Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Nope you didn't i've been really busy latly so I have'nt had the time.


Fluffy black handcuffs? sounds somewhat familiar...

Well you know I couldn't resist, I couldn't use the olive oil in this one maybe another time :lol:

I'm scared to read the PM's , if this isn't a PM

I know sorry about I actually wrote the PM in!!!:eek: It was a little late when I posted, I had to do a quick spot of editing :)
It was the day after the zoo visit and Stella had been at her desk filling out paperwork, it was only 8:00am and she was bored already. She had come in early with Mac and was now regretting the decision as she had been sick twice since she had arrived.

‘Great, I’m allowed back in the lab and a may be coming down with something!’ Stella said out load to an empty office.

The door opened and a familiar female’s voice echoed around the room, ‘Morin’ Stel I brought coffee!’

Stella didn’t really feel like coffee at the moment, it was making her want to run to the bathroom for the third time so she politely put it on the desk. ‘Thanks Linds, so what have you been up to while I wasn’t here?’

‘Erm you know the usual it’s been a bit boring really’ Lindsay sighed, ‘Oh I was meaning to thank you!’

‘What do you mean?’ Stella asked a little surprised.

‘I won the lab pool, $550 I got all together!’ Lindsay still couldn’t believe how much she had gotten. ‘I think it’s been going for a few years!’

‘Really? And when are you and Danny going to tell everyone else about what you two have been doing for the past couple of months?’ Stella giggled as her colleague blushed at her words.

‘Oh come on Stel I only told you because I was that happy I needed to share!’

‘Yeh I know, do you think Danny has told anyone?’ Stella asked with a smirk.

‘Noooo he didn’t?’ Stella nodded, ‘I’m going to kill him, he was the one who didn’t want to tell anyone! I’ll see you later Stel I need to go and find a certain detective.’

Lindsay left Stella alone again watching the time pass extremely slowly.




12:30pm, The door opened revealing Mac he looked around and found Stella dozing on the keyboard. He looked at the screen and laughed when he saw that there was about 14 pages of Ks! ‘Stel sweetheart wake up’ Mac whispered shaking her awake.

‘What?’ Stella said quickly lifting her head up and smoothing her hair back into place.

‘Sure you don’t want to go back home and go to bed?’ Mac questioned

‘No way!’ Stella suddenly fully awake, ‘I was just bored!’

‘Oh ok, come on lets go get some lunch’ Stella practically leaped out of her seat, kissed him on the check, grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the lab.


Mac and Stella were sat in a small café on Park Avenue laughing and joking while getting ready to order.

‘What can I get you sir?’ The waiter asked as he walked up to the table.

‘Erm two of your house sandwiches and two coffees please’ Mac asked politely.

‘Err one coffee please I have some water.’ The waiter nodded and walked away.

‘Everything ok Stel? It’s not like you to turn down a hot cup of the brown stuff.’ Mac asked a little concerned.

‘Yeh I’m fine I just felt a little ill this morning, I’m fine with the water.’ Stella entwined her fingers with his on the table and smiled, ‘Honestly, I’m fine, now I want all the info on this morning DB.’

They were nearly finished when Mac’s phone rang, ‘Taylor…… ok I’ll be there in five I’m just down the road.’

‘Yesss it’s my lucky day’ Stella said delighted ‘If I’m here with you and the crime scenes only down the road then I get to help!’

Mac dropped a few bills onto the table and stood up, Stella was already at the door, ‘Come on Mac stop being slow!’
Wow, seems to me Mel gets her wish after all.
Wonder what Lindsey has in for Danny.
Great writing Natty, you rock girl! Please update soon.
‘Hey Stel’ Flack shouted as Mac and Stella joined him by the DB, ‘I thought you were on desk duty!’

‘Yeh well we were having lunch when you rang, oh and she was whinging!’

Stella slapped him around the head, ‘Ow Stel that hurt’ Mac rubbed his head, ‘What was that for?’

‘I was not whinging a may have moaned slightly but I didn’t whinge, OK?’ Stella asked rubbing Macs head where she had hit him also.

