Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

My god, did I miss so many eppies? Shame on me.
But great updates Natty. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderfull writing.
What evidence?

Lindsay and Stella were supposed to be doing 'wedding stuff' but insted they were eating and watching films sooo the evidence was the food wrappers etc.... understand??

El The Sweetest Thing is an actual film!
El The Sweetest Thing is an actual film!
*finishes picking up broken porcelain coffee cup fragments off the floor, muttering...*
I'm in the business, I should know better. I do know better... but ...really??? unbelievable.

:lol: :lol: good f****** lord Natty, really? I'm not dissing the the choice of movie, it's absolutely the phrasing within the description of it that's got me going.

The synopsis you encapsulated for it has all the very best elements of parody right there, all the very best... :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, I guess sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, sometimes you just can't make this stuff up. Apologies if I was the only one who thought its description was so absurdly to type as to be funny... was it good? I hafta go look this up now... *(reads thru casting and production notes)* hmm, vaguely familiar. What else? ---> "a romantic comedy without the sugar," "they're looking for a few good men," "first came the rules of love, now comes the fun," "the ensuing road trip packs even more slapstick and locker room humor into an "already-bursting" movie..."

hmmm, what do I say to that? what can I say? Honestly, c'mon... all the elements, I'm telling you... *sighs, giggling* er, oops...sorry. :p :p :p I guess "knowing better" is partly why I found it so freakin' funny. Nevermind, I'll shut the f*** up now...

(and no, I did not let the door did not hit me on the ass on the way out, I was scurrying far too fast...) *calls from around the corner* I really do like your knee-buckling story though, that hasn't changed, just cos I'm an overworked *babbling* idiot... ;)
Like I said this will come with a PM :devil:so just ask If you want it!


‘Danny I’m home!’ Lindsay shouted as she entered the apartment. She could hear the distant buzz of the TV and could imagine Danny slouching on the sofa with is bare feet on the coffee table, beer in hand and watching some drama on TV. She knew he was probably just sitting there waiting for her because he never liked to bed without her and she knew it.

‘Hey sweetheart,’ he lent forward to put the empty beer bottle on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around Lindsay as she sat next to him and kissed her on the forehead, ‘Did you have fun at Stella’s?’

‘Yep, you?’ She turned to look at Danny.

‘Nope, we lost!’ Danny sounded a little defeated so Lindsay kissed him softly on the lips that simple touch caused every nerve in his body to tingle and when she pulled away he lost the heat that she had provided.

‘We need to talk Danny!’ she moved out of the warmth of his arms and sat cross legged in the corner of the sofa.

Danny began to get worried at her sudden change, ‘What’s up baby?’

Lindsay laughed at his chosen words, ‘Erm well I was talking to Stel and she said that I had to tell you now but I don’t know how, erm, what are you gonna say, we never really, I’m not really sure how to tell you… ’

‘Ssshh, Montana what ever it is just tell me, you’re beginning to scare me!’

‘Pregnant, I’m pregnant!’

‘Pregnant?’ Stood up and headed towards the kitchen but stopped when she felt Danny grab her wrists. ‘Hey baby, wait up.’ She turned around and Danny saw tears in her eyes so he gathered her up into a hug, ‘baby shh it’s ok, why are you sad?’

‘because I’m pregnant and you aren’t going to want a baby!’

‘What?’ he put his hands on either sides of her face and kissed her sweetly on the lips, Lindsay immediately melted into him as Danny reassured her that he wasn’t going anywhere, ‘baby I love you so much and I can’t believe that you would think that I would hate the one thing that would show everyone the love that we share.’ Lindsay sniffed at his words and Danny put his hand on her abdomen, ‘Listen sweetheart, the idea of a baby growing in there and being a part of me and you is beautiful! Well of course it’s going to be beautiful because our baby is a part of you and you are the beautifulist, I don’t even know if that’s a real word’ Lindsay sniffled another laugh, ‘but you are beautifulist person I know and I love you!’

