Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Mac was sitting in Danny’s SUV and was just starring at the warehouse he caught only a few words of Danny and Flack’s conversation. If he had been paying more attention when he got out of the car he would have noticed that half the NYPY was there.

‘Come out with your arms out and you won’t be harmed.’ An officer shouted in to a megaphone. Everyone went quiet waiting for a response. A piercing scream erupted from the warehouse as Stella screamed for Mac.

‘SSSTTTTEEELLLAAA,’ Mac tried to run into the warehouse but was stopped by Flack.

‘No Mac we can’t just run in there! We don’t know what he’ll do!’ Mac wasn’t hearing any of it and began to literally fight Flack off of him.


Jack was dragging Stella up the warehouse stairs by her hair, ‘How did they no we were here bitch?’

‘Get off me you bastard!’

‘No way sweetheart, we are going to have little fun before I go to prison!’ They had now reached the top floor.

‘Why don’t you just run?’

‘I won’t get out plus I can’t wait to see Detective Taylor’s face when he sees you!’ with that he threw her onto a mattress and began to undo his belt and zip.



By now Mac had won his little scrap with Flack and was sprinting up the stairs with Flack and other officers at his tale.


Jack kissed Stella hard as he pulled open her trousers. He forced his tongue into her mouth but Stella bit down on it hard.

‘Aaahhh, you bitch, you’ll pay for th..’


Mac knocked down the door; he ran over to Jack and Stella and pulled him off of her. Mac punched Jack hard in the face causing him to spit blood over Mac’s shirt. Flack arrived at the door blood pouring from his nose from where Mac had hit him. He stood there watching Mac beat the crap out of the man who had hurt the woman he loved. Once he had taken his anger out on Jack he spat on him and went over to hold a sobbing Stella.

She clung onto him as if her life depended on it. When her breathing became quiet and more stable Mac realised that she was asleep. He looked down her body and couldn’t see a single part of her body that wasn’t bruised or swollen. He lifted her into his arms and carried her our to the ambulance. He sat down and just held her until they had arrived at the hospital where the medical staff had to prise his arms open so that they could care for Stella.
I knew you would ask that Mel!!:lol:

You'll have to wait and see.... No I wouldn't do that to you!... LMH helped me come up with a name for Mac! :devil:
Two days ago Stella had arrived at the hospital and the doctors feared for her life. She had only woken up longer enough for the doctors to give her more morphine for the pain which made her extremely tired.

Mac had not left her bedside since they had arrived unless it was to use the toilet. Both Flack and Danny had tried to get him home to get a change of clothes even Adam had attempted but they all failed. Instead Danny had gone to Mac’s and gathered up a few changes of clothes and his toiletries. However he didn’t miss the extra shaver and toothbrush when he found Mac’s but then again he didn’t expect not to!


A sleeping Mac was awoken when he felt a hand stroking his hair as he rested his head on Stella abdomen. He opened his eyes and turned his head so he was facing up towards her face.


‘Mac, how long have you been here?’

‘Erm, well I haven’t left!’ Mac admitted as his checks turned pink.

‘Oh Mac you fool. Look at yourself you need a shave.’ Stella looked at him sternly a little worried.

Mac chuckled, ‘Stella what do you mean ‘look at yourself’, I you seen yourself!’ Mac said trying not to offend her. When she laughed he was glad she could see the funny side.

‘You got a point their Captain… I missed you.’ She smiled feebly as Mac rubbed her soft hand.

‘I missed you to Stel…’

‘Kiss me!’

‘What?’ Mac asked a little confused.

‘The last thing I remember is a man trying to shove his tongue down my throat. I need to feel love again and I only feel it when you kiss me. Kiss me!’

Mac moved up closer to her face until their lips were touching, looked into her eyes and whispered, ‘I love you Stella.’ When he tried to pull away Stella gentle pulled him closer.

