ME EITHER! For every show I've been addicted to I need a fav actress and if she goes, oh well the show just got flushed down the drain...I remember that spoiler now! Calleigh said it was temporary didnt why's everyone on the way to freakin out? Am I missing sumthing?...
The show CAN'T afford losing two actors like Adam Rodriguez and Emily Procter, not to mention two central characters (let's not deny they've been the focus of the show in the last years) like Delko and Calleigh within the season, unless they want to commit suicide. It's not safe, at all for them. Not this years when there are some major changes going on.
I disagree that the show can't afford to lose two central characters. CSI Vegas lost THREE central characters in the span of what two seasons? And they're still doing good in the ratings (for now at least). If Miami writes Eric's exit where he can return now and then (which we've heard they're supposedly going to do), then I think it'll be fine. I firmly and whole-heartedly believe that the others could and would be able to carry the show. I also believe that as long as DC is still on the show, the show's ratings will be fine. They may slip a little when Adam leaves and may slip a little bit more when/if Emily left, but I do not believe that the show would be doomed.
While it would be sad to see Emily leave so soon after Adam, I agree with DeaditeSlayer that Miami would survive both of their departures. No one is indispensable (things may suffer though if DC leaves) and DeaditeSlayer used Vegas as an example of a show losing several actors and still going strong. With the new characters introduced and with ELR, JT and RL being quality actors each capable of carrying an episode, the show will be fine. Besides...
I don't think Calleigh's going anywhere, personally. :thumbsup:
I agree with Wasabi, I don't think Emily is going anywhere.
Eva LaRue could easily pick up the female lead if Emily were to decide to leave. And if they continue to use their heads like they have been in casting new people, and introduce her as well as they did Cibrian's character, I'm sure they could find another female cast member the audience would welcome as they have the current new additions.
Well...considering how they're handling the characters, the storylines and the guest stars....Emily's eventaual departure along with Adam won't be a death blow, at least to me. There's no way to deny that right now everyone especially Eva and Togo can carry on the show 'cause they've done and still are doing a great job with it. Not to mention that they're working with everyone sooooooooo well!
I think Eva and Jonathan could do an amazing job if they are turned lose and allowed to show what they can do. Let's not forget Rex! And the new additions are doing a terrific job.
Eva has been quite good when featured in an episode and everyone saw in WISC what Jon can do. EC, CC and OM are great and interesting additions (EC if they keep writing him the way they are now). I will still watch and believe with DC and the remaining cast, they won't miss a beat:thumbsup: