Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Anyways, back to spoilers. I am excited to see Lady Heather again, but at the same time I can't help concerning for her.

Yep...I'm excited to see LH, and not for anything resulting negatively towards GSR. She is just very entertaining. The funny thing is I can see the rating going up on this episode...just because of her! Does anyone know what LH is a victim of?
According to YTDAW, she's found in a saloon passed out..[don't know why] something about a diabetic shock! and won't give up who did this to her, with a whiskey bottle nearby, and a piece of toilet paper with semen on it.. gawd knows what that means :eek:..that's when Sara meets her, she's processing the scene! beings this is a spoiler thread,, everything is subject to change, but he, Grissom goes to the hospital, to see her.. and that's all I read!
So it could be a possible sexual assault case. Ewwwwwwwww...not good. What the heck is CSI's problem this season?

Cath-drugged, nearly rapped, car accident, daughter kidnapped
Greg-beaten up nearly to death
Lady Heather--possible SA and diabetic shock
Sara--possibly kidnapped, hurt, severely hurt, or death
EricaSJ said:
And really, with GSR being canon, I don't think supporters of other ships care about such polls anymore. Since TPTB already made clear which direction they're going, what's the point in voting against it? It's not like they'll change their mind just for some poll results. ;)

Couldn't have said it better! I think most people know the 'clear your cookies' thing. I think it only proves other folks just aren't interested enough in the show any longer. Funny, the ratings seem to say that too.
is it me or is Warrick almost nevr in the episodes now. it seems we see less and less of him. some of the recuring characters have more airtime than him.
I just got done chatting with someone about this...

I remember that Jorja said this season (Season 7) was going to get more personal.

So, we have seen Gris and Sara get personal and get even more personal

what about Nicky?? STILL no resolution from GD
What about Warricks Marriage??? Inquiring minds want to know
Where's Sofia??? (not to mention all the other detectives)
What about Brass and Ellie??

Aren't these personal stories???
Where was the dog spoiler? I missed it but it does explain all the GSR fics with dogs lately. *is happy about more GSR ness but does want other characters to get stuff too*
Did anyone see the New York post article about Jorja fox? I don't want to spoil it here but am I allowed to post a link? And what does everyone think of it? Is it for real?
Yes, it is a spoiler lab and I don't know about everyone else, but I have not seen or heard about this article and am very interested.
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