Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Where do you guys get the ideas from? This is just great. Love the story. And that pic, *hot flashes* I'm in need of a could shower. Please update soon.
‘Mac, Maaccc, Wake up!’ Stella was lying in bed next to Mac trying to wake him up from his dreams.


‘Mac it’s 9:30, you’re sort of late for work!’ Stella said still shaking Mac.

‘Err no I’m not Stel, I took a week off work to stay with you.’ Stella moaned. ‘You’re not getting rid of me that easily Miss Bonasera anyway aren’t you happy that you have some company?’

‘Of course I am Captain and I’m really glad it’s you but I’m not incapable of doing everyday things! I mean my ribs are more or less back to normal it’s just my wrist that needs to mend now.’

‘Oh well I have my time booked off now, did you know that I have never really been off work? I have got like seven weeks of vacation stacked up so I might as well put it to some good use!’

‘Fine! What do you want to do get out of bed and have some breakfast or stay here?’ Stella asked even though she’d rather stay in bed she’d give Mac the choice.

‘Erm, I want to stay here and hold you,’ He tightens his grip on Stella and breaths in her shampoo. ‘Mmm’

Stella laughed. ‘Ok then Captain!’ She turned around, kissed him and then rested her head in the crook of his neck.


It had been four days since Stella had been discharged from hospital and the need for the intimacy was growing. Not only on Stella’s part but on Mac’s and he was sure that he was about to crack.

‘Come on Stel here’s that medication the doctor gave you,’ Mac handed two pills and a glass of water to Stella.

‘Maacc,’ Stella whined, ‘I’m not in any pain any more I don’t need them!’ Stella pulled Mac onto the couch by the front of his shirt, ‘Anyway if I needed any medicine…you’d be the best kind.’ She kissed him on the lips, it was a soft kiss but full of need and lust.

Mac began to fidget in his sit, ‘Sttteeellll, we can’t!’

Stella leaned towards Mac putting her hand on his crotch and with a gentle squeeze said, ‘Come on Mac, the doctors don’t know what they are talking about, me on the other hand..’

‘Sttteelll, You know what you do to me!’ Stella did know as she could feel the effects under her hand.

‘What do you say Mac?’ Stella said raising an eyebrow.


Will he/won't he?? :devil:
‘What do you say Mac?’ Stella said raising an eyebrow.

Mac knew he was beat. ‘Well I suppose that bed rest doesn’t sound that bad after all!’ He leaned forward and softly kissed Stella. He knew Stella needed to feel love again. What the heck, they both needed this. He was going to love her.

He stood up pulling her with him and began to kiss her with as much passion as he could find in him as Stella began to pull off his black t-shirt.

When they reached the bedroom most of their clothes were on the floor leaving a trail of fabric from the sofa to the bedroom. Mac was going to love her with as much love as he could.

They lay underneath the covers caressing and kissing each other, each person was trying to prove their love for the other. When he new they were ready Mac drove himself into Stella, he kissed her and looked straight into her eyes as they reached their peeks.

‘I love you Stel.’

‘I love you too Captain.’

Mac lay next to Stella and gathered her up in his arms where they stayed all night. Stella’s meds were left forgotten on the living room floor.


It was 8am and Mac had just woken up by the sound of someone rushing around the apartment.

‘Stel what the hell are you doing? Mac asked while pulling a pillow over his head to cover his eyes because Stella had just opened the curtains.

‘Come on Mr, out of bed’ she ripped off the covers from the bed revealing a very naked Mac.

‘Aaaahhh cold,’ Mac looked down, ‘Aaaahhh naked!’

Stella laughed, ‘Oh come on Mac, everyone in this room has seen you naked now get up and have a shower….we are going out today!’ She walked out of the room and into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

‘Out where?’ Mac shouted as he dragged his feet to the shower.


‘Well I thought that since we are both off we could go…to the zoo!’ Stella finally answered as a now awake Mac walked out of the bathroom.

‘The zoo?’ asked Mac as he wrapped his arms around Stella’s waist and snuggled into her shoulder. ‘Can’t we just stay here now that you have proved that you are healed?’

‘Nope, get your keys’ Stella said giving him a quick peck on the lips before going to put on her shoes, ‘Oh and don’t forget your wallet!’