Danny didn’t have a chance to say anything else because Lindsay’s lips connected with his in a heated kiss she managed to whisper, ‘I love you too’ before they headed for the bedroom.


Lindsay woke up to find her self in Danny’s arms. One of her arms was draped across his chest when she looked up she noticed that Danny was still asleep so she began to play with chest hair which was one of her favourite past times!

Danny was awoken from slumber as he felt someone tickling his chest. He wasn’t sure why but for the past few months Lindsay had had this obsession with twirling her fingers around his chest hair. ‘Good morning sweetheart’

‘Morning’ She crawled up the bed and just as the room was getting a little hot the alarm clock beeped telling them it was time to get ready for work. Danny moaned as Lindsay got up and headed towards the bathroom, ‘You could always join me?’ Danny jumped up and headed towards the shower and Lindsay slapped his naked behind playfully as he passed.

‘You’ll pay for that miss Monroe’ Danny said as he closed the door.


At Mac and Stella’s

At the same time Stella was waking up alone as she sat up she saw Mac standing by the mirror examining the mark on his neck, ‘What’s up Mac?’

Mac turned around to see Stella getting out of the bed, ‘Have you seen this hickey?’ He said pointing to his neck while Stella giggled.

‘What can I say Mac you always turn me into a devil with your kisses!’ She went over to the draw and began to search for her underwear and clothes. She looked at her naked fiancé who was still standing in front of the mirror looking at his neck, ‘Oh come on Captain stop moaning and get dressed!’

‘I’m going to have a job covering that up Stel! Anyway whose idea was it to make us work on a Sunday anyway?’

‘Unfortunately criminals do not work Monday to Friday and 9 to 5!’ She headed towards the door so that she could go and start the coffee, ‘Captain get dressed now!’

As she put the machine on she heard Mac distant reply, ‘Yes Mum!’

Half an hour later they were walking hand in hand out of the elevator and towards the locker room. However they soon backed out of the room when they saw Danny and Lindsay with a small amount of clothing on and in the middle of an extremely heated kiss. Mac looked a little shocked but angry at his to CSIs as they were getting ‘naughty’ at work.

‘Office now, Mac!’ Without another word Stella dragged him a way, ‘Right sit!’ Mac obeyed. ‘Right, you will not mention that little scene to them and you will not lecture them about!’


‘No buts Mac Taylor’ Stella said sternly, ‘I will mention what we saw to Lindsay and knowing my best friend she will not allow herself and Danny to do it again! Last night I sis I wasn’t going to mention it but I think they need a reason for what they were just up to!’ Mac now a little confused, ‘Lindsay told me last night that she was pregnant and if I not mistaken she told him last night which would explain their behaviour.’


‘Now you are not to speak of what we saw and like I said you will not lecture them about it because I can remember what you were like when you found out about our baby and when they tell you about the baby you WILL look surprised, got it?’


‘Good’ Stella kissed him sweetly n the lips and then turned to leave, ‘I’ll see you in a bit Captain I need to go to my office and finish some paperwork, love you.’
I think the US and UK have different names for pre-wedding parties so if so...

Males= Stag night
Females= Hen night


It was about 12:30pm and Stella walked in to Danny and Lindsay’s shared office to find Lindsay a lone and working on something on the PC.

‘Hey Stel, what’s up?’

‘Ahh nothing. I see you told Danny last night, I am I right?’

‘Yep! His reaction shocked me big time, I thought that he’d hate the news but he felt the complete opposite.’


‘Anyway what do you mean ‘I see you told Danny’?’

‘Well you just look happy that’s all…’ she said with a smirk.


‘And nothing!’

‘Come on Stel I know you, you’re hiding something from me!’

‘Ok ok, we saw you two in the locker room this morning!’

Lindsay just turned red out of embarrassment, ‘Oops! Hang on what do you mean WE? Oh no Mac wasn’t with you was he?’ Stella just laughed, ‘Great I suppose we’ll be getting one of his boss lectures!’

