Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Ouh!!! I like it alot, love the heat....... Sooo Hot, :devil: you are making them. This is great Natty, please continue. :D
Hey guys thanks for all the FB. This chapter has a PM :devil:. I have sent it to Mel and LMH but if anyone else wants it just leave a message on here!


Stella was sitting in her office, she looked at her watch 7:00pm she read. Both her and Mac’s shifts had finished at 6:30 and was considering if it was too early to drag Mac out of his office when she heard a knock at the door and Mac stepped in. ‘Your out of your office early Mac.’

‘Well I have a date! And I didn’t want to miss it.’ Flashing a smile at Stella luckily she was sitting down because she was sure her knees would have buckled underneath her if she had been standing.

‘Ok I’m coming’ she stood up still smiling and she and Mac made their way outside where they headed in the direction of the pizza place.

When they reached Mac’s apartment he put his hand on Stella’s back which they both enjoyed and it was beginning to become routine. ‘So what film are we going to watch Mac?’

‘I don’t mind I have loads but I have never really got around to watching them!’ replied Mac he was actually quite embarrassed by the fact that he had at least 50 DVDs and had not even watched half of them.

By now he had unlocked his door and they had both walked in, ‘Go pick one you can’t miss them, trust me,’ Mac smiled thinking of the huge rack that stood at the side of his TV, ‘Do you want anything to drink? Wine, beer, coke, ice tea…’

‘Erm, I’ll have a beer please’ Stella shouted her request into the kitchen as she found the Film that she wanted to watch. ‘Ahh ha’

Mac immerged from the kitchen carrying a pizza box and trying to balance two beers in one hand. Sitting on the sofa as Stella put the DVD into the player, ‘So what are we watching?’

‘Robin Hood and the Prince of thieves, I think you’ll like it….I do…Kevin Cosner is in it!’ Stella sat down trying not to laugh at Mac’s face after he had heard her last comment but she looked in his eyes and reassured him that she was happy where she was. ‘Don’t worry Captain I prefer a certain person, whom I am sharing a very comfy couch with at the moment’

There was a short silence before Mac’s lips came crashing down towards Stella’s. Stella let out a moan as Mac brushed his tongue a long the rim of her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She had always wondered what it was like to kiss Mac Taylor but at the moment she was really interested to know where he had learnt to do ‘that’ thing with his tongue. The couple were extremely disappointed as the lack of oxygen became unbearable and they had to stop the passionate kiss.

They smiled at each other, turned back around to watch the film as Mac pulled Stella closer to him.

The film was at an end and as the pizza had shrunk and the amount of beer in the bottles had became less they had repositioned themselves so that they we both lying facing the same way. Stella back was against Mac’s chest and his arm was around her waist holding her close to him.

As the never ending credits began to roll down the screen Stella turned around in Mac’s arms so that she was facing him. ‘So what you think?’

‘I liked it’ Stella raised one eyebrow ‘Oh OK I loved it!’

She leaned closer and whispered ‘Good’ against his lips and kissed him softly which she quickly deepened. Mac’s hands began to roam around her body; he could feel the heat radiate of her as his hands gentle found her hips which made his blood rush to a certain part of his anatomy. This along with Stella playing with the back of his hair made him realise a moan of satisfaction.

Mac broke the kiss and said ‘Stel we can’t, not yet, I don’t want to pressure you!’

Stella slightly offended but saw the love in his eyes, ‘Come on Mac does it look like your pressuring me?’ She said this while she began to unbutton his shirt.

‘Stella it’s too soon…’ Mac whined he really wanted to love her he did but he didn’t want to look like he was taking advantage.

‘Mac we have known each other too long for it to be too soon!’ She started to work on his belt buckle….

‘Ok’ Mac finally gave in, ‘but not here!’ he whispered against her lips as Stella let out a small giggle. They stood up and Mac’s lips once again connected themselves with Stella’s as he began to get rid of the offending pieces of material that were denying him the pleasure of touching her skin. He guided them to his bedroom where they spent the rest of the night in their in there own little paradise….

