Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

lol... i'm going to miss you guys!!

Damn you...each time I try and log off someone writes something somewhere or other!
natty! :( i miss you...

that was one heck of an update XD LMAO
:devil: drunk macky... clothes off... what more could i ask for? ;)
Mac woke up and immediately pulled the covers over his head. After her guests had left the previous evening Stella had forgotten to close the curtains and unluckily for Mac and his hangover the sun was shining right into the room which he and Stella shared. He rolled onto his side and noticed that Stella was still asleep so he sat up squinting so that his head didn’t explode which the usual welcoming sunlight that was gushing into the room.

He walked out of the room to put the coffee machine on and to drink a pint of water to help his dehydrated body recover quicker. When he poured his coffee he soon realised that he couldn’t drink it without feeling queasy so he went to have a shower before he faced the caffeine boost again.

As soon as the water began to flow down his body he felt a lot better and could have stayed there all day however after 15 minutes he realised he couldn’t put off getting ready for work any longer.

‘This is going to be a long day!’ He said to himself as he wrapped a towel around his middle and headed back into the bedroom and stood in front of the mirror. ‘How much did I drink last night?’

‘Quite a lot by the looks of it!’ Mac who wasn’t expecting an answer jumped and his towel fell but he just left it and went over to kiss his fiancé.

‘Good morning,’ Mac said in a gruff tone as he straddled Stella.

‘Morning,’ Stella said before deepening the kiss. ‘Hungry?’

‘Nope!’ Mac’s face colour lightened as he thought about food.

‘Come on Mac get off of me so that I can go make you some breakfast- so that you’re not grumpy for the rest of the day.’

Mac did as he was told and Stella led him into the kitchen, ‘Pancakes!’ As Stella went to turn the radio on Mac stopped her.

‘No, no radio please!’ Mac said as he tried to drink the coffee Stella had given him.

Mac just sat on one of the stools by the island in the middle of their kitchen and watched Stella cook. After five minutes he had had enough watching. He stood up, wrapped his arms around Stella’s waist and began to nibble on her neck. ‘Slow down Captain, you have got to eat something before we go work else your heads going to be unbearable!’

‘Come on Stel we’ll be in separate apartments to night with me and Lindsay switching so I won’t able to do this until tomorrow night.’ He turned off the cooker, turned her around and grinded his hips against hers.

Stella who was already loosing all sense of reality with the thought of what would happen as soon as they entered the bedroom gave in, ‘ok but you eat afterwards, ok? Oh and let’s try not to wake Chris up! Then again he’s dead to the world! He doesn’t half snore when he’s had a little too…’

Mac put a finger on to her lips, ‘Deal’ He kissed her deeply as Stella guided them to the bedroom.


It was one o’clock and Mac was sitting in his office trying to concentrate but he couldn’t, ‘Damn hangover, I’m never letting Danny force me to drink six shots in a row again!’

All morning he had gone around trying to find the source of some strange but loud noises which he was sure Danny had hidden to annoy him and to emphasis how much he had drunk the previous night. The noises had stopped soon after Danny had tripped over the suitcase that was near Mac’s office door which he and Stella had packed with the clothes they were going to need on their honeymoon.

Ok well it wasn’t going to be much of a holiday they were jetting off to Miami to see Lt. Caine and a few other CSIs that they had worked with for in the past. They were also only going away for only five days because even though Mac knew Danny could cope with being the ‘boss’ he knew that he would be short of staff. Mac and Stella had offered to stay in the city but Danny, Lindsay, Hawkes and even Adam had offered to work 72 hours shifts if it meant the newly weds would be able to have a few days off work.

The hours past and Mac suddenly realised that it was five o’clock when Stella walked in. ‘Hey beautiful’ Mac said as Stella walked over to him.

‘Hey Captain,’ Stella kissed Mac gently on the lips which soon deepened so Mac pulled her onto his lap so that she could feel the effect she was having on him. ‘Sorry Captain but you will have to wait until tomorrow night!’ Mac groaned.

‘Are you going now?’

‘Yep, me and Linds are going back to our place now to relax,’

‘…for a change!’

‘Shut it Captain!’ Stella laughed as she stood up again, ‘See you tomorrow.’

‘I sure hope so Miss Bonasera!’

‘Don’t worry Captain; I won’t be going any where!’ With one last kiss she left the room.

Soon after Danny entered the office, ‘Come on Mac, you can’t stay here any longer! We are leaving now to go and pick up Chris, so Chinese or pizza?’

‘Either Messer but I don’t think I’ll be drinking any beer tonight.’

‘To be honest me neither- I hate hangovers!’ Both men left the office and headed for Uncle Benny’s.
Ok guys it's finally here the Taylor wedding enjoy...


On the out skirts of the city Mac was outside a small chapel on the phone.

‘Your father would have been very proud of you if he was still with us Macky. I know he never met Claire or Stella at that matter but he would have been glad that you have got your life back on track after 9/11’

‘Thanks Ma, I wish you could have been here but I know that you have got things to sort out after Angie’s death. She was always good to me when I was younger I bet you’ll miss her.’

‘Yes well, she’s with Todd now. Anyway I won’t miss having to round at all hours of the night because she lent on the button that rang her helpline in her sleep.’ Mac laughed, ‘it’s a pity really that she had no family to take of her.’

Chris poked his head around the corner, ‘Macky, Linds say’s they’ll be about half an hour.’

‘Oh Ok, Ma I got to go Stella won’t be long’ Mac said checking his watch, ‘I need to go the bathroom first!’

‘There’s nothing to be nervous about Macky. Just promise me one thing, will you?’

‘What’s that Ma?’

‘When my grandchild’s born you and Stella best come and visit!’

‘I will Ma, see you soon.’

‘I love you son.’

‘Love you too Ma,’ Mac said as he put down his phone and headed for the bathroom.


‘She’s here!’ Chris said as he made his way down the isle. Mac and Stella had chosen only a few people to attend the wedding. The congregation was made up of many close friends including two of Mac and Chris’ colleagues who they spend most of their service years with. Chris saw Mac rub his slightly sweaty palms together as he took his place next to his brother, ‘Don’t worry bro everything going to be fine!’

‘Got the rings?’

‘What rings?’ Mac looked shocked, ‘I’m only kidding do you really think I would have forgotten them!’ As he slapped Mac on the back the music began and everyone who was seated in the chapel stood up. ‘Here we go buddy.’

Mac turned around and saw Stella enter with Lindsay behind her. She was dressed in a white, strapless gown and was holding a small bundle of lilies in front of her. In Mac’s eyes no one else was as beautiful as the Greek goddess that he was about to get married to.

As she reached the alter where Mac stood he kissed her on the check, ‘You look beautiful Miss Bonesera!’ Which made Stella blush.

As the music stopped their friend’s sat down and the minister began, ‘We are gathered her today to witness the joining together of Mac James Taylor and Stella Maria Bonasera. You, who are seated in this chapel have been chosen by the couple to share this day with them because they have a special place for you in their hearts. Love is the reason that we are here today and the couple have chosen this particular pieces for me to read …

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
admit impediments. Love is not love
which alters when it alteration finds,
or bends with the remover to remove:
Oh, no! It is an ever-fixed mark.
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
it is the star to every wandering bark,
whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
within his bending sickle's compass come;
love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
but bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.’

There was a minute of silence as the people in the small chapel took in what the poem meant. ‘Before I continue I must ask does anybody know any reason why this couple should not be joined in lawful matrimony.’ There was silence within the stone walls, ‘Ok, Do you Mac James Taylor take Stella Maria Bonasera to be your lawful wedded wife?’

‘I do’

‘And do you, Stella Maria Bonasera take Mac James Taylor to be your lawful wedded husband.’

‘I do’

‘The ring symbolises the love that the couple share as it has no beginning or end. Can I have the rings please, the brides first?’ Chris stepped forward and handed Mac Stella’s ring. ‘The couple have decided to write their own vows for the giving of the rings. Mac?’

‘Ok, Stel we have known each other a long time and you were the only one who could help me through those certain times in which I felt lost. You helped me more than you know even though you think that you only made sure that I ate and slept it meant I lot more to me than that. Until you were taken I didn’t realise how much I love you and I need you to know that I would die for you. Now you are carrying my child and I will love it as much as I love you because it is a part of the woman I love and as each day goes by I will be thankful to the god that put you on this earth.’ As he slipped the ring on her finger a small tear slid down her face.

‘Can I now have the Groom’s ring?’ Chris stepped forward once more and handed Stella Mac’s ring and then went back to sit next to a sniffling Peyton. ‘Stella?’

*Sniff*, ‘Mac, when we met all those years ago I couldn’t imagine that I’d be standing here today and the past few months have been the best of my life so far even when the crime scene was a little too close for home! You were the only one that could have saved me after what happened and you did and for that I love you for that. You are the best friend and partner some people can only dream of having and know that I am very lucky to have you and I will love you until the day that I die.’ She slipped on the ring and Mac entwined his fingers with hers.

The minister spoke, ‘Mac James Taylor and Stella Maria Bonasera I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.’ Everybody clapped as the couple turned and faced each other. The applause could not be heard by Mac nor Stella who were looking into each others eyes as they broke their first married kiss.

‘I love you Mrs Taylor.’

‘I love you too Mr Taylor, more than you know.’ She kissed Mac once more before they headed down the isle past their friends.
*squees happily* Too bad we can't see the wedding night :devil: :devil: :D

I can't keep my fics straight, is this the one with the DL wedding too?