Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

^ You might need to go to the fan art forum and post it in the wallpaper thread. You probably need to post it with a text link and put a spoiler warning, too. :)
That is really good, that she is only staying around for four episodes. Maybe she is just a fill-in while Sara is in the hospital.
Hey! Has anyone else noticed that the first pic of Warrick looks like the one they used of him in the season 8 ad in Vanity Fair? I think his body position is almost spot on.

Thanks for the pics Erica!
Yes I noticed that!!
thanks for the pics, I wish there were some of Nick & Greg together though. *crosses fingers*
oh yeah, i saw that too. it's a really similar pose...
and, w/ his left hand he's doing the shocker...(not significant, it;s just the way he's pointing)
and, no wedding ring...interesting
Thanks for the pics csiemily!

It looks like Sara's abduction is really going to affect everyone in a different way.