Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

two, two, two Taylor lads are better than one... wow... could you imagine...?

fun, Natty!! loved all the boys out getting *supremely* pished :lol: :D
Awsome updates Natty. I could just imagine Mac all tipsy, makes it all the easier, for all us girls to attack him. :devil: :p:devil: :p:devil: :p :devil:

Keep it coming. :)
:( i am so mad at myself for missing alot of updates... and PMs!!!can someone send em to me? i missed like ALL of em *sobs* puweeze?! *puppy eyes*

:devil: :lol: heck, two Taylors?! I'll take the other one :devil: they've gone to teh gutter i see... girls... TACKLE!!! XD

*le sigh* i cant believe it's been a long time...
from the UST to the wedding... tis all beautiful... and hysterical :lol: not to mention hot. :p

go nat!
Tuesday Hen night…

The ladies had decided on a quiet night in partially because Stella and Lindsay couldn’t drink and because they all wanted to see Mac and Chris collapse into the apartment whatever time that may be- they were patient enough. Stella, Lindsay, Peyton, Jennifer Angell and one of Stella’s friends from the academy, Linda, were all seated in Stella’s living room. Like the men they had decided to share embarrassing moments with each other. However being the kind woman that they were they were sharing not there’s but their partners and friends embarrassing moments.

‘So, who’s going first?’ Lindsay asked.

‘Erm Stella should,’ Linda said.

Stella just stared at her old friend, ‘no way!’

‘Come on Stel!’

‘No I think Linds should tell you that story of Danny being naked in the corridor of their apartment building! You never got a chance to the night because Chris arrived.’ Stella looked at Peyton and noticed that her ears had pricked up when she had heard his name. ‘So Peyton, I noticed that you Chris have taken a liking for each other. He’s only been here to days… after Lindsay tells us about Danny you have got to tell us about last night.’

Peyton was now a little pink, ‘So Linds tell us…’

‘Erm ok but I have got to start right from the beginning…two months ago Danny took me out to this fair that had opened for like one weekend only. It was really fun and he was being the usual gentleman but while we were there, there was this ride that he didn’t want go well neither did I but he didn’t tell me that. Erm he managed to get me on but then well to be honest I had my eyes closed. I didn’t see him get out of his seat but he did and when I was fully strapped in, and we were moving- obviously it was too late to get off, I opened my eyes. I looked to my right and noticed that I was seated next to the sweatiest and fattest guy you have ever seen!’


‘Gentleman my ass,’

‘What you do Linds?’

‘Well when we got off he was just laughing! So I carried on the night like nothing had happened. When we got back to the apartment we had a bit to drink so you know… we got a bit…naughty! Anyway I left him on the sofa and then ran into the bedroom to grab the box of condoms from his draw right and then I ran to the door and of course he followed! Anyway by this time he was completely naked but I still had my underwear on anyway…I opened the door and dangled the box in front of his eyes. He said, ‘You wouldn’t!’ but you know me of course I would! So I chucked them and Danny being Danny jumped forward thinking he could catch them, well ok he did catch them but a little push from me and he was on the floor outside the apartment so I quickly closed the door.’

‘So you just left him?’

‘No I…’

‘This bits the best bit!’

‘Thanks Stel I was getting there! Anyway, we have this neighbour called Peggy and she’s really sweet but forgets things like her mail and milk etc but she doesn’t like any funny business either. So I rang her up and told her that she had left her milk on the mat outside of her apartment. I went over to the door and I could hear Danny pleading with me to let him in and seconds later I heard him squeal. It turned out that Peggy had seen him when she hadn’t found her ‘milk’ in front of her door so she had grabbed a newspaper and whacked him in the ass until they reached the elevator.’

There was a roar of laughter at Lindsay’s last words, ‘When he got back I actually felt sorry for him because he had ended up in the entrance hall! But anyway after my little game we had the best sex we have…’

‘Yeh ok Linds!’ Stella said, ‘You know Danny’s like a brother to me!’


Several hours past as they shared stories and watched movies when suddenly they heard the click of the lock, ‘I think they’re back guys!’ Peyton said as they heard a roar of drunken singing entering the apartment.

‘I’m the only gay Eskimo woo hoo ho ho, like Santa ho ho ho!’ Mac and Chris sang as they stumbled into the living room.

‘Oh hello ladies,’ Chris said as he stumbled over to kiss Peyton, transfixed by his hotness Peyton obliged.

‘Nooo way Captain you stink!’ Stella said as Mac got close to her, ‘Go have a shower, now!’

‘oo ok’ He stood up and took of his shirt and pants in the middle of the living room. Everyone laughed and stared but Stella stood up and pulled Mac out of the room.

‘Mac, in now!’ she said pushing him into the bathroom, ‘I can’t have you prancing around without any clothes on because I don’t want someone to steal you!’

‘Don’t wowwy Tel I loowwww ooo!’ Mac shouted though the door as he stumbled into the shower, ‘Ow you bastard!’ Stella opened the door to see what he had done.

Lindsay was behind Stella, ‘what did he just do Stel?’

‘Well put it this way he is now wrestling the shower head!’ Everyone roared with laughter apart from Chris who had fallen asleep with his head on Peyton’s lap.
Awesome chappies Natty, as I wish, i was there when Macky tore of his clothes. :devil: :devil:

BTW...Have a safe and fun trip, missya. :)
Fun stuff there Natsky :D

I can see Danny getting thwacked on the ass with a paper. It is NY after all. (Question to ask is, did he like it?)

(*smiles at the notion of chris, a mc-double for peyton* aw, sweet) Less sweet to have a drunkard passed out in your lap though, no matter how cute...:lol:

and frankly, that's not the um, plumbing I'd like to see Mac wrestling with... :lol: :devil:

(I take it you'll be deriving some inspiration for your ficcie whilst at the nuptials then? have fun :D)
Hey guys on Friday I am going away for two weeks in which there is a wedding so I might do one more post concerning the hangovers but the wedding will have to wait untill I get back! :) Thanks for all your FB guys :)
Ok i'm here to say my goodbyes before I jet off to the sun tomorrow morning! Unfortunatly I had no time to update :( but I hope you guys don't forget my fic :)

*Nat walks out waving*