‘No you won’t’ Lindsay looked slightly puzzled, ‘Sorry I had to tell him about the baby so that he would understand your erm behaviour! But don’t tell Danny because Mac’s like a Dad to him, he’ll want to tell him himself! Just so you know Mac is under strict instructions to look surprised when you tell him, so don’t worry.’

‘Well that’s good.’ Stella stood up to leave, ‘Stel remember your Hen night is on Tuesday! Me and Danny have got it all sorted we have sorted out all the staff for Mac so the city has a full team while the guys are all out getting hammered we'll have our own fun! Shame we can't get out the vodka! I think it’s a good idea that you both decided not to have your Hen/Stag parties the night before the wedding.’

‘Okie dokie…’ The office door opened and Danny popped his head in the room, ‘Montana, have you eaten babe?’


‘Well can I tempt you to come out and grab a slice with me?’

‘I would be honoured cowboy,’ Lindsay giggled as she stood up and walked past Stella without noticing her and left hand and hand with Danny.

‘Oh, bye Stel’ Stella spoke to the empty room, ‘see you when I get back I’m off to lunch with Danny!’ She stood up and left the room also.

Two blocks away…

Danny and Lindsay were seated in a small Italian take out/sit in diner which was owned by one of Danny’s uncles.

‘Danny boy!’ A very Italian chef- moustache, chefs hat, flour on his apron, a little enlarged stomach- stepped out of the kitchen and pulled his nephew in to a strong hug. This made Lindsay laugh as Danny was caught of guard which got Mr Messer’s attention. ‘Who do we have here then?’ He grabbed hold of Lindsay arm and kissed back of her hand.

‘This is Lindsay Benny’

‘Aaahh this is the country girl, Montana, which you talk about all the time when I see you at your Ma’s place!’

Danny turned slightly pink when Lindsay raised his eyebrows at him, ‘yep this is my Montana.’

It was now Lindsay’s turn to blush at Danny words, ‘So what will I be getting you two?’ Uncle Benny asked.

‘We’ll have one of your famous cheesy, chicken feasts!’

‘Coming right up!’ Lindsay just laughed as Benny danced back in to the kitchen singing some Italian song.

‘Danny, how come I haven’t seen your uncle before?’

‘You like him then!’ Danny just laughed and they continued laughing until they had eaten their food and were headed back to the lab.

Unnoticed by the couple, a woman was following them and watching their everymove!
'Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked/DL'

Sunday afternoon…

‘Mac?’ Danny knocked on Mac’s office door and stepped in.

‘Hey Danny what do want?’ Mac asked knowing what was coming.

‘Erm well I got something to tell you,’ Danny said his hands were hot and sweaty for some reason.

‘Well spit it out Messer I haven’t got all day!’

‘Ok Ok, erm, Lindsay’s pregnant’ as he said this he began to jump up and down on the spot out of excitement, ‘I’m going to be a Dad!’

‘Congratulations,’ Mac stood up and walked up to Danny and shook his hand, ‘Are you excited by any chance?’

‘Oh yeh!’ Mac gestured for Danny to sit down so he did.

‘Danny, remember that having a child is a big responsibility’ Danny looked as if he was going to interrupt but Mac raised his hand, ‘let me finish. Two years ago if you had told me this
1. I think you would not be happy and a hate to say it but it would have probably have been a drunken mistake.
And 2. Since Lindsay has arrived you have grown up, a lot, so I know you can take on this responsibility and you will also make the right decisions considering other things!’

Danny knew what Mac was implying but let him finish talking, ‘anyway you need to go and get some work done but tell every one that we are going Cozy’s tonight to celebrate!’

‘Yes sir!’ Danny stood up and saluted.

‘Danny’ Mac said with a little annoyance.

‘Sorry Mac I forgot about the no ‘sir’ rule!’



