Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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maybe the spoiler about Sara under the car it's true

OMG! That picture made my day! Look at his face! *dies*

*resurects* He looks like he is in the middle of noticing that there's something underneath the car, and notising WHO it is. I love WP's facial expression in this one. So, perfect.

Another note: Is that car Sara's? I hope she is sitting in it rather than on the outside of the car, being crushed underneath it.
Guys there is a picture thread for future ep pics, and I believe that pic or one similar to it is posted in there, this is the discussion thread lets keep to it please.
I just recieved my new TV Guide May 5-13..and two things were in it about our CSI.. one about Lady Heather returning and the other one a POLL ;)

Lady Heather alert! Our favorite dominatrix played by The O.C's Melinda Clarke, meets up with Grissom.. 5/17! but this reunion is bittersweet, as Grissom is investiagating Heather's near-death, by a sadistic client whom she refuses to give up. And that's noe Grissom's only problem, once Sara expresses uneasiness about her boss/lover's involment in the case. We can hardly blame Sara for being jealous...just look at the evidence we've gathered from Lady Heather's three previous encounters with Grissom.. writer..Meagan Walsh-Boyle

**Season 2, 11/15/01..Lady Heather invited Grissom for afternoon tea (although not firsthand) to the underworld of sadomasochistic sex..complete with chains..whips, leather and latex body suits. he was immediately fascinated!

**Season 3, 2/13/03 Despite their mutual attraction, Grissom treated Lady Heather as a suspect when two of her employees were killed. Nothing like accusing a gal of a crime she didn't commit to sour a relationship!

**Season 6, 2/19/06 The last time we saw Lady Heather, her estranged daughters body had been found in the desert. In an emotional scene Grissom stopped her from getting revenge..and embraced her!

Two pictures of her and Grissom!

The TV Guide poll

Are you glad Lady Heather is coming back to CSI?

85% NO, Grissom and Sara are soulmates!

15% Yes, let Grissom have his fun!

This is from the millions of readers/subscribers of TV Guide!
gsrLOVE said:
Thanks for sharing. *Not too fond of hearing about Sara being jealous* :rolleyes:

at least they are showing continuity. Sara showed jealousy when Grissom showed interest in Sophia (even though they weren't dating, and Sara acted like she owned him :rolleyes:)...

and I don't really pay attention to polls, since online polls are just spammed doesn't really mean anything, other than the GSR fanbase is organized.
It's in Sara's nature to be jealous - I mean, I'd be jealous if my man had involvement with such a hot dominatrix.. But, I mean - I don't want Sara being jealous over.. LADY HEATHER! Errr.

Aren't TV Guide polls unable to multi-vote?
I subscribe to TV Guide but did not vote in that poll. We do not know how many people actually voted in that poll.
Go to their web-site and find that out how many fans voted on this poll!! it would be interesting.. and they've got all the other shows as well "24" and many others so it's NOT GSR based.. it's everyone that reads this magazine.. it also features David Caruso, as well as all the other top shows. and they all had polls for their shows ;)..this was just the one they had featured for this week!
I'm afraid to say this, but given what I've seen and heard about the finale... *clears throat* CSI is about to jump the shark.
I know this will sound dumb, but what exactly is "jumping the shark?" Like, I get the general idea, but why would they call it that?
Stems from Happy Days when the Fonz literally jumped a shark as part of a stunt to try and get the audience back. It's a move of complete desperation and lack of... well, creativity. Not a good thing when a show jumps the shark. There's an article on Wikipedia about it if you want more information.
sarahvma said:
pls, someone knows who wrote LH's episode 7x23?

From what I heard, it was a collaborative effort from several writers.

The final script was penned by Jacqueline Hoyt. She also wrote this season's "Burn Out" and last season's "Spellbound".

I'm shocked to see that Jerry Stahl did not write any of this season's episodes. Maybe after last season's disaster, he's taking a break.
Stems from Happy Days when the Fonz literally jumped a shark as part of a stunt to try and get the audience back. It's a move of complete desperation and lack of... well, creativity. Not a good thing when a show jumps the shark. There's an article on Wikipedia about it if you want more information. basically means the show has gone too far to keep their audience entertained. I am afraid that I so agree with Clarrisani about the show jumping the shark with the finale this season. Its so far fetched...and what's the point of having sara kidnapped? I don't know...guessing maybe to pull in more people for GSR support or.... to get rid of the problem completely. We won't know until maybe it airs. I just wonder why all the GSR drama for the finale if the couple is sooo interesting. :rolleyes:

applaudes the poll regarding it won against Lady Heather. Which basically means nothing considering...she's hardly ever on the show. But besides that...yes it has been proven you can work polls into any favor you like. ;)
Waiting said:
applaudes the poll regarding it won against Lady Heather. Which basically means nothing considering...she's hardly ever on the show. But besides that...yes it has been proven you can work polls into any favor you like. ;)
lol that's true. Some people just like to make it look like everyone has voted, which is not true. And as far as I know, you CAN work polls into your favor. *coughs* I tried multi-vote on msnbc and on the poll at the CSI wiki before it was closed just for testing purpose and I succeeded. *coughs* And really, with GSR being canon, I don't think supporters of other ships care about such polls anymore. Since TPTB already made clear which direction they're going, what's the point in voting against it? It's not like they'll change their mind just for some poll results. To me, this poll result just proved one thing...the GSR shippers are really a united bunch, and I don't mean that in a bad way. ;)

Anyways, back to spoilers. I am excited to see Lady Heather again, but at the same time I can't help concerning for her.
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