Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Mac was still alone in the bedroom, apart from the DB obviously, and was beginning to wonder where Stella was. He packed up his stuff and went down stairs and walked outside.

‘Stel’ Mac shouted out as he walked out of the door, ‘Stella where are you?’ He headed towards the SUV and found a camera that had fallen out and was now on the floor.

He ran back into house where he found the two officers in the kitchen. ‘Have you seen Stella’ Mac was beginning to panic, Stella wouldn’t just leave nut if she had why was the camera broken.

‘No sir we thought she was with you!’ The older looking officer said, ‘Why what’s happened?’

Mac ignored them and went back out side to call Flack and Danny because he needed help processing.


‘Mac, what happened?’ Flack shouted across the street as he and Danny ran over to a very stressed out Mac.

‘I..I..I don’t know Don!’ Mac was pacing, in fact he hadn’t stopped pacing since he realised Stella was missing.

‘Mac we’ll find her you know we will’ Flack put his hand on Mac’s shoulder, ‘You go back to the lab, go in Danny’s SUV, take the evidence you collected earlier..’

‘Don I can’t do that I want to help to find Stella,’ Mac was beginning to get annoyed by Flack.

‘You can help Mac but leave Danny to process your SUV and he’ll finish off the scene upstairs, go back to the lab we’ll meet you there in a bit.’

Mac just grunted and walked over to Danny for the keys and then headed to the lab.


Stella woke up with a dreadful headache and wondered what bar she had ended up at the previous night. Then she realised that her hands were tied behind her back and she was sitting in the back of a van or something that was moving at high speed.

Where was she? All she could remember was that she was at a scene with Mac. Mac. He must be worried where she was. Suddenly the van came to a abrupt halt and Stella was thrown to the other side of the van.

The doors opened, ‘Oh hello Stella’ the man grabbed her hair and dragged Stella out.

She realised that she was in some sort of warehouse before she was dragged into a small and dingy side room. The man threw her onto the bed.

‘What do you want?’ Stella asked.

‘Revenge Miss Bonasera!’ The man spat as he looked into the eyes of a frightened Stella.
Awww!!! you can't leave it like that Natty :mad: Post more, hurry, :lol: :lol: :lol:. Awesome post, take your time. I have four days off. :lol: :lol: :lol:
OK here you go LMH..


Mac was in the ballistics lab trying to find a match for the bullet that Sid had pulled out of the victim from his scene that morning. The computer had been searching for a very long 15 minutes and hadn’t come up with a match, Mac was beginning to doubt that he would find one.

It was one o’clock and it had been six hours since Mac and Stella had been in his apartment both enjoying each others company. A small smile crept on his face as Mac thought about the previous night and their conversation they had had before that arousing dance….

‘Come on Mac tell me that you’re enjoying yourself?’

‘Of course I’m enjoying myself Stel, I always do when I’m with you. I wouldn’t choose to be anywhere else.’

A small tear was threatening to escape from Stella’s eye, ‘Stel don’t be sad, isn’t it a good thing that I want to be here?’

Stella let out a sniffled giggle, ‘No it’s just no one has loved me like you do or vice versa since…well…Frankie.’

Mac cupped Stella’s check with his hand and wiped the tear that had just fallen with his thumb. ‘Come on Stel that’s the past and you can’t be sad when you’re on a date with me else I won’t becoming a place where there’s dancing again.’

Stella let out a small chuckle, ‘you’re right Mac that’s the past and I would rather be her with you anyway, come on this place does this amazing ‘Firewine’ it’s really tasty but hot! You have got to try some.’ With that she dragged him towards the bar.


Danny had just arrived back and had begun to process Stella’s camera for trace. He had also collected many sets of prints off the SUV but the all new that most would belong to the workers at the lab.


‘Revenge? What do you mean revenge?’ Stella looked up at the man who had taken her captive. He was a rugged and tired looking man. He had black curly hair and Stella felt like she recognised him.

‘Well you see you took something from me Stella’

‘Well tell me what it is and I’ll give it you back.’

The man started to laugh, ‘you can’t do that sweetheart.’

Stella had had enough she stood up and tried to walk towards to the door.

‘Where do you think you are going sweetheart?’

‘I’m not staying to listen to you and this rubbish!’ Stella shouted.

‘I’m sorry I can’t let you leave, I haven’t had any fun yet and plus I think it’ll be funny seeing your little boyfriend try to find you!’ Stella stared at the man and wondered how he knew about Mac, the last thing she saw before she passed out was a fist heading towards as she felt an enormous pain erupted in her head as the man’s fist slammed in to her face.


Mac’s phone rang awakening him from deep thought. ‘Taylor’

‘Mac its Danny erm… we’ve got a match to the fingerprint. You might want to come and have a look.’

Mac put down the phone and practically sprinted out of ballistics to find Danny.

As Mac disappeared the computer beeped and flashed ‘Match Found’!
***NATTY*** :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Not like that :mad: Get her back, now :mad: :mad:

Or I'll blow a hole through your story :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great update, continue soon, and it better be a good continue :p :p
Mac and Danny were both in the lab starring at the computer screen.