All the team were seated in their usual section of the bar drinking (orange juice in Stella/Lindsay’s case) to celebrate Lindsay/Danny’s news.

‘So Linds you have got to tell the other’s about that night when you pushed Danny out of your apartment with well… only his birthday suit on!’

‘Montana please don’t, I’ll do anything!’ Danny pleaded.

‘Forget about him Linds,’ Flack said, ‘We want to know about Danny being as naked as the day he was born!’

‘Well we were…’

‘CHRIS!’ Everyone turned around to see Mac getting up and running towards a man who was of a similar build. When he reached the so called Chris he jumped on him and the man nearly lost his balance.

‘Woohh, there Mackie!’ Chris said as Mac jumped off of his friend.

Everyone sitting at the table looked a little shocked at Mac’s behaviour. Everyone apart from Stella who laughed at her fellow colleagues and then she stood up and went to great the new arrival.

‘Hiya Stel I think Mackie’s had a little too much of the good stuff! How are you and Taylor Jr getting on?’

‘We are fine thanks Chris it won’t be long until I start showing at least I’m not going to be fat for the wedding!’

Mac, Stella and Chris continued chatting until he noticed the other occupants of the corner of the room, ‘Maybe I should introduce my self, Chris Taylor,’ and he shook everyone’s hands.

Mac put is arm around Chris’s shoulder, ‘guys this is my older brother, best friend and best man Chris!’ there was a sudden nod of heads and realisation that the two men were brothers.

Flack stood up, ‘What can I get you Chris?’

‘Erm a pint of the good stuff!’

‘A man after my own heart,’ Flack left for the bar as everyone started to talk to Chris.
yays :) and I wanna know about NekkidDanny too! Spill it!

I wanna have Lt Dan in my fic hehe...I just think with the name sharage it'd be fun.
Are you excited by any Chance? Mac open your eyes. Danny's doing a 'hirley twirley' for G.. sake.

Mac Taylor, a brother, wonder what he's about. Natty, throw a pint in for me as well. One more Taylor to the rescue! Throw me a beer in here too girl! Cheers girl. Salute!
Tuesday Stag night…

Mac had let Danny and Flack organise his Stag party knowing that his brother wasn’t very familiar with New York. With this in mind he also knew that there was no way he would be able to stand be the end of it. It was 10:30 and Mac had lost count of how many bars they had entered then left. Mac, Chris, Flack, Danny, Hawkes and Adam were now playing pool at a place called ‘Ting tong’.

‘So Chris what did you do when Mac went to Beirut?’ Danny asked a little intrigued.

‘I went with him! We enlisted together and we were never split up because we worked well together. That’s what we always wanted to do!’

‘I can just imagine two Taylor lads running around with guns!’ Flack said but nearly collapsed with laughter at the thought.

‘Oh shut it Flack you have had a bit too much!’ Mac said as he missed cue ball as he stumbled himself.

‘Whatever Taylor, look at you!’ Flack said as he tried to sit down but missed!

‘Ok guys come back over here,’ Danny signalled for everyone to sit around a small table where he had place about 20 shot glasses filled to the brim with Ting Tong’s special vodka.

‘Right guys, you have to tell us one embarrassing fact and then you have to drink!’

‘Ok I think Mac should go first!’

‘Well thanks a lot Adam!’ Mac called across the table.

‘OK Mac, spill!’ Chris said.

‘Well, me and Stella were at the theatre and when you had to get up to leave you had to walk in front of all these old woman to get to the bar. I have to be really honest and say that the first half was extremely boring! So me and Stel decided to have a bit of fun!’

‘You mean you started talking dirty!’ A very tipsy Flack said.

‘Yeh! And well I got very excited and then the curtains closed and the lights went on. We had to get up to go and get the drinks we had ordered. Anyway we got and past these old women. They started laughing at pointing at me and when I looked at Stel she was laughing to! I looked down and I had a hard on!’

Everyone laughed, ‘What did you do Mackie?’

‘I just ran away!’