‘Hello guys I’m still here,’ Flack said waving at his colleagues, ‘you sound like an old married couple’ Stella glared at him, ‘Ok Bonasera keep your fists to yourself I don’t want a repeat of that little nose bleed Mac gave me a couple of weeks back!’

‘You hit him’ Stella now glaring at Mac, ‘why did you hit him?’

‘Well when you were in that warehouse they were trying to stop me from coming in,’ going slightly pink Mac continued, ‘anyway getting back to the present ….I let you come with me and you start moaning again, I said moaning! Ok Don, what we got?’

Glancing down at the body, Flack gave Mac and Stella the info, ‘from what I can gather it’s a hit and run but in my opinion his injuries don’t look bad enough to have killed him. Anyway I’m just going over there’ he pointed to a crowd of people, ‘to get statements so behave yourself.’

‘Oh Flack shut up and go and do your job!’ Stella ordered Flack as herself and Mac began to process the scene, ‘Mac, can you do me a favour?’ Stella said in a quiet and soft tone.

‘Yeh, what is it?’

‘Just don’t leave me alone! She smiled weakly.

‘I’m not letting you out of my sight sweetheart.’ Mac smiled back and kissed the back of her hand.

Mac turned off the engine of his SUV as him and Stella arrived back in the CSI garage. ‘Stel?’

‘Yeh?’ Stella her head and jumped as Mac kissed her. It was one of those soft kisses that made Stella feel special and loved. He pulled away but she kept her eyes closed savouring the moment, ‘What was that for?’ Stella asked finally opening her eyes.

‘I don’t know I just wanted to kiss you, what the hell, I could sit here all day and kiss you.’ Mac smiled, so did Stella.

She leaned closer and kissed him. Mac moaned as he felt Stella’s tongue move along his lips. They stayed there for about 5 minutes in a world of their own with out breaking the connection that had fused when their lips had joined. It wasn’t a needy kiss well it was but it wasn’t the sort of kiss they had shared the night they had gone that ‘club’ it was full of need for love.

In Mac’s opinion there are no words to describe how he felt in those 5 minutes. He didn’t know how to express what that one kiss could do to him. It was pure love, purer than the silk that a god could produce but at that moment he knew where and who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

As they pulled apart Stella rested her forehead on Mac’s, ‘I love you captain’

‘I love you to Stel’

He put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him, they stayed there for another half an hour until they decided they best get moving before someone began to look for them.
some supremely lovely SMack moments between them, as hard as that is for me to say natty :lol:


(sorry, I'm not *really* here) (relurks and scampers)
You write with such passion natty, beautiful update.

PS: I toggled your thread *finally figured out how that one works*, so I won't miss anything since I will be a week abroad for work.
This is a long post guys..


Mac and Stella stepped out of the elevator hand in hand.

‘Mac will you go get me some water from the break room while I go and start on the evidence, please?’ Stella still wasn’t feeling so good, she pouted as Mac nodded.

‘Thank you, Mwah’ Stella blew a kiss for Mac and when she turned around to walk away he grabbed her hand and pulled her in close.

‘You call that a kiss, Miss Bonasera? Mac asked cheekily.

‘Mmmmaaacc, we’re in the lab!’

‘So’ Mac lent down and kissed Stella intensely which made her knees buckle. Just as they pulled apart they heard an Italian detective whistle.

‘Oh shut it Messer,’ Stella shouted down the corridor, ‘what do you think some of those lab techs would do if they new about you and Lindsay?’ There was the sound of glass breaking as many people dropped the test tubes that they were holding. ‘Oops, I guess there’s your answer Danny boy.’ Stella giggled as Danny turned slightly pink, ‘I’ll see you in five Mac.’


Stella and Mac had been working in the lab in silence for about thirty minutes when Mac spoke, ‘So Stel what do you want to do for your birthday next week?’

‘I don’t know, I don’t even know if I’m working or not come to think of it!’

‘Oh you’re not working and neither am I . So if you don’t know what you want to do, I’ll just have to surprise you!’

‘Mac you know I hate surprises. Can’t you just tell me?’

‘I don’t know, maybe,’ Mac smiled as Stella’s annoyed expression when Mac’s pager went off.

