Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Sorry guys I just realised I haven't updated for over a week!! But as soon as I get some time i'll update- I really want to!! But lifes a bit hectic!
I'm new here and I know you wrote this a fair while ago but just wanted to say I love it! :) Is there any chance I could get the pms from it? I know you're busy.
Erm i'll have a look and see if they are still on my PC ;) Although I think I deleted them a while back!

I am so glad that people are still reading this even though I havent updated in about 9 months :lol: Im hoping to revisit it this summer but at the moment im not sure if I should end it at the wedding or continue. Now I best go before Mel and Jools start chasing me for an update....

Thanks again ;)
Ow Crap, *chasing time&* I just found the thread again. *Back away Mel* I'm first to give Natty a good poke. *shakes Natty* You just make those finals girl and update this fic as soon as you can. 9 Months, I could have had a
even before Lindsay :guffaw:. It's been way too long, I'm still hanging on that cliff here. :eek: You at least could've fed me a cookie along the the way... :lol: