’ he licked her check, ‘had chocolate on your face!’ He looked deep in her eyes and Stella’s knees nearly buckled underneath her. She could see that Mac wanted to go to bed now but not to sleep, obviously.

‘Erm, I think I should get going!’ Lindsay headed towards the door but Stella caught her up.

‘Tell him,’ Stella said as she hugged Lindsay, ‘See you later Linds’ She closed the door and felt two arms snake around her waist.

‘What’s she got to tell Danny?’ Mac said as he began to kiss and nibble Stella’s neck.

‘I’m afraid Captain you will have to find that out from her or Danny!’ She turned around and rested her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. As they explored each other with their tongues Mac began to unbutton Stella’s shirt. Thus beginning a night of passion.
I thought that the whole thing was giggly and fun and knee-buckling to boot, but between you, me, and a bucket of ice cubes, one of my fave bits was your description of the movie they watched... honestly that just killed me, as did Stella's easy response to it. :lol: I also very much enjoyed the image of two CSI's trying to "dump the evidence..."

great stuff Natty :D I really like your storytelling style.