…… Stella lay gathered up in Mac’s arms and as her breathing became steadier Mac thought that she was asleep. He kissed her forehead and said those little words that he had not said in a very long time ‘I love you Stella’

If he hadn’t closed his eyes he would have seen a small smile spread across the face of a tired Stella.
Beep beep….. Beep beep…… Mac lay in his bed under the sheets not wanting to open his eyes.

Beep beep……Beep beep…. He had been having a wonderful dream where all his troubles had disappeared and he had finally told Stella how much he loved her.

Beep beep……Beep beep…… The alarm was beginning to bug him but he didn’t want to turn it off and get up for work knowing that he had to look at Stella knowing she didn’t know how he felt.

Beep beep….. Click….. Mac was confused. It would seem that he had just turned off his alarm without moving a single limb but then again he did it every morning so it could just be another one of his auto-habits kicking in.

He felt the warmth of another person as she snuggled in to him. Mac now wasn’t sure if he was still dreaming or if he actually had a woman in his bed. No it must be a dream because he couldn’t remember inviting any woman to stay since Claire died.

There it was again, he could have sworn that someone one was stroking the ancient scar that was on his chest. Now Mac was getting annoyed was he dreaming? If he was he didn’t want to attempt to open his eyes because it was a dam good dream.

Then he smelt her. He knew that smell- a mixture of berries and cinnamon. He hoped he wasn’t dreaming.

Then he heard her ‘Mmmm’ as she snuggled even closer. He knew that voice and now knew that this was real, not a dream. The previous night’s events were coming back to him.

It had been a night of passion where he had poured his heart and soul into Stella trying to tell her how much he loved her.

He opened one eye slowly because of the light that was flooding through the window; they had had no time to close the curtains the night before. There was no rain today which lifted Mac’s spirits even more.

Mac looked down at the woman who was lying on his chest, she was starring at him. ‘Good morning’ He whispered, leaning down he kissed Stella softly on the lips.

‘Morning to you too.’ She crawled up his chest and kissed him passionately as he rolled her over so that he was on top Mac’s phone rang.

‘Aaaahhh’ Mac moaned as he reached over to the table beside his bed to reach his phone. ‘Hey Flack, what do you need?’ Stella reached up towards Mac’s neck where she bit and sucked on her chosen spot. Mac wriggled as Stella giggled ‘NO everything’s fine Flack….I…Just stubbed my toe on the door, I got to go I’ll see you at Central Park in an hour. ’

Mac dropped his phone and dived at Stella’s neck mirroring the mark that was forming on his own skin. ‘Maaac’

‘Yes sweetheart?’ Mac asked Stella while he laughed.

Stella noticed the mark on his neck and thought it best not to argue, he was going to have a worse time at covering up his bite than she was hers. ‘By the sound of it you need to get ready for work’

‘Aaaahhh, can’t we just call in sick?’ Mac questioned while he lifted one of his eyebrows.

‘Don’t you think the boss will mind?’

‘I’m’ kiss ‘sure’ kiss ‘it’ kiss ‘won’t’ kiss ‘bother’ kiss ‘him!’ He leaned down and kissed her passionately until Stella ordered him out of bed. ‘Off to the shower mister!’

15 minutes later Mac emerged from the bathroom seeing an empty bed. He walked into the kitchen to see Stella in just his boxers and shirt which he thought made her look even hotter than usual.

He walked up behind her and snuggled into her as she poured two mugs of coffee. ‘Here you go Captain’ handing him a mug ‘when you have finished, you are going to go to work. Me… I’m off to bed!’ seeing a glint of naughtiness in Mac’s eyes ‘No way, you are going to work. When did you last want a day off work anyway?’

‘When I found a beautiful woman to spend my time with!’

‘You’re not going to be able to charm me Taylor… Off you go!’ And with that she took the mug out of his hands, kissed him for one more time and pushed him out of the apartment, his apartment!
Mmm!! Nikkid Mac, :devil: I'm loving this Natty. Now you're spoiling me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's just like your damn banner. everytime I see it I think of naughty things. :devil: :devil:
Thanks LMH by the way I love your icon!! Where the pics seem to be one :) Any way i'm off to bed I might post tomorrow if not i'll post wednesday.. Goodnight! :)
Mac was in the locker room looking at the mark on his neck that he could just about hide underneath his collar. ‘Thanks very much Stella’ Mac whispered to an empty room as he left.

