Originally Posted by Florry86
She's kidnapped....yeah the whole team finds her (thank God for this), but who brought her to home??? Eric...no sign of the team.
She could have died if it hadn't been for her own strength & intelligience, the whole team could have lost her...and what??? Only Eric bring her at home???? No sign of Horatio, no sign of Ryan, no sign of frank, no sign of Natalia , no sign of Aexx (did she know Calleigh was kidnapped??? She had no reactions to it)
Yea, I agree - I'd like to actually SEE the team support and not just "imagine" it happening behind the scenes. I mean, isn't that the point of TV show? To SHOW the relationships?? I hate to sound like a broken record, but look at Seasons 1-2 and see how the team interaction was AWESOME! Speed's gun jams in "Dispo Day" and the entire TEAM is there for him, in one way or another. In "Losing Face," H's friend gets blown up and the TEAM is there for him - wow, four people in one scene - how did they manage that?!
The reason I've watched the show for so long is b/c of the characters. These crime dramas are a dime a dozen. IMHO I think it's the characters that get most people hooked on the show. And to neglect most of their relationships is just stupid. They all have histories together, and they need to be explored through the cases, like they used to, in SUBTLE ways. It doesn't have to be "in your face" or a "going home w/the character" moment (although I really like those - like when H talked to that prosecutor/girlfriend in "After the Fall").
Originally Posted by speed_cochrane
Well like some of the TPTB say, they don't normally like to go home with their characters (The exception being Calleigh/Eric) so who's to say the whole team needs to hold hands everytime something bad happens? In my opinion, the team has shown support but I do agree in this case, there could have been a bit more from the higher-ups--Ie. Horatio. He's the supervisor afterall. He looked after Natalia's shooting situation but didn't even go over and see Calleigh in 'Stand Your Ground'. The priorities are a bit skewed.
They don't have to "hold hands" (although I can just picture the cast spoofing on that and singing "coombaya" between takes :lol: ). I'm just looking for some support from the ENTIRE team, just a "Hey, how ya doin'" type deal, you know? Like when Ryan told Cal in "Going Under": "I'm glad you're OK" - that was sweet. The whole team was there for Cal in that ep., but that was the last time we really saw that team "bond" w/Cal, I think.
I totally agree with the Horatio thing obviously. The guy is so freakin' withdrawn from everyone, but esp. Calleigh. I've mentioned that he's managed to "be there" for every single member of his team this season EXCEPT Calleigh. "Going Under" was the beginning of Season 5 - it's been almost two years, and a lot has happened to Calleigh since, and H was NOT there for her for any of it. That was just poor writing on the part of TPTB, for the simple fact that he's her freakin' boss. PRIORITIES!
How does H go from the man I saw in "Dispo Day" who stood up for Cal when she was dosed, to a guy who doesn't say one word to her after all that's happened? :wtf: How does he let Stetler kick her out of the fire arms lab and not either go w/Stetler or meet Cal afterwards?? Yet he totally had Eric's back in "Shattered," when he popped positive for pot. This year, he was there for Eric ("Bang Bang, Your Debt), Ryan ("Sunblock"), Natalia ("To Kill A Predator") and even Alexx ("Rock and a Hard Place"), but Cal? Just leave your top CSI, your ACE, in the wind - nice job, H.
It just doesn't make any sense.
Originally Posted by speed_cochrane
As for Horatio--ridiculous. He's gotten pretty dark, I can't see how he could possibly get darker. Try to commit suicide?
You know, at least that would make him more human in a way...
It's funny you say that b/c I actually wrote a fanfic w/that idea during Season 5, around the time that the "Man Down" spoilers came out. Even back then, I could see H "snapping," but some expressed surprise to see something written about H contemplating suicide. I actually didn't think it was that far out of an idea, even back then. And now - it's like the man has a death wish. I personally think, even though he has a son and nephew to worry about, the man doesn't care what happens to him, which is kind of selfish in a way. What will happen to Kyle and Ray, Jr. if he dies? And what about the team? Is he so ready to abandon them?
And let me just say this: If Cal doesn't know he's "faking" his death (if that's what it turns out to be), and then she finds out he's alive, I would like to see her seriously pissed at H. I mean, she's been through so much, and then he does THAT to her - leaving her in charge and thinking he's dead.
Does he not think his death will affect her or the rest of the team??
I honestly believe Ryan and H are trying to coordinate something, but I think something went wrong and H got shot by accident. I don't think he was supposed to be bleeding, and there was definitely blood, so...
I'd really just like to see the team rally around H in the HOSPITAL (yea, I don't like the whole "he's faking his death" scenario that much, esp. in light of the fact that it appears he really WAS shot). And I'd also like to see H get his bond back w/the team.
OK - end of rant.