They finally pulled apart, ‘I love you to Captain, lie with me…please.’ Mac looked like he wanted to object because he didn’t want to hurt her. ‘Mac you are not going to hurt me, I know you will never hurt me.’

Mac climbed onto the bed and gentle pulled Stella towards him so that he could hold her close. They fell asleep in each others and even the nurse wouldn’t wake them up so that she could she Stella’s injuries.
Okay her we go....


‘Ready to go home Stel?’ Mac asked entering her hospital room.

‘Oh yeh, I have been forced to stay in this bed, room and building for two and a half weeks! It’s like prison I feel like Paris Hilton!’ Stella was extremely glad to be getting out.

Mac chuckled. ‘Stella how the hell can you compare yourself to a skinny bimbo? You are too beautiful.’

‘Aren’t you sweet!’ Stella kissed him on the lips and tried to drag him out of the room.

‘Was it that bad here? Anyway you’re not going home you’re coming home with me!’ Mac announced as they got into the elevator.

‘Oh well it more or less home before…’

‘Oh yeh, I remember but it’s not going to be as fun this time! You can’t walk for long before your chest hurts because of your ribs, your arms in a cast and I can remember what that doctor said…’ Mac clears his throat, ‘Miss Bonasera it is extremely important that you do not put your body under stress by doing certain activities. Which also means that you are not to engage in sexual intercourse until I give you the say so!’ ’ Mac saw that Stella looked very disappointed that he had remembered. ‘I also remember that he was looking at me when he said that, I don’t know why, you are the kinkier and more sex driven person in this relationship!’

‘That’s not true Mac I love you for the person you are inside but then again… I would never say no to Mr Dong!’ with that she left the elevator leaving Mac thanking the gods that there was no one else in the elevator.


Mac opened his apartment door and let Stella walk in first. ‘So what do you want for dinner sweetheart?’

‘Anything, as long as it’s not from a hospital, I think I’d eat frog’s legs at the moment.’

‘Pizza it is then,’ Mac rang the pizza place so that they could deliver. The truth was that the nights he had spent in the plastic chair at the hospital had made him extremely exhausted.

Bing Bong, ‘I’ll get it!’ Stella shouted to Mac who was in the shower at the time.

‘Thanks,’ Stella paid the twenty year old man and shut the door, ‘Mac!’

‘What Stel?’ Mac asked coming out of the bathroom with one towel in his hand drying his hair and another tried loosely around his hips, he stood in front of Stel and watched her stutter. ‘Stel?’ He gave up and just kissed her on the lips which soon turned passionate and Mac ran his hands up and down her body, this didn’t really help Stella’s composure much.

‘You…You ordered to LARGE pizzas, I can hardly eat a medium!’ Stella was still trying to get over how she had felt a few moments a go.

‘Whatever Stel, I’m going to get changed. Can you pick out a DVD?’ They parted ways and walked in opposite directions, ‘Oh and no Kevin Cosner!’

Stella laughed as she walked up to the case that held all of Mac’s films.

‘I thought said no Kevin Cosner and he is one of the main stars in The Guardian!’ Mac said with a small smirk as he joined Stella on the couch.

‘Oh well this has also got Ashton Kutcher in it. He’s a bit of a looker himself! Stella looked at Mac with a little glint in her eyes.

‘Oh no, we are not going down that road again, remember how that turned out!’ Stella let out a moan, ‘Doctor’s orders sweetheart, now let’s watch this movie so we can get to bed.’ Stella smiled, ‘To sleep and rest Miss Bonasera.’

As the credits began to roll down the screen Mac realized that Stella was asleep. He lifted he up into his arms and carried her to his bedroom leaving two empty pizza boxes on the table. Stella had eaten all of hers and had actually eaten some of Mac’s as well which had given Mac lots of ammunition if she argued about not eating much again!

He pulled back the covers and lay her down. He removed her cardigan and began to get undressed himself. When he was settled under the covers himself he pulled her closer towards his chest and was happy when he felt arm wrap around his waist.
Oh I found a little pic!>>