‘Mala, Jack Mala? It can’t be’

‘I went down to have a look at Sid’s records and there’s a DNA match.’

Suddenly Mac’s phone rang, ‘Taylor….Really?.....Thanks for letting me know.’

‘What’s up Mac?’

‘Erm ballistics just called…my bullet got a match…The gun was registered.’

‘Weelll who owns it?’

‘Erm Jack Mala! This is no coincidence Danny that scene this morning was trap but how d….’ Mac’s phone rang for the second time within 5 minutes, ‘Taylor….Ok…just put it in my office I’ll go take a look.’

‘Danny I got to go and have a look at something and call you in a bit.’


Stella opened her eyes and found herself on the bed again with Jack Mala looking at her, ‘Finally, I didn’t know if you were going to wake.’

‘Who are you?’

‘Why should I tell you Stella?’ He laughed thinking he was smart, ‘Don’t worry sweetheart I’m not going to make you guess. My names Jack, Jack Mala.’

Stella froze she knew that frightful night would come back to bite her.

‘You look scared sweetheart, did I say something wrong?’ Stella tried to look away but Jack grabbed her face, ‘Shouldn’t I be the scared one, I mean you have already proved that you can kill a Mala brother!’

‘What do want with me?’ Stella asked again but she didn’t really want the answer.

‘Did that punch cause you to loose your memory sweetheart, I told you earlier I am going to get revenge, and you need to pay for what you did!’ Jack stood up and pulled Stella off the bed onto the cold concrete floor. He kicked her hard in the ribs severely times causing blood to spill from Stella’s mouth. ‘Your dear boyfriend Mac should have found his little package by now… and I’m off to prepare my second!’


Mac walked into his office and found a brown package on his desk. He sat down put on some gloves and began to open the seal.

He found a single lock of curly hair, a note and a photo. Mac froze as he looked at the hair there was no mistaking it was Stella’s. He looked at the photo it was a picture of him and Stella curled up in each other in each others in his bed; Mac could tell that the photo had been taken with a high tech camera on the bridge near his apartment. He turned his attention to the note and read the contents.

Hello, Detective Taylor.

By now you will know that I have your precious Stella. You will also know who I am; I didn’t attempt to use a gun that I hadn’t registered and also know that I would have left some prints on that lovely car of yours. I’m not writing this to you because I want a ransom but because I want a little fun while I have my revenge! Don’t worry you’ll hear from me again and I might send you a few more presents if you’re lucky. I haven’t decided yet if you will see Stella alive or not it depends on how well she behaves.

I hope you’re looking forward to hearing from me again!

J. Mala

It had been 24 hours since Stella had been taken by Jack and her every movement caused her pain. It had been a rough night and Jack had beaten her many times. She was sure that a few of her ribs were broken, her left wrist was swollen and she was sure that that was also broke. She had a never ending headache and her body was blue with bruises.

The door opened and Jack dropped a piece of bread and a glass of water onto the floor, ‘eat I don’t want to make you stave do I?’ then he walked back out the room leaving a crying Stella screaming for Mac.


Mac was pacing in his office while his team looked at the second package from Jack. This time he had sent a picture of a beaten and bruised Stella who was lying unconscious on the floor. He had also sent a piece of rag which was covered in blood, Stella’s blood. There was also a second note…

Hello again Detective Taylor,
Like I promised I have sent you a few presents, I hope you like them. I know she doesn’t look it, I think she was a sleep when that picture was taken, but she is alive. Well I hope she is because I’m not going to sleep with a dead girl. Don’t worry Taylor I said ‘going to’ don’t worry I haven’t done that yet!

Hope you’re well


‘Mac what can we do? You do realis…’


With that Mac walked out of his office leaving a very shocked team behind and headed towards the locker room.


Stella had gotten off the bed and was now lying on the floor staring at the wall at the other side of the room. She rolled over and looked under the bed where she found Jack’s phone. Stella heart began to pound with anticipation. He must have dropped it while he beat her the previous evening. She reached forward and picked it up, she was in luck, and its battery was half used. She began to dial a familiar number…


Danny walked into the locker room to find Mac pounding his fist into the front of his locker. The door was dented, covered in blood. Danny ran over to Mac and pulled him away from the locker. Mac collapsed into his arms and began to sob. Danny couldn’t believe that Mac felt this much love for Stella. Suddenly Macs phone rang.

‘Stel?’ A teary Mac asked into the phone. Mac waved at Danny to start tracing the call.

‘Mac tell me when you have traced the call, I don’t want him to catch me… I found his phone under the bed…Mac I’m hurting I’m so sore… my whole body feels broken.’ Stella was beginning to babble.

‘Ssshh Stel calm down… Danny’s says they have traced the call.’

‘Mac I love you.’ Stella wheezed into the phone.

‘I love you to Stel.’ Mac said as they both put the phone down.