As he was about to enter his office he saw Stella exiting the elevator not looking her best. When he got closer he noticed that she wasn’t smelly her best either!

‘Wooohhh, ella ow come ou are oo melly?!?!? ’ Mac asked trying not to breath in the fowl smell that was coming off of her.

Stella stopped and gave him a stare that would make most men run a mile. ‘I had to process a scene where the body had been dumped in an over large dumpster!’ Mac started laughing; ‘Now if you don’t mind I am off to have a shower.’

Stella’s temper made Mac extremely excited and thought that he could use a wash as well so he headed towards the shower blocks.

Stella was standing underneath the showerhead allowing the water to run down her body as she tried to get rid of the smell that seemed permanent. Suddenly she felt a set of arms snake around her middle causes her to yelp.

‘Sssshhh, Stella you don’t want to draw attention to yourself!’ Mac said as he began to get excited as he took in the naked form of Stella.

‘Mac what are you doing in here?’

‘I thought you might need help scrubbing your back!’ Mac answered while starring at Stella as she licked her lips.

‘Is that so Captain?’ Stella couldn’t stop herself, she closed the very short gap between them and kissed Mac, the simple touch made them both go weak at the knees. Then Stella felt the effect she was having on Mac, ‘Who was the one who said he didn’t want to take advantage?’ Asked Stella, as one of her eyebrows to rose.

‘But Stella now I have had you I want more, I’m like a kid in a candy shop!’ By now Mac just wanted to take Stella home and have his share.

‘Not here Captain,’ Stella laughed at Macs groan and ‘accidentally’ brushed his gear, ‘But there is always tonight.’ Stella loved to tease him but she knew if she carried on she wouldn’t be able to get out of it! ‘Ok off you go now’ Mac looked slightly offended, ‘What? You don’t think people will get suspicious if we exit the showers at the same time?’

‘Oh ok I get your point I’m off.’ Mac left leaving Stella to finish off getting clean; she never really got her back washed!
Lindsay was sitting in the lad when she noticed Mac exit the Shower block she would have normally forgot about it but five minutes she saw Stella exit the blocks to, both looked extremely happy. ‘Noooo, they can’t be.’ She thought but it might be worth entering the Mac and Stella bet that was going around the lab.

Mac sat in his office doing paperwork while singing/humming quietly to him self.

‘There goes my baby,’

Stella was o her way to give Mac her report.

‘She knows how to rock and roll,’

She opened the door quietly without disturbing him and she caught the words of the song he was sing.

‘She drives me crazy,’

‘I didn’t take you as a Michael Buble fan Mac?’ Mac jumped nearly dropping the mug that he was holding.

‘God Stella, stop doing that!’

Stella walked up to his desk and let on it like she usually. However today she had decided to put on one of her low cut tops which Mac loved but despised at the same time. ‘Here’s my report for the dumpster DB this morning.’

She walked around his desk and reached over Mac to pick up a pen. Mac hated Stella at the moment; they were in his office and with his walls being windows he had to try to hide his squirm as she lent on his groin as she reached across him.

‘Stellaaa, you are going to be the death of me you know that right?’

Stella looked at the PC screen so it looked like they were looking at case photos, ‘Well it’s not a bad way to go is it? Anyway you haven’t signed over your bank account to me yet Captain.’

There was a short silence before Mac said, ‘Stella will you mind getting off me before I do anything stupid!’

‘Yes sir’ Mac sighed at her chosen words as she stood back up to her full height taking her hand of Mac. This didn’t help Mac at all because now he was directly facing her breasts, as he looked up he gulped.

‘Well, erm, I’ve, well, erm, Stel I have got a lot of, erm, work to do!’ Stella laughed as Mac began to stutter.

‘Don’t worry Captain I’m going… oh one more thing I am taking you out tonight….to a club… it’s going to be fun! ’ Leaving Mac alone in his office.

‘Clubbing’ he whispered ‘When do I go clubbing?’