Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

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Yeah see, that annoys me. I still think Marg deserves the lead credits, considering she's one of the leads AND has been with the show longer.

I think she more than deserves it.

I swear these articles are written by people who don't even watch the show!
Well we will have to wait for the very first episode without WP to see how they run the credits on the show. No one has seen the first episode without him yet, so I will wait to see how the credits run until then.
He could also teach Riley some things since she's only a Level 2... unless that task is left up to Greg. But, they're still short handed. I mean there was three who left Sara, Grissom and Warrick (well he didn't leave, but you know...) and they've only gotten two new members (Riley and Langston), so they'll need another one. Whatever happened to Wendy training to be a CSI? Nick could teach her.

They are back to the original 5 CSI's and I personally prefer it that way. I really think Nick will be able to teach a few things to both Riley and Greg, Greg may be a newly level 3 but that does not mean he knows everything. That comes with experience and Ncik certainly has that.

I can see LF being the first in the credits, although I hope its Marg.
I will certainly miss Grissom but I have high hopes for the rest of 9 season, and I'm really curious how LF's character will be presented. What I've seen so far looks promising :) though I'm gonna be peeved if they put him before Marg (actually I'd rather see him at the end of the credits, after Brass, it wouldn't break the 'established' order but still show LF respect)
I think that article has been posted here already. As far as we know. Jorja may not be back and frankly there is no reason for Sara to return since Grissom is gone and with his departure, there's no longer a story arc for the character.

And with new characters on board, there's no reason to really bring her back.

Here's a neat article about Laurence Fishbourne, but there's info on Catherine and Nick's new roles!!:bolian: Yipee!

Dr. Ray Langton, Nick and Catherine!

And before someone says "this has been posted before" yes, but this is from Billy Petersen own lips on "his final arc" the "One Down" which look's to be a two parter~and it is spoiler info, due to the fact that LH is not so far coming back to CSI!!! and NO snarky remarks:(

In part he says Petersen confirms that Sara will figure into Grissom's final arc. I wouldn't want to say exactly what we're going to do--I want people to watch certainly, he chuckled "but Sara is involved" she is going to leave with him... the story is NOT complete till then...and she's not listed in the credits ..yet.. but TPTB always through some surprise into this show, also in the new TV Guide Melinda Clarke [Lady Heather] in a mini interview says~

Q You've also exercised power over Gil Grissom through the years, as dominatrix Lady Heather on CSI. Any chance they'll ride off into the sunset together?
A I haven't filmed anymore epsiodes--I think there was talk of it, but it didn't happen. There's a true, deep love and passion between Sara and Gil, and I think that's what's ultimately motivating him"

PS if you don't have anything nice or positive to say, don't say anything.. thank you:thumbsup:
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I really hope CSI doesn't repeat the mistake of romance between the main characters. I'd be fine if the characters dated outside the team (i.e. maybe Nick and a print tech or even a DNA tech), but not another romance between team members.

But I want the show to go back to being case-based, and it will interesting to see Nick in the role of teacher and leader. And Catherine heading the team.

And one thing I'll be interested in watching is someone who is years older than his teammates being in the entry level position. It's cool to watch someone change careers in the middle of their lives.

Having a romance simply overshadows the cases.

LF is going to do a pretty decent job. I just hope everyone is willing to give him a chance.

So with all this new stuff, I don't see Sara coming back because her storyline is complete-and that sounds snarky, well that's just your perspective.
I think it would be really strange to see LF first in the credits given that his character is a new, Level One CSI. I understand that he's a big name, but that makes it even stranger because a big name could have been brought on to "star" and to take Grissom's place and be lead in the credits, but that's not what they did.

