Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Hey guys i'm back, it's been a while hasnt it :)


The skies were clear and the sun was shining as the two CSIs joined the back of the ticket cue which didn’t seem to be moving.

Mac turned around to face Stella and snaked his arms around her waist to pull her closer. Stella’s arms automatically went up and around his neck, ‘Well hello detective Taylor are you showing affection in public.’

‘What public?’ Mac looked around and pretended to see a deserted street. ‘I only see a beautiful woman in my arms who I have the pleasure of spending my last day off work with.’

Stella leaned up and kissed Mac, ‘Aren’t you sweet Captain.’ She kissed him again and melted in his arms.


Mac and Stella quickly pulled apart. They had been completely focused on each other and hadn’t noticed that the cue had moved. Mac and Stella, now very red, said sorry to the other visitor and shuffled closer to ticket kiosk.

After they had retrieved their tickets they stepped into the zoo hand in hand. ‘So miss, where would you like to go first?’

‘Mmmm, I don’t mind, how aboouutt the monkeys!’

After lunch they walked around the south area of the zoo while getting closer to the camels they noticed that all too familiar yellow tape.

‘Flack I think we just got a simple stabbing here mate!’ They herd a chuckling Danny call from outside the pen.

Mac and Stella walked up to the tape, spoke to the officer and then ducked underneath. To Stella’s surprise Mac didn’t remove his arm from around her waist. ‘Danny there’s no such thing as a simple stabbing!’ Mac said announcing their presence.

‘Mac!’ Danny said walking over to them, ‘It’s good to see you up and about Stel.’ Danny smiled at seeing the couple extremely happy while within each others company. ‘What are you two doing her?’

‘Well believe it or not Danny we are here to visit the zoo!’ Stella said as Danny’s ears turned a slight shade of pink. ‘We wanted to do something before we come back to lab tomorrow. It feels like I’ve been stuck in that apartment for years! Why did you think we missed you Danny boy?’

‘Well I hope you did miss Bonasera. I know Montana missed you, she keeps complaining about the high levels of testosterone in the lab.

‘Anyway, we’ll see you tomorrow Danny,’ Stella snuggled into Mac, ‘come on Captain you still owe me that ice-cream.’

‘Bye Danny’

‘Cya Mac, have fun’ Danny shouted after Mac.

‘Don’t worry Messer I will!’ The couple left a very amused Danny thinking about how much a little affection from Stella could change his boss.
*laughs really hard*
im so happy i finally caught up with this...
*puppy eyes* did i miss any PMs?! *pokes natty*

remind me to NOT drink while reading :devil: ficcies? :lol:
dont ask :p

natty tis great! is this on :D
Hey guys this one will hava a PM! :devil:

The apartment door opened and Stella nearly collapsed into the apartment with laughter.

*giggle* ‘She so fancied you Mac,’ *giggle*

‘Really,’ Mac rolled his eyes the past 10 minutes would haunt him forever.

‘Mac what do you mean really,’


‘That granny just squeezed your,’


‘ass, I wish I had had a camera,’


‘your face was soo…’

‘OK Stel you’ve had your fun now stop teasing!’

‘Spoil the fun why don’t you Captain!’ Stella pouted, ‘I’m sorry, here,’ She stepped forward and kissed him, ‘is that better?’

‘Mmmm, I’m not sure I might need another one…’ Mac raised an eyebrow as Stella kissed him again.

Mac brushed his tongue along Stella lips and Stella moaned in pleasure as Mac’s tongue began to explore her mouth. When the need for oxygen became unbearable they reluctantly broke apart.

‘Tea?’ Stella asked as she walked into the kitchen. Since Stella had introduced Mac to the English beverage he couldn’t get enough of it. ‘Maaccc we haven’t got any milk can you go get some,’ She popped her head out of the kitchen, ‘please?’

Mac sighed, ‘Ok, I’ll be 10 mins.’

When he arrived back the apartment was quiet and there were no lights on. ‘Stel?’ He began to walk further into the apartment and when he finally reached the bedroom he found that that was also empty. He was about to turn around when he felt a gun being pressed up against his back. His heart began to race.

‘Strip Captain’, Mac did as he was told, ‘Sit…’ Mac looked around the room and saw a chair that was never usually in the room which had been placed in the centre of the room. Again he obeyed the command.

Stella was still stood behind Mac and tied him to the chair with those black fluffy handcuffs that Danny had given him as a joke many months ago. She then put a blind fold over his face and had a little fun.
Fluffy black handcuffs? sounds somewhat familiar... :lol:

Natty, sorry, I messed up my post before, I only wanted to delurk briefly and and say I think you write really well, and, I think it's a really great, fun read :D

*relurks and disappears.*