‘Autopsy,’ he informed Stella, ‘Do you want to finish up here and I’ll go and talk to Sid?’

‘Yeh that’s fine’ Mac took off his lab coat and gave Stella a quick kiss before leaving the lab.


Mac walked in to the morgue, ‘So Sid what happened to our Vic?’

‘Well he didn’t die from his injuries’

‘What?’ Mac asked a little confused.

‘From what I can tell these wounds caused by the car were post-mortem! But he died minutes before’

‘What are you on about?’ Mac asked as Sid began to laugh, ‘Flack said that the witnesses saw this man walking across the road!’

‘They probably did, Mac this man suffered a heart attack just before he was hit!’

‘A heart attack?’


‘So you’re telling me, he wasn’t killed by the driver when he hit him?’

‘Nope but from what I can tell the driver did in some way kill him.’

‘Ok?’ Mac asked now a little more confused, more confused than when Sid goes off into his own little world. ‘Now I just don’t get it at all!’

‘The driver was the cause of death, I mean, the man suffered a heart attack because he saw the car and knew it was about to hit him’

‘So if I catch this guy I can still put him away for the hit and run?’

‘Probably, yes’

‘Ok, well I better go and catch him then, oh and Sid thanks for confusing me!’

‘Anytime Mac,’ Mac began to walk out when Sid shouted him back, ‘by the way you look happy!’

‘Happy is an understatement Sid! I hate to admit it but feel better now than I did with Claire.’

Sid heard the disappointment in his voice, ‘Mac, I new Claire, she’d want you to be happy, in fact I think she’d have come back and given you a good kick up the backside if you had kept your feelings for Stella hidden for any longer!’

‘I suppose you’re right but I sometimes I feel like I’m betraying her in someway.’

‘Mac, Claire will always be apart of you and you‘ll never be able to get rid of that. She’ll be glad it’s Stella who took her place. Don’t worry about it Mac! I think she’ll be with you when you decide it’s time to get married again.’

Sid looked at his friend and a smile spread across his face and Mac shuffled on the spot, ‘You have already haven’t you?’

‘Err, sort of yeh,’ Mac answered as he felt his ears begin to burn with embarrassment.

‘Well there’s nothing stopping you! When are you thinking of asking her?’

‘It’s her birthday next week I thought then would be a good time! Anyway I better dash and tell Stella the news about the Vic’


Hawkes was walking past the ladies when he could have sworn he could hear someone throwing up. He went into the lab opposite and began to start working when he saw Stella exit the bathroom and head to her office. Not long after he caught her running back. Something was up and Hawkes had a little inkling what it could be.

He waited for her to appear again and then shouted her in to the lab where he was, ‘What do you want Doc?’

Hawkes laughed, ‘I think you are in need of one Stel!’

‘Sheldon I’m fine, I just think I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me a couple of days ago.’

‘What do you mean a couple of days ago?’

‘I have been sick a few times in the past week, mostly in the morning but I haven’t told Mac’ Stella told him, ‘so don’t you even think about!’

‘I won’t don’t worry, do you want to go and get some coffee?’ Hawkes questioned.

‘No thanks the smell of it’s making me want to revisit the bathroom!’

‘Stel I think you should go to the doctor’

‘Why I’ll be fine in a few days.’

Hawkes felt a little uneasy talking to Stella about this, ‘Er no I..’

‘What is it Sheldon, spit it out I need to get back to work!’

‘Well, I think you could be pregnant!’

‘What?’ Stella asked a little deflated, ‘I…’

‘Come on Stel I’m the doctor here, think about it, you said you have been sick from time to time the past couple of days. You are put off by the strong smell of coffee which you usually love! And I don’t want to say that I’ve been looking because I haven’t but your breasts seem to have grown!’

Stella just looked at him. She had missed her latest period but she had just thought that it was to do with the stress of the kidnapping and those meds that the doctor had put her on. ‘Erm Sheldon do you mind packing away may evidence I think I might need to go to the pharmacy.’

‘That’s fine Stel, erm, I’ll talk to you when you get back.’ Hawkes smiled at her as they both walked off in to opposite directions.