If the scene with Nick and Raymond and the tie is any indication of Nick "teaching", then I'm all for it! :lol:
I think it would be really strange to see LF first in the credits given that his character is a new, Level One CSI. I understand that he's a big name, but that makes it even stranger because a big name could have been brought on to "star" and to take Grissom's place and be lead in the credits, but that's not what they did.
I get what they're doing. Fishburne is Petersen's replacement (i.e. lead actor), but Langston is not Grissom's replacement. I kind of like the idea. Having the lead character not be the guy in charge could give the show an interesting new dynamic.
I think it would be really strange to see LF first in the credits given that his character is a new, Level One CSI. I understand that he's a big name, but that makes it even stranger because a big name could have been brought on to "star" and to take Grissom's place and be lead in the credits, but that's not what they did.
I get what they're doing. Fishburne is Petersen's replacement (i.e. lead actor), but Langston is not Grissom's replacement. I kind of like the idea. Having the lead character not be the guy in charge could give the show an interesting new dynamic.

I agree as I said before, here's a man in his late 40s making a career change and having a man junior to him, Nick, be his teacher. Very interesting dynamic!
This is great news for all the Jorja/Sara fans and she will be in the Jan. 15, episode and also there's a photo of her while filming this ep.10, over on the YTDAW, so that's two places. She wasn't listed in "Dead Doll" in the credits, as well as this one, but they claim that their source is a "trustworthy authority" and she will be in the last ep. of Grissom's final exit! So that would make it her 5th appearance~

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This is great news for all the Sara fans and she will be in the Jan. 15, episode and also there's a photo of her while filming this ep.10, over on the YTDAW, so that's two places. She wasn't listed in "Dead Doll" in the credits, as well as this one, but they claim that their source is a "trustworthy authority" and she will be in the last ep. of Grissom's final exit! So that would make it her 5th appearance~


Sara Palin is coming to CSI?

Wow, she gets around!

But I guess if you're planning on running to be Presiden in 2012, well you gotta get your face out there whereever you can.

I wonder what she'll be in the show. Probably a DA!
I'm a little confused. "Dead Doll" was the ep right after "Living Doll". DD was the continuation of searching for Sara wasn't it? That would mean that it was before Jorja left the show, right? So wouldn't she have still been in the opening credits at that point? Or did the person who posted that message on that site actually mean the recent ep where Grissom went to see Natalie at the mental hospital? I can't remember the title of that episode offhand. But, I doubt Jorja was listed for that one since they only showed flashbacks of Sara from Living Doll and Dead Doll.


To tell you the truth, I actually would kind of like to see Palin on CSI. She's got an interesting personality. She'd probably be good as a DA or even a reporter (since she used to be a reporter in real life).
Confusing I know but click on the 'DEAD DOLL" credits from THE FUTON CRITIC" on the site I posted and Jorja Fox IS NOT listed in the credits, in that ep. that Ausiello person, said she was "probably dead" so we all thought that might be the case, but was she? meaning it was a blockbuster ep. cause she was alive, wandering in the desert well, no need to describe that. And the ep. with Natalie was "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" and she asked Grissom about Sara..who was in it briefly under the car.. so anyways, hope that clears it up for ya':)
Confusing I know but click on the 'DEAD DOLL" credits from THE FUTON CRITIC" on the site I posted and Jorja Fox IS NOT listed in the credits, in that ep. that Ausiello person, said she was "probably dead" so we all thought that might be the case, but was she? meaning it was a blockbuster ep. cause she was alive, wandering in the desert well, no need to describe that. And the ep. with Natalie was "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" and she asked Grissom about Sara..who was in it briefly under the car.. so anyways, hope that clears it up for ya':)

Oh okay. I think I know what happened. They purposelly left her off the credits to make viewers wonder if she was dead or alive. That makes sense. Woulda Coulda Shoulda, that's it. Thanks. I just couldn't remember that title for some reason. :lol: Thanks for clearing that up. :lol: I get easily confused. I think I live in a state of confusion. haha. :D
BINGO you got it.. exactly.. & I forget epsiodes all the time, it's the nature ot the beast.. who can remember them all? and my pleasure:)
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